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Generic Name: Methenamine Hippurate

Brand Name: Hiprex

Hiprex Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hipprex does work, but you must take Vitamin C with it. However . . . after being on it for years, I now have Neuropathy, (numb feet and ankles). Did some research and found a link, so I think care should be taken not to use this medication over long periods of time.

I have only been on Hiprex for a week, the last few days I've had a horrible taste in my mouth. Has anyone else had the same experience?

I have a smelly discharge for many years. GP has nothing to say about it, just tells me to use canestan cream. Not helping at all. I now started to take Hiprex morning and night. Started 3 days ago. Got a few rashes over my face and one arm, who are swollen and itchy at times. I will try to the end of the 20 pills and reconsider the pro and cons. Not sure yet but I think the smell is already less! Will drink more water now, it might help as well to get rid of the rash.

As soon as so feel a UTI coming on a take 1 Hiprex tablet and it just never ends up getting full blown. I take the tablet for 3 days and then leave it again. Very said only get a UTI anymore. This stuff is magic.

gentle & effective, much better than cranberry capsules. Jackie australia

After being on this med My urine became so acid that it burned all the hair off and my labia became like paper and even wiping with toilet paper caused it to tear and bleed. I stopped it and after using various creams things have healed up quite well. But I now have urgency and frequency that I never had before taking this.I get up 4 times at lest in the night. I'm wondering if it will go back to normal after I've been off it for a while.

I have had recurring uti's for approximately 10 years. I would get one a day after sex. I did everything i was suppose to do to avoid an infection and i tried so many different herbs. Prescription antiobotics helped, but i couldn't take them long term. Eventually i discovered Hiprex. I take one after sex and two the following day and i have not had one uti in over a year since using Hiprex. They do make me slightly nauseous, but that's the only side effect for me. I highly recommend hiprex to anyone suffereing recurring uti's.

seems as though after taking thisfor5yrs it does not work as well getting more frequent cuti use a cathertube for urinary retention need to find something comparable

100% WORKS, take it consistently and you'll see results, nothings else works for me and I hate taking antibiotics. Always have this in my cupboard. Changed my life.

The only drug that worked long term for me. However if you have had long term UTIs you may have poor gut health and need to totally give up carbohydrates, sugar and yeast Since doing so I have not had a UTI. I did have a couple after ceasing Hiprex even though it really worked while I was on it. Giving up carbs is so hard but worth it for health and well being. Have even got my teenage figure back!

I have a decades-long history of UTI's with many courses of treatment. Have been on trimetheprim for 18 years and other antibiotics before that. After a run of several UTI's 2 summers ago, I finally was referred to a knowledgeable urologist who prescribed methenamine (hiprex). Over the next year I had 3 or 4 UTI's but after a short 3 day course of antibiotics, I could go back on the methenamine. It was a vast improvement. I told my urologist what had happened and he suggested not taking calcium at the same time that I take methenamine, to take it 4 hours before or after. I haven't had a single infection since taking his advice. I also take a chewable 500 mg. vitamin C (covers the taste-this pill is nasty) and a cranberry tablet with each and also take a probiotic daily. Calcium I take mid-afternoon and around 3:00 a.m. Believe me, this drug works!

I have suffered from chronic e coli infections that led to regular Stenting surgeries. After ureteral reimplanation surgery I was still getting infections due to reflux. However I recently started hired 6 mths ago and I'm infection free. Great medication, and j too am very thankful my doctor prescribed it for me.

I have had repeated E Colli infections for several years,I started hiprex 4 months ago and have only had One infection since ,I take a vitamin c tablet (1000) twice daily with hiprex to help keep bladder acid !.you need to have healthy liver before you take hiprex .you can buy from pharmacy or get it on prescription small subsidy applies .I am grateful for this medication .it has been excellent so far.

I have had repeated E Colli infections for several years,I started hiprex 4 months ago and have only had One infection since ,I take a vitamin c tablet (1000) twice daily with hiprex to help keep bladder acid !.you need to have healthy liver before you take hiprex .you can buy from pharmacy or get prescription small subsidy applies .I am grateful for this medication .it has been excellent so far.

I am having difficulty passing urine and experiencing discomfort, which would appear to have begun as a side effect after using a bottle of Hiprex (as directed) I have been tested and now do not have a urinary tract infection. Doctors don't seem to know anything about this medication and I am left undiagnosed until I can see a specialist. I am not happy that there was no warning on the bottle.

Great to at last have relief from recurrent UTI's

Can I take Hiprex 3 times a day, as I still have burning and frequency. I am now taking it twice.

After fist chemo treatment for breast cancer I had UTI and it reoccurred 11 times since in 7 months. Put on Hiprex no problem since. What a relief to be free of UTI. One less problem. I take vit C with it but my body is very acid maybe from chemo and radiation?