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Generic Name: Methylergonovine Maleate

Brand Name: Methergine

Methergine Drug and Medication User Reviews

I miscarried likely January 23. Three weeks later, I was still carrying all the pregnancy tissue. I was prescribed misoprostol, which started working within a half-hour of the first dose. I cramped (badly) and bled for 12 days. With the bleeding down to almost nothing I went in for a check-up. The ultrasound showed that while I had passed the gestational sac and fetus, other tissue still remained. I was prescribed methylergonovine orally (0.2mg every six hours for 24 hours) and told to take the rest of the week off work. I started taking it Thursday morning, along with tylenol with codeine for the pain. The codeine made me dizzy all day. The methylergonovine made me nauseous so I had to sleep propped up. I took all four doses (including getting up at 2am to take the last dose) and nothing has happened. I have not bled or cramped at all and I have a terrible headache that won't go away. Funny that this is also used to treat migraines.

I suffer from chronic migraine & my doctor prescribed methergine as a "cycle breaker" on and off for several years. It was very effective at breaking a multiple-day migraine. This past Fall, I was having headaches so frequently, that my Dr put me on it as a preventative and I am thrilled to have a normal life again. I'm told that I will only be able to take it for a few months and then take a break. This makes me nervous about how serious the long term side effects might be, but being able to live without headaches may be worth it.

After going through a miscarriage around 12 weeks, the ER doctor consulted with the OB on call and as I was bleeding heavily, though almost getting readyto be discharged. However it was decided to give me a methergine injection. Not 10 minutes later I wasfeeling nauseous and told my husband I felt like I was going to black out. That was the last I remembered til I came to 10 minutes later. I had had a grand mal seizure (tonic/clonic/post tictal) It was horrific. They ended up admitting me for observation. If not for the reaction to the medicine I would've been home with a lot fewer bills!!

Given to me following an abortion. Caused me to feel as if i was about to vomit, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, numbness and tingling throughout my chest along with severe pain and heaviness right in the center of my chest.

Although this medication was effective for controlling/preventing postpartum hemorrhage, I had a very weird reaction to it. After the intramuscular injection in the hospital I felt very strange. Almost as if I was out of my body. Difficult to explain but I very much did not feel like myself at all. I chalked it up though to just the excitement and exhaustion after giving birth. About 6 to 8 hours later I finally felt "normal" again. Two weeks later I began to experience some gushing bleeding so I was prescribed some Methergine tablets. After the first tablet I had the same bizarre feelings. I could not wait for it to get out of my body so I could feel back to myself again. Twenty years earlier I had taken this same medication for some postpartum bleeding and had no side effects whatsoever at that time. After this last time and my freaky reaction I will not ever take this drug again unless my life depended on it.

Didnt do anything positive. what are the effects on fertility? better let your body heal with time.

Prescribed to me after I had a miscarriage and I had blood in my uterus left from passing the pregnancy. Made me dizzy and slight cramps but not enough to take pain medicine.

Has relieved my migraine in combination w/ steriod dosage. Dr. chg'd from Tompamax to this. Horrible severe musclular cramps from between shoulder blades all the way down back into hips and legs. Has anyone else suffered from contracting body muscles. My current dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

I took this med after an incomplete abortion, for "retained products". Anyway, I took it for 3 days and on the 4th and 5th day I had severe and debilitating cramps. I even went to the ER for the pain, and I've never been to the ER in my adult life for anything, that's how bad the pain was. If I knew it was going to be that bad, I would never have taken this pill. I was on the couch in horrible pain for 72 hrs!!! I couldn't get more than 4 hrs of sleep at any given time because I would wake up in pain. Motrin, Vicodin, and Tylenol was hardly effective in controling the pain. As far as it being effective, I guess it did what it was suppose to do, but I sure paid the price with pain! In short, if I would've know....I would not have taken this drug and would've opted for the D and C instead. I don't even know if that kind of pain is typical or not, haven't been able to find out that information online, and I haven't been able to get a straight answer from any healtcare provider. If you take this med, be prepared for pain and heavy bleeding (if taken for similar reason). I would do it when you can plan to take time off work, etc. It was a rough go for me and would never do it again!!!!

I have only been on this mediaction a short time,I suffered everyday with migraines,now I'm almost free,its fantastic. I hope there will not be any bad side effects.

Given after an abortion. Has given me painful cramps each time that I have to take ibuprofen with which seems like it would negate the effects. I was told this medicine would both help with the uterus to control bleeding and the cervix to close back up so it seems like I need it but it's not a nice medicine to take.

puts you in labor pretty much to get all the stuff out , I had a misscarrage that I wouldnt pass.

dolores has migrines 365/24/7

I am using methergine for migraine. Combined with Motrin 600 mg trhee times a day it has been effective in cutting my migraine rate in half from ~12/month to 5-6/month. I am concerned about on-line comments of long term effects of atrery hardening.

I was placed on this med for migraines just 4 weeks ago..I for the first time in 10 yrs have reduced my migraines by half..I have been on several treatments this is the best thus far

I have been on this medication since 1988 to treat migraine. It was very effective for me and although as I get older I do not need to take it as often, it was a lifesaver for me. I took it daily for many years.

I was prescribed this medication for Head Pain Treatment. However, after being on it for 6 months, I must go off it for month. At that time, I must have a chest x-ray, MRI of the abdomen and echo. This scares me that there could be some serious side effects to this medication if this has to be done every six months.

Was put on this medication after having retained placenta at 6 weeks PP, bleeding heavily, since taking the meds, its slowed down but still quite heavy and bright red.