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Generic Name: Methylphenidate Hydrochloride Extended Release Oral Suspension, CII

Brand Name: Quillivant XR

Quillivant XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

My five year old son has severe ADHD and started taking this medicine on a low-dose about a month ago. He zones out on the TV, he gets very quiet, and explains that he feels like he’s going to “blow up” or go crazy. My 11 year old daughter says something very similar about it when she takes the medicine as well.

My 8 year old just started this medicine today. She has been talking alot but also she has been curling her lip when she talks which shes never done before, keeps licking her lips and yawing...is this normal????

My son has been on this medication since he was 2 years old and I notice he has been loosing weight he eats a lot has a great appetite and sleeps normal doesn�t seem to be zombied and tired now he in elementary but the weight gain has been my concern overall great medicine.

My 7 yr old son was diagnosed ADHD and has been on this medication for about a week. (I know, not a long time), however,,,he is like a different kid. A better, calmer version of himself. He can focus in school, actually getting his work done ON TIME and COMPLETE. He is getting good reports from his teacher(s). It has not affected his eating and has not shown any negative side effects (yet). As of right now he is on 2.5 ml after a hearty breakfast. I have not yet had to give him a booster during the day. Overall, I am very happy with this medication.

Worked very well, but with supply chain issues (hasn't been in stock now for months) and continuous complications with manufacturer supplied coupons (unaffordable otherwise), this drug is not worth it. I would strongly advise finding another drug.

My 8 year old daughter takes this medicine. We used Adderall for a year. The difference is drastic. She is doing well at school. Looks forward to reading. Is focused and kind. Test scores improved. She is eating better and sleeping better. She is happier and I am happier. She is bit more sensitive but I'll take it.

My daughter has been on this medicine for about 4 months. The first month she was on 4ml and no real change so we upped it to 6ml and again, no real change. Then it was changed to 8ml. That worked for a little while. Then it was 8ml with a 2ml "booster" around 2pm if needed. Well after about a week of 8ml she was like a zombie. I lowered it again to 6ml and she was still like a zombie. Now she's back down to 4ml and some days it works and some days it doesn't. She's also started biting her nails to the point where they sometimes bleed. She was never really a nail biter before. I don't understand how the starting dose of 4ml works well some days and makes her like a zombie others. This is supposed to be long acting but it seems to me like it isn't. It's all hitting her at once.

I got this for my 5 year old daughter, who has high functioning autism. This medication works well; she was finally able to focus and follow directions, and she was a lot happier since being on it. Unfortunately, there is one side affect that makes me caution parents thinking about giving it to their child. This medication made my child so scared and paranoid about irrational fears, that I eventually took her off this medication, despite the very positive benefits. When she is on this medication, she is scared of every little thing, usually crying and screaming over imagined things. She was once a curious and eager child, so excited to try new things, but on the medication she suddenly changed into a scared girl that found fear in every situation, no matter how innocent and safe (ex: blowing bubbles suddenly became scary!!) She would sometimes tell me that she was thinking about something scary and then couldn't stop thinking about it. She became jumpy at every noise or movement. She started thinking about the worst case scenarios whenever something went wrong or didn't make sense to her. I tried to make this work. I gave her lower doses, higher doses, took drug holidays, made sure she took it on an empty stomach and then on a full stomach. I made sure to get rid of things in my house that could be potentially scary. I tried splitting the doses up during the day. I tried so hard to make this work, because it is a great medication. I tried for over a year.... but nothing worked. I had to call a quits. She's been off the medication for one week and is 100% back to normal.The change was so sudden that I had almost forgotten what she had been like before being put on medication. Yes, she is back to being unfocused and is back to having trouble following directions, but I would rather deal with that than having to see my daughter live in fear and developing paranoia.

My daughter is 6. She has been taking it for about a month (4ML) Daily in the morning before school. She also has mild autism. This has helped significantly at school and really helps her focus. The only drawbacks I have noticed is decreased appetite and minor difficulty going to sleep at night.

Our 7 year old son takes 3 ML each morning before school around 8:30 am. His in-school behavior has improved a ton, teachers are very happy. Around 5 pm we find he stops listening well and goes back to his frustrating behaviors, doesn't settle for bedtime, etc. Still figuring out what to do about the evening time. But overall this medicine has let him keep his sparkly self and be successful at school which was the main need.

My 7 year old takes this daily.... it is very easy for me as a parent and it appears that she is happier when taking it. I had to take her off for 3 months because she developed a choking phobia and lost a ton of weight. Once she conquered that and her weight went up.... we put her back on quillavent. She is happier and we see major difference in her school work. Down side.... it only lasts 6 hours and no second dose... So she can have some tough evenings. But she has more patience after having it to help her cope through the day.

My 8 year old daughter has been on this medicine for over a year. Total difference this medicine has made on her abilities at school and at home. However, she seems to be experiencing some side effects but I want to know why all of a sudden they are showing up? Wouldn't it show within the first few months?

My son is 7yrs old and has been on quillivant for several months now! His grades improved, his behavior at school as well! It's so nice to finally hear his teacher saying positive things and praising my son for once instead of "he didn't have a good day". When it wears off he's just more active I'm blessed he doesn't get irritable, and one thing I love is that my son is still himself and doesn't turn in to a zombie he still has an appetite nor does he lose sleep like some reviews mentioned. Not ever medication is going to work for everyone but I'm sure glad this one is working just fine for us!

My grandson has begun taking this medicine. I wanted to share, as when he first started (very low dose, 1 ml in the am, also on intuniv), I thought it was terrible as he was super emotional as it would wear off. The doctor added an afternoon dose, and it is night and day especially as the dosage was tweaked and increased slightly. She explained that his reaction was due to the meds wearing off creating a swing. The additional dose in the afternoon eliminated those additional swings. If you are seeing issues (irritability, emotional outbursts/tantrums) be sure to talk to the med provider about adding an afternoon does!! Problems include: extremely expensive and very difficult to get the prescriptions filled, especially without a gap in between the existing and new prescriptions. Liquid is less convenient than a pill (not a major factor) and scheduling doses around school schedules is a bit tricky (dosing in school has its own myriad of issues so we avoid if possible).

My 7 year old son has been taking 6ml for a month now and this drug when it wears off is a nightmare. He has such bad insomnia. He doesn't sleep for very long if at all. He doesn't eat during the day he eats all night long this medicine started out great but now all the side effects are not worth it.

My 7 year old started Quillivant XR several months ago, and we could not be more pleased! Comparing his spelling tests from before he started, to his spelling tests now...the difference is night and day! He just got his report card, and he has improved in all areas! There were two times we forgot to give him his meds, and one of those days was a spelling test day....needless to say, you could absolutely tell just by looking at his test that he didn't have his meds. I waited 3 yrs of teachers telling me ADHD might be something worth looking into, before I finally agreed to meds. I think it is one of the best decisions we made for him. He likes to take them, and reminds us when we forget. He is so much more confident now. I'm definitely a huge supporter.

This medicine is a life saver to my 8 year old son. Not only has his general attitude improved, his academics have increased and his teachers comment about his better grades and ability to maintain thought and complete a task without being out of his seat. The times he has missed a dosed have been horrible. It shows me the medicine is absolutely necessary- life is already difficult, why make it more by not giving him something that is effective!

My son is 11 and has been on this med for 18 months. This is the first drug we tried after diagnosis of ADD and it's been a perfect fit for him. He gets about 10 hours of effectiveness each day. He's fine at school but it's worn off by the time we get through dinner and homework. We do notice irritability if he skips a day.

My 9 yr old started this drug 7 months ago. Normal starting dose of any child on ritalin is 20mg. Which would equal 4ml of Quillivant XR. We started at 2.5 ml and worked our way up to 5 within the last 7 months. 5ml, is 20 mg of extended release ritalin. Thise complaining about not seeing results who are at less than 5ml are not even at the normal starting dose yet! Get permission to go up a 1/2 or full ml every week until you get to the usual starting dose of 20mg which is 5ml is the dosing syringe that comes with it. You wont really know how well it is working until you get to this normal lowest avearge dose. My child get 8-9 hrs of complete coverage, with a slow let down the other 2-3 hrs. We have added a very low dose of a 5mg short acting ritalin at 3 pm to get him through homework and bedtime and after school activities.( Quill. XR dose is at 7am) He has no side affect symptoms, his slight nervous tics acutally went away after starting this med. His appetite is normal and the booster is not effecting his sleep.

My daughter is 8, and we have been taking this probably since October 2014. Teacher sees great results. My issue is the continous rubbing her hands and rubbing her face all the time. Almost seems like a tick...She takes 8.75 ml and i just lowered it to the 8 to see if I notice a chang