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Generic Name: Mifepristone

Brand Name: Korlym

Korlym Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have cushings but on your web md site you list 2 drugs that cannot be used with this need fix info when i have my bladder cancer surgery to cut out the cancer i must stop the stop the korlym. You cannot get korlym from reg pharmacy i have go thru sparks program have tumors on both adrenal glands took every endocrinologist for years tested me at wrong time afternoons late took years finally get good endo 2017 and think price is very high i take 900 mg cost 54, 890 dollars a month and help where is it i had see dr in fl that did her report opposite of my medical records sent me bill 166 i refuse to pay she didnt pay attention and had all my records with me. And i still produce adrenaline have take 3 temazapan, 3 alprazolam takes 5 hours to get to sleep and only sleep 3 hours so why are drs not addressing that?? Just found out Korlym made my uterus grow to 28 cm when should only be 4 cm so cuz of the drug you failed to inform women they will need full hysterectomy not happy plus it also thickens uterus making it harder to remove . And yes lost CORTISOL belly fat but now need surgery cuz of the drug. Just added it to side effects never read it in booklet first taking it. And drs need to do more your sex drive completely gone hair falls put adult acne and think its damn shame at the cost. Well wish anyone on it good results but be your own advocate this web md had not mentioned uterus issue and 2 drugs predisone cannot take nor any steroid so call sparks program get correct info. Good luck & God bless you all

Mild headaches,loss of appetite and extreme fatigue were the only side effects that I had and they are slowly going away. Excellent results with lowering my bs. A1C went from 7.1 to 6.3 in 2 1/2 months. Off all injectable insulins.

Turned back the clock with symptoms and biochemical deficits. Going thru cortisol withdrawal can be hard but once last thst, you’re good. Saved me.

Better have great insurance !super expensive but does keep the cortisol at bay pretty good. very hard to get at first because almost all Dr.'s have not heard of it.So make sure the Dr's staff are good.Seems to affect the teeth but that could also be because i was on it for quite awhile.