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Generic Name: Naloxegol Tablets

Brand Name: Movantik

Movantik Drug and Medication User Reviews

I take Oxys for Chrinic pain mostly due to pelvic adhesions. Took 1, yes ONE Movantik & I think I am being ripped apart & gonna die! Within 30 minutes from 1st dose, I was in bathroom & was completely cleaned out. I have severe sharp pains in my whole belly & have had water shooting out of me for last 2 hours & right now it is 3 hrs since I took that 1st pill. I can't do this every day. I feel like I'm gonna die here on bathroom floor.

Works fast for me. However I end up with severe diarrhea or just liquid. I also end up with hemorrhoids!

I have been taking Tramadol 50 mg 3xday. I have Spinal Osteoarthritis going on 7 years. I recently tried Methadone 1mg 3xday. This med worked well for pain relief, then I started having constipation issues. My Pain Doctor got me a Rx for Movantik 12.5mg. I followed the instructions and for 8 weeks it worked very well. I would only take it, if I did not have a BM for 2-3 days. It still worked Ok. During week 9, I had my first event. I had very sharp Heart burn like chest pain. I took zantec 2x and the pain slowly subsided. Week 10, I ate Blue Berries and had a rectal blockage that lasted 6 hours -worst pain ever!! Used Prep-H suppositories (2) and the blockage finally passed. Continued to take Movantik as needed. Week 11: I got up at 3 am, to use the washroom. Decided to have a coffee before returning to bed. While making coffee, I started to feel Chest Pains. Within 15 minutes I have the Worst Chest Pain Ever!! I almost collapsed. I had a heart operation 6 months prior(angiogram stint) and I had Nitro-Glycerin for possible chest pain. I took 2 shots under my tongue. Within an hour every thing returned to normal. I went back to bed. Next Morning when I explained what had happened, my family freaked out. Went to the ER and got tested. Negative results for a Heart Attack. The Nitro kept me up for 36 hours, but I felt Ok as my normal pain levels were very low. Week 12: I looked into User Comments about Movantik. It was then I understood what mu-opioid receptor Antagonists are all about. The principle ingredient in Movantik is Naloxegol Oxalate an Antagonist for Opioids. Still, I only cut back a little on this med, as I still had NOT connected the DOTS. Week 13: Exactly 1 week later I had another Attack, Worse than the Last One!! Again I took Nitro-Glycerin Spray (2 shots under the tongue) and with in 60 minutes the Chest Pain had stopped. I was exhausted and stayed awake for the next 3 days. These Pain Episodes were the result of Sudden Opioid Withdrawal. Movantik and Methadone have the Worst possible combination of Drug Interaction. I see my GP Doctor in a few days. I am going back to Prunes, Prune Juice and Magnesium Citrate for constipation relief. I also stopped taking Methadone and just take more Tramadol as needed. Hope this info helps someone!!

Works faster than predicted. Causes cramping and diarrhea. A whole pill was too much for me. I've been taking opiates for back pain over 10 years. It did work. And the first day I was impressed but surprised it worked in like an hour. It says 12 or so. Then 3 days after stopping. Abdominal pain, lethargic. Felt terrible and scared. And im a pretty tough old guy 250 6ft . So it will work. But im trying only a 3rd of a pill. And that was after being off it for 5. I was in the bathroom within an hour or 2. Cramping again. I don't know what to think. I do know in my case . A much smaller dose is needed. And not every day. Maybe every 2 days. Will have to wait and see. But for mee there were side effects that were unpleasant.

I've been taking movantik for a little over a year ( 25mg) at the beginning it worked very well but as lately nothing except crazy cramping and cold and hot feeling. So all I have to say is that it will work at the beginning but after 4 or 5 months it will achieve everything but going to the bathroom and they are expensive ( $423) a month

Did absolutely nothing for me. I took for 2 years, not really understanding that there are other options out there. Currently searching for something different.

3 year methadone maintenance patient. The worlds worst OIC EVER! I bled from booty each pooh. Take this upon waking and although with a bit of tummy rumble and hard stool up front. Out comes shooting semi soft turds! Pooh away!! Off to work. No more feeling like I had a baby out the booty.

Worst pain ever and no BM

It seems obvious that different people have wildly different reactions to this drug. I am one of the "lucky" ones, I guess! I have been on relatively mild daily doses of Oxycodone for severe back pain and got tired of drinking huge amounts of water and eating a dozen stewed prunes per day in an effort to overcome the constipation. (I don't even like prunes very much-- too sweet.) So I asked my dr. for advice on overcoming OIC and was prescribed Movantik. After a brief tussle with my prescription insurance it was approved. I now have been taking it (first thing in the a.m.) for a week with NO cramps, NO vomiting, NO bad side effects. However, I still am not totally free of constipation -- stools are very hard and come in clumps. I only can "go" every few days (in the good old days, before opiods, I was going daily), and I have to strain hard to get what results I do get. I'll continue the Movantik for a while longer, and maybe slide some prunes back into my regimen, hoping to get my system regulated properly.

I've been on morphine now for 2 years and before taking Movantik I was on docusate and probiotics per Dr. I still had problems going and only went once every other week. Taking Movantik now for 6 months and I've not experienced any problems and go at least once to twice a week. I've seen the bad reviews other people have left and I've only had slight problem with sweating. I love it!

Absolutely the worse pain I have ever been in! It cleared my out totally..then the cramping started. Please don't take it! I only took one pill!

I am on suboxone so it may be a little different for me. I have taken this medication late in the evening on and off for weeks and not much BM. But I started taking for the last 4days in an row and wow what a difference. It helped me a ton and almost seems like I had a colonic at home. Works for me. Crampin was heavy at 1st but it works and I'm so grateful! Tried everything including colonics and this is much easier and can do it at home!

Movantik has been great the past couple of days. It takes a week to get over the initial cramping, and the first day of omg out of the way of the bathroom. I recommend taking it after you get home for the day until the initial cramping wears off. Taking it first thing in the morning could be dangerous until cramping period wears off in a week. Driving while your intestines are in knots could cause a car wreck.

I was so disturbed and scared by the comments that it almost stopped me from trying this drug. This medication is working for me, although it is not perfect. I do have at least 4-5 bowel movements per week. This is much more better than it was in years past. I lost 10lbs the first 2 weeks because I was no longer carrying around weeks worth of waste. I did have mild side affects (a little mild cramping, sweaty for the first hour but these went away after 3 doses) the first couple of days. I would rather have a few mild side effects than waste sitting inside of me. I also changed my diet to mostly low fat organic, drink 10 glasses of water a day (the fluid keeps the intestines moving) and started walking in my treadmill, needing pain management our bodies have different needs. Don't let the bad reviews stop you, this is a safe medicine. I think our minds make things worse when we see negative reviews. Just take it AS PRESCRIBED on an empty stomach. I had a bowel movement within an hour. I now take it once a week and have 1-2 bowel movements regularly. Don't expect a magic cure, light exercise and water does wonders with this medication and chronic pain.

This is rough stuff not for faint hearted. It works great, in finally relieving constipation. However, expect 45min-1hr of cramps and pooping. So bring a magazine, phone or something to bathroom cause your not going anywhere for an hour or so. But it's does work when nothing else did.

OMG!! What a horror story!! I would have been better off calling the Roto Rooter Man than taking this drug! Heavy cramping, withdrawal, nausea, the whole gambit of opiate withdrawal symptoms after going to the bathroom. I'd rather be constipated!! I am 3 days out from my last dose and I am still sick from the effects of Movantik. I am reporting this drain cleaner to the FDA!

The first 2 or 3 days it was somewhat successful after that only the side affects are obvious.

Within 15 minutes I had stuff coming out of me from both ends. So I guess it work, buts... After a couple of hours vomiting, diarrhea-ing, severe abdominal and back pain, violently shaking, sweating and freezing, I called am ambulance. Severe instant withdrawal. I've never been so sick. At the hospital, along with rehydration, they treated me with more opiates.

After a couple of years taking various and increasing doses of different opiates, I was pooping intermittently, but began having intestinal troubles. My doc gave me two sample packs and directed me to take one each morning for six days. The first morning, an hour after taking, stomach cramps and nausea began. It got worse for another couple of hours, then steadied. The day was a waste due to the discomfort. After calling my doc, she suggested taking the next dose before bed so that I could sleep through the discomfort. The next morning I woke feeling better, and had a very soft BM. There was only a little cramping. On the third dose, there was almost no cramping, and the following morning had a fairly regular BM. By the fourth dose, there was no discomfort. My BMs seemed back to normal. I have been through the six prescribed doses for several days, and my system seems back to normal.

It definitely worked first time I used it, however it caused horrid stomach cramps. I got a couple of sample packs. I have been on pain meds for years and never had an issue until I got pneumonia and it took 2 rounds of antibiotics to get over it and I have been stopped up ever since 2 months. Normally a high fiber diet with plenty of nuts and 2 Activia a day worked. Years this worked. I won't pay $300 for them that is for sure.