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Generic Name: Naproxen and Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed Release Tablets

Brand Name: Vimovo

Vimovo Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was put on vimovo on Sunday for sharp nerve pain due to a herniated disc in my back and I have had zero relief. It is simply not working. Taking it twice a day an hour before food but I may as well be taking nothing.

Subscribed drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Absolutely no effect. Just as well I ate Smarties.

Not sure why people are so ignorant of their medications. This is Naprosyn Sodiun, same drug as Alleve and the side effects are from IT. The other drug is simply to try to buffer the harsh effects of Naprosyn Sodium on your G I tract. It's not a drug, but a combo, no different than taking the two seperate drugs together, but for really lazy people who cannot handle that.

Although this medication worked well for my arthritis and was seemingly tolerable because of the Nexium in the formula, after 6 months it caused severe and irreparable damage to the lining of my stomach. I ended up being hospitalized and was diagnosed with chronic, permanent microscopic colitis. I will have this condition for the rest of my life. If I could sue the manufacturer of this drug, I would.

Massive diarrhea and stomach pain. Affected my appetite. Had to stop treatment after a month

Worked great until I developed diarrhea!!!!

This drug caused heavy and unexpected bleeding. Will not take this again. Bleeding lasted for over 3 weeks only after being on this for 14 days. Heart rate spiked too - not worth the side effects

I was prescribed this medication after having foot surgery. I took it for 5 days and noticed feeling like my blood pressure was high. Went to post op appointment and BP was 173/103. I had decided the night before not to take Vimovo anymore. The doctor agreed to stop the meds. If you have hypertension (high blood pressure) DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE. I have been in the hospital for 2 days trying to get my pressure down and relieve the pressure in my chest.

I have been suffering from Achilles tendinitis since October 2017. I have tried physical therapy, deep tissue massages, stretching, ice and heat treatments. I called my dr. and he prescribed the Vimovo. I started taking it on Saturday, but Sunday night I couldn't sleep because of pain in my gut. I have not taken anymore. I'll go back to Advil and Turmeric.

I started taking Vimovo due to ulcers i develpoed from Naproxin. Been on it for over a year. It wasnt till I stopped that I noticed my severe agitation stopped too. I had horrible mood swings. Yes it worked for my Fibro and multiple back issues but made me miserable in other ways. Not to mention I still had ulcers.

I started taking Vimovo 6 months ago and was taking 500 mg twice a day. It really did make a difference in my knees, but then I noticed that I was having a lot of stomach pain, constipation and not sleeping great. My doctor took me down to 1 a day and my knee went back to hurting like crazy. I decided to try 2 a day again and now I am having terrible stomach issues. I'm frustrated. At 50, I am not ready to have my knees replaced. I have lost 70 pounds and am trying to work out, but finding it impossible w/my knee pain. I just want something that will relief the knee pain for at least 10 years. UGH

Severe vomiting and diarrhea while taking this medicine. Numbness to hands and feet also occurred. Pretty sure it was causing issues with either my live or gallbladder, as I was vomiting green bile.

Vimovo is a bit scary to me, but it has been very helpful. Naproxen is known to raise bp and risk of stroke, while the proton pump inhibitor may raise issues with kidney function. However, I was gulping 1500 mg of aspirin OR 600 of naproxen per day anyway. That's scary, too. I found out that Vimovo has a long lasting effect for me. It keeps me relatively free of pain for 3 days. So, I take an a.m/p.m./a.m. dose and then run for 3 days without anything. Nothing. Just my own observations. Hope I haven't increased any side effects risks.

Vimovo has worked wonders for my arthritis pain. I was taking 4 Aleve a day plus 4 Nexium all OTC dose as prescribed by my physician. I am now able to take 1 Vimovo twice a day and it works great. No stomach burn or nausea. And a lot less pills !

I have been taking for about a week. It works great on my severe arthritis hip pain, but I feel a little dizzy and keep having heart palpitations. Probably not for me long term.

Vimovo has been an improvement vs other NSAID drugs. Unfortunately, the drug companies price for it has resulted in it being removed from all Medicare Part D formularies. As a result out of pocket.drug costs will increase by $20,000+ dollars for 2016. So the current choice is to return to more severe rheumatoid arthritis pain with stiffness or take this helpful drug and have a financial heart attack. The manufacturer for this drug apparently wish to remove the fixed income senior population from their clientele. Prefer to purchase our meds in the USA, but for whatever reason some USA companies prefer to provide their products to other countries for less cost.

I have an infection in my jaws (a long story) which make my jaws klick when I open my mouth.It is just annoying, no actual pain. I was prescribed 2 bills a day. On fourth day I was so sleepy, slept almost the whole day, I didn't feel like eating, severe muscle painpain,headache and neck pain,I was drinking litres of juice, heartburn,no strenght at all and depressive thoughts. Quite soon after the evening med I vomited six times. This will be the end of my experiment with Vimovo.

The arthritis pain in my knee has almost completely been relieved which I am extremely pleased with - but the numbness in my hand & possible muscle weakness in my arms may cause me to cease taking the drug. I have been blaming these side effects on the arthritis in my neck, but sleeping has become almost impossible, which I read could also be a side effect as well. It seems that I was putting off going back to my physician that prescribed it for a bunch of silly excuses, but now that I will be out of town for a week, I wonder if I should stop using it? At first I thought it was the miracle I was hoping for relief for the pain in my knee, but I have to think twice now about it. Disappointed, but considering taking only one? I know that I need to consult with physician - but wanted to share that I thought it did a fantastic job for my knee arthritis..but worried about the increasingly possible side effects :(

Really no relief from pain. Felt very nauseous and had a tinny taste in my mouth the whole time. Quit taking over two weeks ago and while the nausea has gone away, my taste buds have not returned. Will not go back on.