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Generic Name: Nifedipine Extended Release Tablets

Brand Name: Procardia XL

Procardia XL Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed this drug for High blood pressure. Three months after taking this drug I noticed I started having excruciating pain in my lower back. This drug sent me into acute renal failure. I had difficulty urinating. I noticed when I tried to urinate I could only produce a drizzle of urine. That was totally unusual for me because generally I have a strong stream of urine. However this time I had to push to try to produce the drizzle. I immediately discontinue this medication four days later my urine flow was restored to normal. This is not the drug for me I will pursue natural alternative instead.

I was given procardia to take when I was diagnosed with preeclampsia about 3-4 weeks after giving birth to my daughter. Worked with lowering BP but gave me horrible migraines and flushing, warm feeling all over my body. I stopped taking after about 3 months and began a workout program and watching my diet and sodium intake.

I decided to take this med at night as I had heard it would make me sleepy. It sucks. I feel exhausted the entire day as well as waking up with a nasty headache that acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine tabs wont touch. I will not be taking this med any longer.

I was originally put on Procardia for my second time with preeclampsia, chronic hypertension and nothing else was working. Readings shot up to 210/109. My readings came down, still high, but took a few weeks to get back to normal numbers. I started noticing some side effects immediately. Headaches, extreme fatigue, tremors and twitching, itchy bumps on upper arms. More and more side effects seem to be showing up after a little over 2 months on it. Vertigo has progressed to a constant feeling of being on an elevator or boat, floating feeling, hands swelling, sometimes light seems to dim and it's harder to focus my eyes. They almost feel like they're vibrating at times, an internal buzzing. Chest pain mostly on left side going into my arm, my back, up the front

I started this med when I was pregnant with my 1st child at the age of 32. I was dianosed with Preeclampsia and then Toxamenia. Due to these conditions, I have had permanent HBP that I need to control with medication. I have not had any side effects on this medication and have been able to keep my BP under control with it and throughout all three of my pregnancies.

Started on 60mg increased to 90 mg x2. Swelling in my ankles is horrible. I will start exercising more and discontinue med.

I went to see my Dentist about my gums starting to grow over my teeth. She asked me was I taking Procardia. I shockingly said yes. This is one of the side effects that I have experience along with frequent urination.

Since starting this med, I have been extremely tired in the mornings until 2:00pm. Muscle and joint pain, my feet are on fire, constipation has gotten worse. Side effects are terrible. 60mgs x 1x per day. Going to lessen the mgs and see if that helps. If not we try another one.

I have been taking Procardia XL for almost two years. When i first started this medication it worked great. But i had to stop taking Procardia XL because my ankles and legs where swelling so bad.

Have been taking Procardia XL 90 mg for nearly 5 years for HBP and has been very effective but the side effects have been getting progressively worse. Terrible joint and muscle pain, gas, indigestion, slight dizziness, gum problems, no libido, hair loss, etc. The most annoying is that my feet and hands feel like they are scalded. Dr lowered my dose just the other day. Hope it helps.

9 months on Procardia for angina. Usually tired, leg muscles hurt, swelling in hands and feet when spending long hours standing, headache common, nighttime urination X 2-3 times per night, nighttime fast heartbeat, palpatations not improved. But haven't had to use nitro once....am working on more exercise and hydration.

I started taking this 3 weeks ago for HBP. I was on HCTZ for 1 week w/o good results. Now I take this, too. On HCTZ, I felt great, no swelling in lower extremities, no SOB, no palpitations. I dropped 8 lbs of bloat the first week. Unfortunately my BP didn't respond as would have liked. So I was put on this in addition. I feel like crap. I'm tired. I now have "kankles" even with light support hose all day. I get flushing and sometimes it feels like something picking at my face or where my ankle swell. Called the Dr. after first week.He told me he wasn't concerned and to keep taking. Don't feel as good on this and it's only helping my BP ever so slightly. There has to be something else.

Been taking for over 3 months; noticed I've been dizzy 10-12 hours later, ever since. Was told I have vertigo, but not thoroughly convinced == too coincidental with timing of Procardia XL. Anyone else get this dizziness?

Wonder if anyone experienced really bad joint pain from this drug. Started 2 weeks after starting. Get dizzy and pressure goes too low; it's been adjusted for XL every other day.

I took this drug for gallbladder problems and it seem to help. has anyone used it for that.

I like this medication because it does not make me drowsy and sleepy.

I've been on this medication for about a week and a half. And so far im suffering from mood swings, slow heart beat and shortness of breath.