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Generic Name: Nilotinib Capsules

Brand Name: Tasigna Capsules

Tasigna Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have been taking Tasigna since 2009, first in clinical trial then through my doctor. 11 plus years. In complete remission and has been undetectable from almost the beginning. Wonder drug. Minimal side effects at first and none over the last 8-9 years. Take only one 200 mg dose at bedtime and that has been sufficient. Tried going off the frug but CML returned. Went back on Tasigna and went back into complete remission. I know I am one of the lucky ones and I am grateful! There is hope and with 11 plus years on Tasigna hopefully its effectiveness will continue! Best of luck to you all.

Diagnosed in 1988. Autologous bone marrow transplant 2001. Have taken many drugs from Hydrea to Interferon. I was on Gleevec and responded well but I had very bad side effects. I was switched to Tasigna 400 mg 2x a day and its worked for the past 8 Years! The side effects for me have been itching over the entire body and loss of body hair that breaks as it comes out of the skin and forms bumps that look like a rash. Lotions only bring temporary relief for itching but nothing stops the hair loss. I've been extremely fortunate with minimal side effects when compared to any other treatments. Its been my miracle.

I have had CML for five years. Was on Gleevec first six months and could not tolerate the nausea. Oncologist started me on Tasigna. The twice a day regimen requires planning, for me taking the first dose when I wake up helps. I started with 400 twice a day and had extreme fatigue, weakness, depression, anemia, and insomnia. I'm also hot all of the time and have developed psoriasis. I have been able to reduce my dosage over the past 3.5 years and the side effects have improved. Make sure you have an oncologist that you trust and who listens. Switching to a blood cancer specialist really helped.

First side effect:, my nipples started itching,then they got very stiff and started hurting if I touch them.Six weeks later I started feeling tired and my erection started to get weak.I visited a uroligist and had my testosterone level checked -it was low.I have started hormone treatment but once every two weeks but the level keep dropping.At this point I am on an increased dosage once a week.

I've been taking this drug for over 5 yrs., after gleevec didn't work & with my very good Drs. adustments, I thank God I'm still living with CML after 32 years.

I have been on this medication as part of a research protocol for almost 4 years. The side effects are minimal so far, compared to Gleevec that I was first on for about a month when first diagnosed. The main problem is taking on an empty stomach 12 hours apart. Also the site states to take 1 hour after or 2 hours before food, however it should state 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.

this pill was hard to work out to keep 12 hours apart on an empty stomach. 29 days from starting this drug I became very short of breath, oxygen dropped and was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia which the doctors beleive was caused by the drug.

Was on Gleevac for 8 years. Started seeing signs of it not working. No side effects with Tasigna and am in complete remission.

Thankful for this medication, especially after experiencing difficulties with gleevec. The only side effects I notice that are dismissed by my doctor is a loss of SENSE of SMELL. The doctor refuses to believe this is a side efect- but that is the tasigna is the only thing I began taking when the loss of sense of smell occurred. They need to address this-- I would still use the tasigna regardless of this loss of sense!

I find the eating regimen difficult.

I have been on this for 3 months and I have noticed increased irregular heartbeats, moreso when lying down. This has been very scary since heart disease runs in my family. I was told by an oncology counselor to take this med 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating but now I am reading the opposite. That may be why going to sleep is so frightening! I'm taking this med the wrong way! No vomiting or dizziness. And fatigue is not too bad. So overall, this medicine is truly lifesaving for me.

48yo African American Female who experience the following side effects with 2 days of taking Tasigna: 1. Constant Headache 2. Severe Abdominal pain 3. Loss of Appetite Started Tasigna on a Wednesday August 2011, and due to the severe pain in stomach, stopped taking Tasigna the following Saturday. I am still having mild stomach pain and will restart Gleevec 200mg per day. Started Gleevec in April 2011 and experience the following side effects: 1. Loss mobility of right hand 2. Severe cramps in hands, mostly right hand, and feet. 3. Weight gain 4. Lack of energy Will return to Gleevec 200mg instead of 400mg and pray for better results. Tasigna is not an option for me atleast at this time.

In 2006 I had a Near Death Experience with a 60% Blast Crisis at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after Gleevec failed. I was on it since 2002. I got on Tasigna immediately after the NDE and it was Heaven! I never looked back. Gleevec caused brain damage to my pain receptors, so I'm on Morphine three times daily. That's a tough one to manage! But for Tasigna I can't say enough good about it and MD Anderson. If you have Cancer get to them immediately. They are the World leader in Cancer for 7 years!

I am in remission, because of the tasigna,but i need to keep taking tasigna. I'm experimenting side effects that my drs say not because of tasigna. What Da... Im feeling some what confused.I have severe stomach pian, that travels round into my back, contious thrush and sores in mouth, very tired. and lots more. i have no support from the outside world.

Excellent-hardly any side effects-slight nausea in the beginning, with strong headaches and extreme fatigue. But after 1mo on tasigna, no side effects have occurred. (exception: I am iron deficient)

I began taking Tasigna about 1 month after it was approved. It has been so much better than the 2 I had taken before. I recently began having many health issues which I only just learned are due to the side effects listed on this site. I probably have about 90% of them. I jsut wished someone would have told me about the side effects, as I have recently thought that my time was drawong near. That was very scary.

This is a drug that you must follow the direction to a T. Absolutely DO NOT consume any grapefruit products as I did on my 2nd day and had a 8 hour black out. After being on ot for just 1 month, my H&H, RBC, & WBC are in the normal range. I was on Gleevec on 9 years but the cml grew resistent to it. I am feeling very positive about the results so far. You just need to get your body accustomed to it, then you are set. I'm determined to make this work. I have been battlking CML for 16 years!!!

nausea is unbearable at times, have to take zofran for nausea

lightheaded, nausea, fatigue