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Generic Name: Nilutamide Tablets

Brand Name: Nilandron

Nilandron Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hot flashes are my worst side effect. Being tired is a given since this suppresses testosterone. Some moodiness when tired. Not much to complain about since it's working.

Took drug for 3 months at half the recommended dosage and it took my PSA reading down to 0.3. Could have a glass of wine each evening and sex was an option but not great.

I had every bad side effect there was, stomach problems, throwing up, if I was in the sun too long everything I looked at was green. I was only on this medication for 30 days, I was glad to get off it and it did not help me at all. On this medication my psa went from 12 to 24 in one month.

only on it for 2 months, but suddenly after no side effects had extreme fatigue and high blood sugar readings(I have diabetes). Was admiited tot he hospital with congestive heart failure, lung obstruction and acute kidney failure. The Drs feel this is a result of the drug. I wa otherwise in excellent health.