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Generic Name: Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Cryselle

Cryselle Drug and Medication User Reviews

First Day Using and had arrhythmia, fatigue and feel very weird, im 46 and im using because with my IUD im spotting and the dr told me birth control can help me. Used for only 2 days, my experience maybe its not your experience but for me dont work

I have been taking Cryselle for approximately 14 years. I was originally put on it for unpredictable menstrual cycles and horrible cramping (to the point of vomiting every signal month). This B.C. Has been a true blessing. I would have my period once a month as predicted and no cramping to speak of. A couple years ago I started to get migraines again from an old neck injury. My OB/GYN put me on a routine of 3 birth control packs and then my period. Again, this has truly been wonderful. My migraines are a little better while having my period but I only half to deal with that about half the times I did before. I have never had any side effects that I am aware of with Cryselle. Of course everyone is different, but I have had great success with it!

Do not take this birth control!!! It gave me extreme anxiety followed by panic attacks

I was put on his medication at the age of eleven - it would sure have been helpful if the doctors told me and my mom about the side effects especially given our family history of mental illness. This medication scarcely helped my periods, but it did at least give me a free dose of anxiety, depression, and the occasional suicidal thought. I stopped taking the pill and all of that stopped. Thanks Cryselle!

very effective! i have some side effects including breast tenderness and slight cramping but my cycle is very regular and very light!! highly recommend!!!

DO NOT got on this medication. I was taking Crystelle for about 9 months. During the 7th month I started noticing my hair thinning quite a bit and it was getting extremely brittle. I went off the pill after the 9 months and my hair was continuing to fall out. 3 months later I was losing chunks of hair up until the point that the shower drain was clogged after every shower. I had a receding hairline and about 1/3 of the amount of hair I have always had. It took over a year but my hair started coming back. During this whole process I had gone to one of the top hair loss clinics in the country thinking I was battling female hair loss or alopecia. I was almost diagnosed with alopecia at the age of 29 due to this medication and it wasnt until my hair started coming back that the medication proved to be the cause. It's not worth going through something so tramatic unnecessarily. Stay off this medication!

I switched to this after experiencing severe moodiness on my last pill. For the first couple of months everything was great. I started noticing mood swings again and absolute annoyance for no particular reason. I have also steadily gained 12 lbs. while maintaining a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis. I also experience blurred vision since being on this. I am in the process of finding an alternative with my PCP.

Cryselle has been effective in the sense that it does indeed prevent pregnancy, if it is used correctly. That being said, that's the only good thing I can say about it. I was on Sprintec for 8 years before my doctor and I decided to switch to Cryselle. I had started randomly having my period, despite using the pill correctly. I've been on Cryselle for two years, and I am going back to Sprintec in a week, once my cycle ends. My acne has gotten worse, to the point that I have to have an oral antibiotic prescription to help balance my skin. I have very little sex drive, and have for the 2 years I've been on Cryselle. And...weight gain. This one has been lovely. I eat healthy and exercise at least 5x a week; a combination of cardio and strength training. I'm aware that lifting weights leads to muscle (duh), but I've gained almost 20 lbs in two years while on Cryselle, with very little lifestyle change involved. My weight always stayed roughly the same, give or take a couple pounds, while on Sprintec. I'm very disappointed and discouraged, and wouldn't recommend Cryselle to anyone.

I havenâ??t gotten pregnant and everything is perfectly normal except the fact I have absolutely no sex drive whatsoever and itâ??s hard for me to get turned on and iâ??m never â??in the moodâ?. This pill has had almost no effect on anything but my sex drive and itâ??s kind of weird how the pill was created to prevent pregnancy but makes me not even want to try.

It got the job done, but the side effects really kicked me in the butt. I gained about 15-20 pounds since taking it last year even though I had NO CHANGE in diet or exercise.

I have been taking this for at least 8 years (am turning 29 this year) to have less cramp pain. It helped for a while, but they are still pretty bad. I have had a regular period since i started, but have noticed a lot of mood swings. Hard to pinpoint if i had them before since it's been so long since i started though. Birth control quality has been effective.

Cryselle has changed my life. My periods went from super long, heavy, with really painful cramps to short, light and painless. No side effects at all!

After being on Apri which had terrible side effects my doctor switched me to Cryselle. I have always suffered from hormonal acne. Cryselle caused cystic painful acne and a rash that Benadryl couldn't even help with. After two weeks I stopped taking it.

I've been on Cryselle for two years now. I started birth control five years ago. I tried several different birth control medications due to abnormal long and heavy periods. Before Cryselle I was using doctor prescribed acne medication. In a few months I had clear skin, five days periods that were very light. Each period comes on time with minor cramping.

I started this BC because I was having heavy periods for 7 days and not perfectly regular. I have been on it for 3 years now and after the first three months my periods have been completely regular. I did not gain any weight or have any apparent side effects other than a very light period that lasts half the length of my old period.

Was on another form of pill BC before this that had different colored pills for each week and it made me extremely depressed. Doctor put me on Cryselle which has the same color pills each week and it works perfect. I haven't had any problems with it and I've been on it for a year and a half now. Perfect for people with mental illness.

I was put on Cryselle for abnormally long, heavy periods. I took this pill for 8 days and could not stand the mood swings. One minute laughing and the next crying was too much for me. This may work well for some, but definitely was not the right pill for me.

I had really bad mood problems and quite of bit of nausea in the third month, but on the bright side I didn't get pregnant.

I have very regular periods with hardly ever any mood swings, cramps, etc. I only took this for birth control reasons beginning at 20 and continuing on at 25. As far as I have noticed, I have not had any additional weight gain, I don't have mood swings, I don't have bloat, cramps, etc. I do feel like I have acne before/during my period (one single white head that I rarely had before my period). I am still so regular I can set my clock to it. (Wednesday morning ~9AM). I had poor vision before but it seemed to decrease the initial time I went on the pill. But my vision has since decreased again so it's all relative. I was surprised by how negatively this pill seemed to effect people and wanted to give my personal experience. My period, mental and physical health started excellent. I've since taken the pill and am, as far as I can tell, basically the same--with less blood flow.

I started this because I didn't have an strange period since I had a tubal ligation, no period for months on end. Started this and almost immediately noticed mood swings, I am talking HORRIBLE mood swings!! Happy, BALLING CRYING. No idea why. It works, well still no period...but simple to take and easy to remember. Will be going to obgyn for ultrasounds now as to why I am still not having a period. I am ready to try something else, mood swings are ruining my relationship and daily experience.