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Generic Name: Omega-3-Acid Ethyl Esters

Brand Name: Lovaza

Lovaza Drug and Medication User Reviews

1st please go to GoodRX or check other websites or discount card drug companies given out to purchase at much cheaper prices of this and all drug prescriptions; example, my insurance cost $280 Goodrx $100 or less paid $64 last purchase! This drug has brought great lowering of Tri down only with 1 pill a day along with no known side effects in taking over a year. OTC omega 3 did not work including Mega Red for me at all nor did Tricor.

My experience with Ethyl Ester (lovaza generic) is exactly the same as some patients feedbacks: serious leg pain to the extend I tend to go to WE for immediate treatment of which I still not figure out Lovaza's side effects till I read some feedbacks on this website. I stop Lovaza now and my leg pain stop, too.

Lovaza is a RIP off. Took it for a few years with no meaningful change in triglycerides levels. Then new health plan would not cover it. I switched to otc fish oil from Costco about a year ago. Glucose, sugar and triglycerides readings best in years.

I was put on this pill and had to go to the hospital for a rushing heartbeat turned out to be a supraventicular tachycardia attack. In the two months since I have had to drop dose down to half of what my Doctor wants me to take and I still have irregular heart beats sometimes. It always upsets my stomach, makes me bloat and causes awful gas and terrible rotten fish belches. I am looking for over the counter omegas that might work better and cause less problems. According to my pharmacist it is Lavassa or nothing for prescription fish oils, but it seems to me to a overly promoted pill. I know my doctor thinks it is a wonder pill that I should take because we disagree on this pill every time I see her.

Never have after taste never have stomach pain or distress, has been good for me at lowering tri's. No farts no ddiscomforts. Have to take 2000 mg in the morning and 2000 gr in the evening very spendy even for generic... but I can count on the amount in each capsule is the same as the next and it is no rancid coming from the pharmacy like a lot of fish oil supplements can be.

I had been taken Lovaza ( brand name ) for 7 years, because insurance does not want to pay for that, I was given the generic omega 3 which caused pains in stomach and sick on stomach. I had to stop taking the omega 3. I have not been taking anything and now I am feeling very weak,numbers not good

it made me fart a lot.. my farts would be rank and nasty! which is ok because I really enjoy farting esp in other peoples faces. my turds stunk too

Kimberly - 49 trys were 700 +. They have come way down, but now having that real gross fishy taste and my bowel movements smell that way. Its disgusting. I'd rather that than die.

Didn't lower tryciglerides- that much. Caused Barrett's Esophagus. I stopped taking it 2 weeks ago and feel so much better. Didn't do anything to help with diabetes or other issues either.

Tri went from 382+ down to 188. HDL is on the rise too all after only 90 days.

I stared taking Lovaza a month ago all but my try triglycerides were with range of what they should be after being on this and having my labs retaken everything and I do mean everything on the lipid panel has gone up 75 plus points all are in the high range .I will be stop taking this meds as of today ! Never again !!!!

I had been taking Lovaza for about 3 years do help with inflammation caused by Lupus and psoriatic arthritis. I am allergic to all Nsaids so my options to treat inflammation were very limited. I took 2 pills twice daily (total of 4 pills a day) and it really helped with joint pain & swelling. I have always had low triglycerides & low cholesterol put Lovaza did not seem to alter my already low numbers to any concerning degree. Unfortunately I had a change in insurance about 1 year ago and the Lovaza (a formulary drug) was no longer covered by my plan so I had to discontinue use - wow, what a difference in my joint pain! It increased considerably. I tried every OTC fish oil and absolutely none of them gave me the relief I got while taking Lovaza. My husband recently accepted a new job and we once again have insurance coverage that approves the Lovaza prescription. I just started taking it again today and hope I have the same great results I had previously. A wonderful side effect of Lovaza is a big improvement in dry hair and dry skin - it really makes a your skin & hair have a much more youthful glow.

bad aftertaste, belching up fishy smell/taste, heartburn, gas.. I'd rather have the high tri's!

Love it. It helped lower my cholesterol and numbers. Not drastic, but they went from 200 to 170 and didn't change my diet. I also noticed my arthritic knee to begin to feel better and has continued to feel good for the last 4 yrs that I have taken this medication.

I have been taking lovaza for 5 years, keeps my numbers down.

Trygs went down by using 2 pills a day. Lower backpain also decreased by 80%, and that wasn't even the reason why I was taking it, just the side effect! Never had a burping problem... Keep it in the fridge during the summer months. When traveling with it, the pills get very soft in the heat...

just starting the drug so not sure how it will help

Stoped taking drug a week before prostate surgery for cancer and never resumed after learning of possible connection with prostate cancer. Had taken drug during entire time that my PSA's went higher and higher, biopsies from negative to suspicious to bingo. It did a very good job of reducing triglyceride level.

in thirty days my tryglicerides went from 597 to 187. WOW! i also take Tricor which did not make a dent in my number. I have no side effects with this med either.