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Generic Name: Omeprazole, Sodium Bicarbonate

Brand Name: Zegerid

Zegerid Drug and Medication User Reviews

ZEGERID has been a LIFE changer! I was prescribed Zegerid before it was OTC and I didn't have health insurance at the time, which was 8 years ago and it cost me $400 a month and then 3 months or so later it was OTC. I ordered for my parents cause they currently take a generic Prilocec pill everyday, but it's NOT the same as ZEGERID period. I have GERD, colonoscopies when I was in my early 20s, a cancer scare and ZEGERID DOES NOT GET THE ATTENTION like Prilocec does. It again is a life changer! Prilocec works, but it doesn't heal like ZEGERID does. They don't do commercials for ZEGERID cause they don't have to because it works so well they have no need to advertise for it. My parents have yet to start taking it and it's so frustrating cause my dad said to me a few weeks ago he had really bad heartburn and said he takes generic Prilocec everyday, so I ordered 42 capsules for him and then he told my mom he didn't remember saying that he had heartburn (he has Parkinson's disease which makes his memory hazy) I highly recommend ZEGERID cause when I take it, I NEVER EVER EVER suffer from heartburn and I drink beer and whiskey and eat spicy foods and I have NEVER had heartburn while on zegerid. My sister suffers too and takes pepacid, which is great to stop heartburn immediately, which I love, but taking Zegerid you won't have to worry about having pepacid nor tums nor anything else cause you will never need it. LOVE LOVE LOVE AGAIN IT'S A LIFE CHANGER!!! I'm 42 years old and have suffered from heartburn etc since I was at least 15 years old.

I am writing because I want to report the side-effect that cause me a trip to the emergency room. My symptoms were very similar to a heart attack with intermittent palpitations lasting over five minutes each, raising blood pressure, dizziness, tightness on my chest, horrible heart burn. It has cause me a severe gastritis that irritated my stomach in such a way that I was unable to consume regular meals for weeks and weeks until I stop ZEGRID OTC. It is unfortunate that this product is still in the market. And as a consumer, it is my responsibility to raise awareness. My experience was a nightmare that lasted more than just a couple of months. Until I figured that ZEGRID OTC was the cause of my illness. It was the only medication I was taking. Stop making ZEGRID OTC. There might be a lot of people not able to figure out how ill this over the counter medicine can make them. They can save a lot of money on medical bills. I am still paying mine thanks to that horrible medicine, ZEGRID OTC should be taken out of the market.

I've taken Zegrid for years and it keeps the stomach acid at bay. I've tried other PPI's but always come back to this.

works better than anything else I've tried. like prilosec.


Excess stomach acid, eventual hyatal hernia, for 40 yrs. Tried all the H2blockers & Proton Pump Inhibitors. Nothing worked. Dr. said to try Zegerid. Worked beyond my expectations. Then ins co would not approve, so had to get 1/2 strength over the counter, pricy. Eventually, had to have lower esophageal surgery for hyatal hernia. Body still produces too much stomach acid, so still may need to take the zegerid. No more GIRD. Thank God. Stomach prob. runs in my family. Zegerid is great because of the sodium bicarbonate in it, which other PPI'S don't have. Eventually, I ordered Sodium Bicarbonate 10 gr tabs from pharmacy. Sometimes get a good price when ordered in bulk. You have to desolve the tablets in water. Really helps. Try it.

This is the only medication that works for my GERD. No side effects to speak of. Slightly pricey...but so is an ER visit.

I took different meds for GERDs and nothing worked. A friend told me about this medication because my heartburn was horrible. It would last for hours and during the night too. I bought it at the store and it's the best medication by far. I feel like a new person. I don't even have the break thru like I did with the other meds I was taking. They were even prescibed by a doctor. I haven't had any problems with B-12 def or Calcium def.

My concerns: I was pregnant taking this drug and now my 11 year old son has "popping" noises in his joints. this drug, a PPI, has a side effect of fractured hip, spine, and wrist...a weakening of the bones. Concern that the sodium bicarbonate along with the PPI has also affected my son while carrying him. Does anyone have any info on pregnancy and taking this drug? I am now looking for alternative medications...worried about the whole fracturing of hips, spine, and wrists since I have been told to take this drug regularly since year 2000 (now 13 years). Very worried.

I am amazed with how well Zegerid has worked and fast too!

What I noticed is the tiredness. It helped to relieve my sensitive stomach,,food allergies, and frequent stomach upset but I would get so tired in the afternoons at work I could fall asleep typing. I run every morning so I would take it right before and was fine~ but the afternoons ..just horrible fatigue....

very satisfied with this product seems to work better than others for me. only concern is taking it long term. have to check with my doctor.

I have had acid reflux for 4 years now. Started taking Zantac and it seemed to stop working after a while. The burning, throwing up, gurd, etc. all came back. I tried Zegrid and it's a miracle drug. I can now eat chocolate, drink orange juice, had soda and fruit. Amazing. I also have blockage in my throat and it seems it's a little more relieved. I can eat and it doesn't come back up. Thank you manufacturer of Zegrid.

It has worked so well for me except the sodium content cause my ankles to swell.

I use this med. for my son, who has GERD. Before he was in so much pain at times. He ended up at the hospital twice because of the pain. He would have choking spells as well. Since he started the medication, he is like a new person. He does not have as many choking spells and the pain is almost non-existent. He has no side effects from the medication. It has really helped him so much.

I just tried this for the first time. It does not work.

after 2 days on Zegrid I have been having flu like symptoms tiredness, body aches, headaches, and nausea. Will not take it anymore

very good relief

My Gastro had me on every prescribe medication. Then He decided to try this. As I as well had surgery to try and control the acid reflux problem, which did help) But Zegerid in the powder form worked best for me. Some side effects but it is worth it. This is the FIRST time I have remarked on any medication.But again for what ever reason the pills where not effctive as well as the powder form for me. And it is instant relief within mins.