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Generic Name: Ondansetron Hydrochloride Tablets and Solution

Brand Name: Zofran

Zofran Drug and Medication User Reviews

Horrible migraines, intensified light sensitivity, worse nausea however cannot actually relieve such feelings- instead causing it to linger and become worse. Fever and night sweats, intensified stomach pains, constipation, and acid reflux. Makes me feel like I have GERD, would've preferred to vomit and sleep rather than feel infinitely worse. Was prescriped despite risks of negative interactions with my SSRI's. It gave me the negative interactions.

This is a god send. I get nauseous frequently from anxiety, when full, have the stomach flu and after my surgery especially. I only take as needed and it gets rid of my nausea and ironically calms me. It’s not going to make you sleep per say but definitely calms you down and that helps you sleep through the nausea. For my fellow hypochondriacs out there, don’t hesitate to take this! It doesn’t have scary side effects. Once in a while I get a slight migraine from it but that’s better than throwing up

After getting sick from the Norovirus, this worked quickly and effectively. Just remember NOT to drink water whilst it dissolves under your tongue or you end up with a wicked headache. The relief is a godsend.

Oh. My. God. This drug right here is a miracle worker !!! A lot of nausea tablets don’t work for me but ZOFRAN is amazing !!! I swear by this stuff, one chewable tablet and within 5 minutes I feel on top of the world after spending all morning with excessive morning sickness. I can eat, drink and get on with my day like nothing was ever wrong just an hour prior. First time I took this miracle drug I had spent 2 days beforehand vomiting everything I consumed (even sips of water), thought I’d give this a try and like mentioned earlier, within 5 minutes I was eating and drinking like nothing was wrong !! Not only does it work fast, but I don’t need to take another one for 3-4 days after because it works so well. Highly recommend this for severe morning sickness or HG !!

I've used this a few times over the last 10 years. The first time was with my first pregnancy for the awful morning sickness I had. If you can keep it down for 20 or 30 minutes it works well. The most recent prescription was for some sort of virus. Vomiting and diarrhea every 10 to 20 minutes and a headache and stomach cramps. I almost got sick when I took it and I didn't have any saliva so it didn't dissolve well but after 20 minutes I felt way better. Had a headache but compared to how I felt before it was a small price to pay.

Did not work for me

It did help me keep fluids down but left me tired, dizzy and gave me a lingering headache. I don't think I will be taking it outside of emergencies.

My doctor ordered this drug because the antibiotics I had to take for an infection killed my appetite and made me very nauseous. It did nothing to help.

Nauseous and vomiting due to opioid meds after spinal fusion does help somewhat but does give a new problem,constipation.

It worked great the first two days of use although it made me feel dizzy, sleepy and gave me a slight headache but after that it just stopped working.

The headache is worth the relief from nausea

I have really bad allergies and in the mornings I'd be nauseated from my sinuses draining to my stomach while asleep. I'd get up the next morning gagging and retching, but not really vomit anything but stomach acid. My PCP gave me Phenergan to take at night. But it wore off and the next morning it's the same old thing. But I'd take it in the mornings with Benedryl and my sinuses would stop draining and not be nauseated. My Pain Mgmt Dr. gave my Zofran (generic)and said it's stronger then Phenergan and to let it dissolve under my tongue. It tasted awful and didn't want to dissolve. I have Spinal Stenosis in my neck and 3 Degenerated disk (2 are also herniated) and still have to laid down from my lower back hurting. If I closed my eyes, it felt like I was spinning. Not like when people drink and say the room is spinning. I felt like I was tumbling with spinning (like high divers in the Olympics spinning, twist and all, haha). I'd still feel nauseated but not as bad as first thing every morning. Then around noon or so, I'd get sick again and take another half. I usually then can't eat anything until after 5 or 6 O'clock in the evening. It's 1:30 p.m. and took a half one at noon. I still feel nauseated. I prefer the Phenergan and it never made me sleepy like it does most. Well, I'd been taking it for 5 years and the first couple of times it did but then I built a tolerance and the sleepiness stopped after a a week or so.

I was given Zofran for nausea from pain medication after bone fracture then surgery. It is as effective as Phenergan without the extreme drowsiness. I did get a bad headache once but not every dose. I really like that it dissolves under the tongue and starts working quickly. It is not as effective if the nausea has already started.

Zofran does just cause a headache it causes extreme migraines. The next day headache is worse than the nausea. If needed for chronic nausea or chemo etc may be ok. Otherwise think twice about taking. Drs WON'T listen about this. Phenegran still best especially when knocks you out until you feel better. Why won't Drs listen about this ? Are they getting paid to prescribe Zofran? It does make you feel better but we have people able to function on this drug going out in public spreading the stomach bug because of this drug!

Used for nausea due to gallbladder surgery.

Was given this drug in the ER d/t a drug reaction to Cymbalta. I am allergic to Compazine and this was considered a safe alternate It stopped my excessive nausea and vomiting. I had two rounds in the IV and was sent home with pills that worked very well.

can someone tell me why my doctor prescribed me zofran if zofran has been not FDA approved for pregnant women. I have heard from tv ads, family, friends and FDA sights saying not to take because it causes complications with the unborn child. My obgyn stated not to pay attention to the FDA that its only 1/8 chance something would happen. why would he prescribe me something if it could possibly endanger my unborn child?

I was given this during pregnancy for severe nausea and vomiting and it helped significantly and I was able to eat a little bit. I tried to take it as little as possible (usually just one pill on the days I needed it). Then years later I had to have a prescription for this because I suffered severe pain due to a medical condition that required me to take Vicodin when pain was so severe. The Vicodin would make me nauseous (as does any strong pain med for me) and this medicine helped that nausea to go away. So this does work like it's supposed to and it's a great medicine.

This drug has given me horrendous headaches taking it one-half hour before taking four Votrient tablets (chemotherapy). I was switched to Compazine and Tylenol from Ibuprofen for headaches. The Compazine made a world of difference.

Took while on chemo and radiation , never got nauseous . Now take 1/2hr before chemo and have had great results. Once I forgot to take of zofran and I will never forget again.