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Generic Name: Orlistat 60 mg

Brand Name: Alli

Alli Drug and Medication User Reviews

10 years ago I lost 40 pounds taking Xenical and my cholesterol went down from 290 to 180. This was great. When it became too expensive I waited for Alli and have always taken two Alli instead of one with each meal. First it worked almost the same, then it didn't work, and now the new bottle is working better. I am taking two per meal and having the same results as when I took it 10 years ago. I will admit that for a time, it was not working. If I could afford it, I would just pay full price for the Xenical again but cannot do that at this time. Right now my cholesterol is very high again so I really do need it.

The original Alli was wonderful lost 82 pounds. Now that the Alli is back on the market after being pulled it is NOT the same formula and does not work well at all. The original Alli I would have given four starts for all three categories . The new just does not work unless you take two at a time. Very sad

Changed formula, scam now

I started Alli 6/8/2015 weighting 269.2 pounds 6/11/2015 I have lost 7 pounds in a few days. I have started drinking lots of water no bread, no fried food watching my food intake. my goal is to start walking next week. Happy so far no side effects.

I was about 25 pounds overweight 5 yrs ago, cholesterol was high and almost had high blood pressure. I started taking Alli and exercised 4 times/wk. Took Alli once or twice a day but not everyday as I was worried about possible adverse effects on my liver. I lost all the 25 pounds successfully in 2 yrs.. After which I stopped the Alli and took it only on occasion while still watching my intake and kept exercising. I have so far kept the weight being off the drug for 2 yrs.... This is a wonder drug. I couldn't have lost all the weight by just exercising and dieting.

If the offered a negative star rating that's what I would rate the new Alli. Since it was removed from the market due to tampering I had been eagerly waiting its return and now that Alli is back it is not at all like the original Alli. I have been taking the new Alli for over 4 weeks and nothing! I am very familiar with how it worked before and now the new Alli is worthless and should be pulled due to its ineffectiveness. Alli says its the same formula but something doesn't add up because its just not the same. I will not buy it again as it is way over priced based on its effectiveness.

I took Alli a 4-5 years ago, when it was manufacturer in the U.S. and coupled with exercising 5-6 days a week and eating healthy I lost a LOT of weight and went down 6-8 belt holes on my waistline over a 3-6 months. It was truly amazing! I haven't been that lean and looked that in 10 year prior. Since it was removed from the shelves due to "tampering" and is being manufactured in India, I am very unhappy with this product. I have almost finished the bottle and have been taking TWO pills with each meal, as I only eat twice a day and haven't gone down one belt hole. I am very certain that this is not the exact same product from 4-5 years, ago. Also, I would like to know why the pharmaceutical version of Alli (Xenical) is so much more expensive (approx $535.00, which is 3x higher than Alli), when it's supposedly the same active ingredient but twice the dosage (120 mg instead of 60 mg) of Alli. One has to wonder if this company intentionally weakened it's over the counter version (Alli) to boost it's Xenical sales via price gouging.

I started taking Alli when it came back on the market after the recall (2015). I had great results before, the new stuff that I bought has changed my heart beat rhythm, it scared the heck out of me. I have never had any heart problems before. After I quit taking it for 24 hours my heart rhythm returned to normal. I am trying to find somewhere that can test the capsules and find out what exactly is in them. Especially since I had no problem taking this drug before. Who knows what the manufacturer has added extra, trying to find out if anyone else has had this experience.

Have used it as advised for nearly 20 years. No problem in handling it.

If you take th emedication as prescribed and watch the fat intake it works..I lost 18 lbs.

I am concerned about this product's potential contribution to producing a tumor in the thymus gland. This tumor is associated to myasthenia gravis, which is an auto-immune disease.

I just started taking alli a week ago and so far I love it, I track my food and fat intake religiously, and work out 5 days a week. I was doing all that before the pill with little to no weightloss. I have had very minimal side effect, no leaking only the occasion grease in movements (sorry if that is tmi) I have lost 4 pounds already.

Not a miracle cure, but Alli REALLY DOES WORK if you are watching your fat intake and exercising. I've lost 20 lbs in 6 months. I read all the negative literature, the new version not as effective, and bad side effects. I talked to my dr. and was sceptical, but went ahead and tried Alli. I have to say I would NOT HAVE LOST the weight without the help of Alli. I have been trying for years with little effect (5 lbs at best). Alli has made me more aware of what I'm eating to ensure no side effects, and to make healthier food choices. With continued diet and exercise, I hope to lose the last 10 lbs of my 30 lb goal in the next couple months. YAY Alli!

I lost 18 lbs with min. excercise and the only downside was the occasional bathroom side effect. But if you watch the fat intake the BR issues will be mininum.

I've been taking Alli for 10 days. I've lost 2% of my body weight so far. It is a lifestyle change. Especially if you are addicted to sweets, fried foods, salty foods, bad white carbs and candy like myself. I've tried every diet out there along with exercise with very little results except for Alli. I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease two years ago. Fatty Liver Disease is a disease typically found in alcoholics due to the liver's inability to process the large amount of excess fat from alcohol. However, more and more people in the U.S. and other first world countries are being diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease that never drink alcohol - it is simply from our poor diets (white carbs, deep friend, fat and sodium packed foods) and lack of proper nutrition. I personally have not had a drink of alcohol since 1994. This is my advice: *Read the entire booklet that comes with the package. *Start eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet before starting Alli. The manufacturer recommends at least 3 days. It just helps your body adjust to a lower-fat diet before taking Alli. *Write down everything you eat from morning to night that contains any calories. As I work on a computer all day long, I've made a simple MS Word document that lists the Day # I've been on Alli, my morning weight (weigh yourself at the same time with or without clothes every day), whatever exercise (calculated into calories burnt) I got for the day, the number of Alli of pills I took (such as with breakfast, lunch and dinner), and a list of everything I've consumed with the calorie count, fat count and fiber count (my family is riddled with diverticulitis which is completely preventable by eating fruits, vegetables or with fiber supplements). *Know your target for calories to stay under for each day; fat grams to stay under for each meal and fiber grams you are aiming for per day (women should get at least 25 grams while men at least 35 grams per day). Personally, my goal is 1200 calories

Other than the occasional urgency to get to a restroom, my experience has been very great. While I did increase my exercise and really didn't change my diet at all, I have reached my goal weight of 125, down from 150 over 8 months. I averaged a pound a week.

I did not take this drug three times a day as suggested. I started with one tablet every other day then increased to once or twice daily. I had very good results within the first few weeks

I have lost 10-12 lb on Alli most noticable weight loss in the abdomen and felt good.