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Generic Name: Oxymorphone Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Opana

Opana Drug and Medication User Reviews

Iâ??ve been on generic percocet since L2-L3 spinal fusion and when they werenâ??t as effective anymore my doctor switched me to generic Opana ER because thatâ??s what my insurance pays so that i have no copayment. I tried it for 2 months and after i had chest palpitations that took me to the ER twice, without previous issues, I told my doc and he advised I stop taking those and go back to 10/4 oxycodone. Immediately when I stopped taking I didnâ??t feel dizzy where i couldnâ??t walk, anxious, chest constricted and a few other side effects. I was really looking forward to taking ER meds but I couldnâ??t tolerate the side effects. I am back on IR 10mg/day with gabapentin for anxiety and nerve relief. Soon I will be going back for surgery in SI joints. Wish everyone the best in their painful life. We can survive!

I have been a chronic pain patient for almost 15 years. Degenerative disc disease L5-S1, discectomy, fusion, nerve ablation, every med you can imagine. I was on 75-90mg/day of oxycodone (15mg tabs) for years. Worked pretty good but kept me up at night (even when taking my last dose at 4:00-5:00pm). As it became less effective I was switched to Opana, 15mg ER 2 x day, 10mg IR for breakthrough pain (2-3/day). So I am taking less mg than I did oxycodone (50-60mg Opana vs 75-90 oxycodone). It iaore effective and has fewer side effects - I don't want the mood swings of feeling high, oxymorphone is strong but a lighter touch. It interferes less with sleep, I take my 2nd ER at about 5:00pm and can still sleep. We all know there is no such thing as a pain "killer", all we can hope for is a medication that pushes the pain off to the periphery so we can function and lead a somewhat normal life. Oxymorphone does this for me and I am grateful. It is not perfect, but in my experience it is better than oxycodone, Dilaudid, and methadone (which put me in the ER with heart palpitations). I wish all of you the best, hang in there, and try Opana if nothing else has worked for you.

To those of you on Opana Er or IR. I've been on this medication for years but it only took a month to figure out I need the generic version for some reason the scripts have to be written as oxymorphone. I feel I get better results and less side effects. Was in 3/30 ER 4/30 oxycodone it was only way I had some quality of life. My new doctor has me in 20mg ER and 10mg IR which I'm not quite sure if it's helping my breakthrough pain goung to increase this month. Trying to stay off oxys. Please try oxymorphone opana generic before giving up. Only Med I got this much relief from. If u have not been on long acting maybe try shirt acting first. They are 2x stronger than oxy etc. real sude eff has coating and stuff I guess so it can be crushed gave me daily headaches etc. no problem with oxymorphone genetic opana. Not any bad side effects for me

I was put on the 15mg er dose along with a fentanyl patch. it waS SUPPOSED TO BE TAKEN ONLY WHEN I HAD A VERY PAINFUL DAY. BUT I SOON REALIZED how addictive it was i was always craving it even when my pain wasnt so bad it didnt work so well but i didnt want anything else but this. so if ur on it and can switch over to a diff drug by all means do it!! it is way too addictive and only if you need it should it be taken.

I was placed on Opana 5mg and Opana ER for persistent pain resulting from a back injury and subsequent back surgery and fusion. I was an initial user before the ER was placed on the market in the non breakable form. It was difficult for me when the change over was taking place. Since I have been very satisfied with the results. As a negative comment not on the drug, but on keeping it secure. I was out of town for about a week. Upon return my girlfriend advised me she had not slept in 4 or 5 days from pain due to previous surgeries and being a competitive skier and horse rider. I went to bed, only to find my love of nine years deceased in the morning. I assumed she had a heart issue. The autopsy results showed she died from oxymorphone toxicity. She apparently ingested my medicine while I was asleep in an attempt to ease her pain and insomnia. Despite not be directly involved in her tragic decision to ingest my medicine, I will forever live with the guilt it was probably my script that killed her. She was the most important thing in my life. She was college educated, beautiful 60 year old, and not unintelligent. But she made a bad mistake. Regardless of who you share your living area with, secure your medicine before you have to live with the memory of a loved one, who would be here had I not been taking the medicine, and had I properly secured it. Please use responsibly.

I have been taking many different pain meds due to chronic pain due to a few major spinal surgeries and a lot of complications, one of which is Arachnoiditis. Before my Dr.switched me to Opana 10mg ER every 6 hours and 30mg a day as break thru, I was taking Oxycontin 30mg ER every 6 hrs and 90mg of Oxycodone. Worked somewhat for years and stopped working completely. I start Opana very slowly and suffer so much with withdrawal symptoms. In 11 years No drug gave me such problem. What is going on? I heard many times that Opana stronger then Oxy and many other opioids, then why this? And also, I feel Opana no better then Tylenol when comes to pain relieve. I am not planning to stay on it and suffer more then i should. I am VERY disapointed: waist of hope and money!! I red too many opinion about new formula and how it doesn't work to compare to an old one. Shame on those who, to protect themselves, or who worries about abusers, put chronically ill sufferers, who can't live without pain meds, not by choice - in terrible painful situation! We deserve to have some life quality too! We pay a lot of money for our insurances, then co-pays for medications with hope to feel better, but instead, harming our health by taking useless medications. Shame!

I took Oxymorphone 10mg for over a year having the 5mg for 18 months before that. It finally quit taking away the daily pain and was only effective on days I had to leave the home. I with my doctor decided to slowly go off of it. WOW! Withdrawal from Opana is really tough, gradually reducing the dose and it was Hell physically and mentally. But I am free of that wicked drug and today I am to start taking Tramadol after 5 months of 20+ Tylenol per day. Opana if fine but quitting it is a really bad experience, for me!

I have had lower back pain for over thirty years. To make a long story short; I was taking Opana 10 mg ER for a month and with 1/2 Norco 5/325 mg twice a day. After 30 days I went to Opana 15 mg ER with the 1/2 Norco 5/325 mg twice a day and the Opana 15 mg ER seemed to be too potent and it made me fairly irritable, so I dropped back to the 10 mg Opana ER with the 1/2 Norco Norcon 5/325 mg twice a day and I found myself to be too irritable and reverted to three 10 mg Percocets a day. I just discovered that there is a 5 mg Opana ER; from reading these comments, so I might as to try a 5 mg Opana ER with one or two 5 mg Percocets a day as needed. I think the right mix is important and now that I have stopped taking the Opana ~ I can see the relief it gave me more clearly. I am experiencing some mild withdrawals from the Opana; but that is probably normal; coming down from a oxymorphone type drug back to an oxycodone type drug. I have tried two epidural flushes and one radiofrequency ablation treatment and am still in bad pain. I personally do not want surgery, so I am still looking for the right medication.

i have tried so many pain medicines i thought id reach the end of the road but once i started taking this drug it was amazing for my pain along with the percocets i take a side note is this med is VERY addictive i crave it all the time and think i need more when i dont other than that this drug is great

I have SLE, as well as spinal fusion, hip surgery, etc. Had been on 2 10m of Norco 3 times per day for almost a year, and even that began to wear off after 2 hours. Switched docs and new doc has started presribing 5mg Opana ER, with 10mg Norcos 3 times per day. So far, i find that the Opana is ineffectual, and that the same dosage of Norco I was on before is the only thing that touches the pain. This is either too lowe a dosage, or this particular med just does not work for me.

was on Norco for over 12 years and it had stopped working for me so my Doctor changed me to Opana 5mg tid. It helps a lot better in controlling the moderate to severe pain I am in almost constantly while awake. But it is starting to wear off before the 8 hours is up so I will see if he can change it to qid..other then that, it really seems to help me out.

I've tryed just about every Pain medication made, and the one that works best for me is Opana ER, I use 20mg, B,I.D. along with Flare up that can happen most anywhere, si I use Vicodin 10mg along with it.I cannot state here all my Spinal conditions, but it spreads all over the spinal cord. It was until I suggested with the Doctor Opana ER since the Short-acting lasted only 2 hours. As of this writing I am seeing my Doctor today to inform him that the 20 Opana, and Vicodin is about a eight out of 10 for pain relief. Since as it's been said a Million times over: 'Everyone responses differently to medications.' All I can say, if you haven't already, give it a try, if you never tried it, you'll been have ben missing the Drug you've been seeking for Months, Years. I truly hope everone here find the right medication(s) and get on with this already stressful life without enduring pain for the rest of your life and missing what may the best times of their lives.!

When they reformulated the medication the pain releif I was previously receiving is no longer helping with my pain. Feels more like a tylenol

After takeing 10mg IRs for over 2 years , my last refill was a different pill. The white ones helped with my neck pain ( cracked my C5 vertibray ) but the red ones with K 51 on them don't work as well. Someone said they were original 10 mg Opana but numbers are not the same.

it worked

takes hrs to work & am constipated a lot.

Had been on fentanyl for 6 years from 25 mg to 200 mg. Wanted off for a few years, but Dr didn't know what to do. Then he found out about opana and prescribed it along with vicodin, then hydrcodone and now oxycodone. Nothing working. Ready to go back on fentanyl!

I am prescribed Opana ER for sharp mid-back pain due to a physical attack, and for my constant joint pain from an autoimmune condition. I take 20mg every 12 hours. It works very well! I have been prescribed various pain medications for years to treat my condition but Opana blows all others out of the water. It works great! The only problem is availability. It took me a long time to find a pharmacy that carries Opana ER. It is also very expensive, but if you have insurance, go for it. Everyone is different, but in my personal experience, Opana helps my pain more than any other medication my doctor has prescribed. It is truly a godsend, and reduces my pain enough to where I am able to get out of bed and get out of the house! If you have persistent chronic pain, and have tried things like MS Cotin with little to no relief, I would definitely suggest discussing the possibility of trying Opana ER with your doctor. As I stated earlier, it is not easy to find a pharmacy that keeps this medication in stock, but your doctor may be able to refer you to one he knows will carry it.

taking as directed cronic PAIN