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Generic Name: Pantoprazole

Brand Name: Protonix

Protonix Drug and Medication User Reviews

Pantoprazole/Protonix works however after gaining 25lbs I recently stop taking it. Weight gain is getting out of control. I have been on PPIs for over 5 years and I noticed weight gain within a month. Went back on Pepcid. Just hope it doesn't take a long time to lose this weight. I can tell you for a fact it is the medication. Never had to worry about weight until I started taking these PPis

This medication helps my GERD symptoms. No issues whatsoever. Used to take it when I knew I was going to have a acidic meal or alcohol. Found that consistent use is best and my doctor said it is perfectly fine to take 40mg everyday regardless of diet. I sometimes take 20mg bid just to be sure I am covered for the day so I can rest at night.

Not feeling well in myself at all and doesn't help I get burning feeling in my throat. And in my mouth and hurts my teeth. I have inflammation of the stomach lining and mild gastritis.

I was diagnosed with 3 peptic ulcers after an endoscopy bc I was 24/7 feeling nauseas and in pain in the upper GI . My GI doctor put me on protonix 40mg once a day 30 min before breakfast. I have been feeling even worse with constant unbearable nausea, bloating and stomach cramping ! It has increased my anxiety worse then it has been in 2 years ! It’s been over a month and after today’s episode I will no longer continue this medication! The side effects are not worth it and make the me feel like death

Best medication I have been on for my GERD

I seemed to have gained weight in my mid-section. I have not eaten anymore then before I started taking this. I think I will taper off.

worried about side effects

I took this medication along with my other blood pressure medicine and i am a medical marijuana patient and after i smoked like i usually do it triggered me to have a full on anxiety attack , i was also feeling very delusional. It was one of the worst feelings in my life . Please research before you take any medicines I wouldn’t want anyone else to feel how i felt for those two days .

I took this for two weeks only, but didnâ??t feel well. I then had the most excruciating pain in my right shoulder, so stopped it altogether. Feeling better already. Raised my bed ,and making dietary changes, so hope that helps with the acid reflux. No more medications for me !!

I have now been diagnosed with scurvy. I found a lot of references to PPi’s reducing your Vit C. Do we need a warning and suggestion to get levels checked periodically?

This crap bloated my stomach to 3 x its normal size it was horrible and inhumane, it also made my face and hands swell and it made me have trouble breathing and made my chest and throat ache, I took this crap for only 3 days until I figured out that I must be allergic to it or something, also I had every side effect of it and not just the allergic reaction parts. This drug is dangerous period !! DO NOT TAKE IT !!

Within 1 day I had a horrible reaction. My legs and feet itched so bad I had to take scalding hot showers and sleep sitting up. Nothing relieved the pain. It took two weeks after stopping the drug to be normal.

makes my mouth dry, got pain in my abdobmen whem i wake up in the morning

I had irritation of the stomach, hiatal hernia, and irritation of the duodenum. The 1st 4 days were great. Then for the last 6 weeks it's been either painful cramping w/ bloating or esophageal pain. I never had this much intense pain in my esophagus ever! I've lost weight which I can ill afford. I'm considering taking 1/2 to see if that helps.

With horrible acid reflux, I have been on this medicine for years, in the very beginning, for a short year or two, it seemed to help quite a bit, but then, afterward, it really didn't do anything. Then when I reached the 5th years on, it seemed to do more harm than goods. My acid reflux problem was worsen, let along all the side effects I encountered. So one day, I decided to drop it completely, and since the, my acid reflux actually got better. So this medicine alike with many conventional medicines, are just for quick short term fix.

I started this about 2 weeks ago and iam having serve leg cramps nausea and vomiting bad sideaffects not happy

I have been taking this for a year and it was quite effective for several months. However, the last 3 months I've had a lot of acid reflux and burning in my throat and this medication seems to have lost its effectiveness. I'm very careful what I eat so my diet is not the problem.

My stomach was producing excessive amounts of acid due to the diet I was on to gain muscle and weight. My stomach was literally attacking me and causing me severe pain and diarrhea. I went to my Dr and he prescribed me this medication and I'm doing much better. I still experience stomach aches from time to time, but overall they occur so much less than before. I still have a few weeks to go on it and I hope that I can get back to more normal diet for myself so I can really hit it hard in the gym again.

Is it best to take protonix in the am or pm