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Generic Name: Paroxetine Mesylate

Brand Name: Pexeva

Pexeva Drug and Medication User Reviews

Words cannot describe my elation with this drug. I was barely functioning a week out of the month. Nothing has worked (short of brain stimulation). Just when I was about to go that route, I asked my OBGYN to switch me to Pexeva and convinced my Psych to add it to my treatment with Effexor and Abilify. So far, I can say I am alive again. I recommend not taking it close to bed time and to drink plenty of water. Oh, and I notice I am sweating like an athlete but that makes me feel as if I am alive again!

I have tried more than 5 different medications for anxiety and depressions, most in the SSRI category, and some others. Pexeva is the only one I've found that is *both* effective *and* gives me minimal side effects. I did not gain the weight on Pexeva that I did with Paxil, nor do I feel lethargic in the same way. I had a negative reaction, or really bad side effects with many others: Prozac, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Lexapro, and Zoloft. I have now been on Pexeva for 3 years, and I feel great! Different medications affect people differently, but this is the one for me. Maybe it will be for you, too!

Before I took this drug I was angry, yelling, constantly upset, crying, paranoid and insomniac. I have taken many antidepressants over the years, but this one has been the most effective. It was incredible! I felt like I had changed back into the person I used to be. I am now patient,calm, and much happier.

I have tried others medications, but this seems like the best for me. The problem is that it is too expensive. For some reason my insurance company has taken it off their formulary and they want to me take the generic. I tried the generics before and was sick as a dog. My doctor is supposed to call for authorization to help pay for Pexeva, but he is as lazy as the Government. I am finding myself constantly withdrawing the Pexeva because of the money and I feel like I am going to die. I tried to find the phone number for the manufacturer of Pexeva and had no luck. I am in an awful situation. Withdrawal from antidepression meds is something that can't be described. I wish I never started taking them. It's all about money? The drug companies and doctor's love that we get addicted, but they are no where around when you need them.


I only take 1/4 of a pill/ day. More makes me too sleepy. I missed my pill due to travel, I got a bad head ache. When I try to stop, I get more emotional. I am afraid to stop.

I have been taken this med for almost 3 years..I am a hypochondriac also have depression time to time it really works reducing the fear of having a terminal illness. However i am on an extreme diet to loose some weigh afer having a baby it has become really hard for me to get rid of the extra pounds when i almost do not eat during the whole day. this medication also reduce my appetite and makes me really sleepy and almost no energy to do anything!!!! So it works in a way but on the other hand it does not. I tried to stop taking it and i ended up in the ER :( With terrible headache and vomiting like crazy and my tommy hurt a lot too. I hope this help. Every individual is different.

I have been on 20mg for a week now, and I feel completely emotionless and disconnected since taking this medication. After 8 hours, when the pill is getting out of my system, I get really nauseous, headache, and dry mouth. Also, since taking this, I've broken out with a bad rash on my face that looks like a bad sunburn.

I had been taking Pexeva 30 mg. for several months. It helped with my agoraphobia and depression better than any other med. I have taken in 29 yrs! I felt like I could do anything...however...the cost was very prohibitive, especially since I currently cannot find a job (with 2 BS degrees!). We have insurance, but my husband "decided" to d/c my med for food. Good choice for our small family: Bad choice for me! I went off of the med. cold turkey...refused to ask friends for med. money. Now I'm having p.a.'s, brain "zaps", memory is shot and alot of anger. ("Yes,everyone,there IS a (D)Recession!) And the first to suffer are the elderly, children and the mentally ill. Quote: "I love my Country - but Fear my Gov't!" By the way, I'm an RN - and there is a glut of nurses on the market. No jobs = no money = no much~needed meds. This is (was) no less than a "Miracle Med", the ONLY complaint I have is that (30 mg) made me very sleepy (all the time!). If your physician can get your dosage straight...Pexeva stops your panic attacks cold! (after being in your system 3 wks or so). Too bad no middle/working class people can afford it...nor those millions w/o jobs. Sad comment on our society. And yes, really, this is all related to our condition and to "Pexeva" ~~~

Of all of the drugs that I have taken for my depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. Pexeva has been the best for treating my disorders, not healing them completely but making me comfortable enough where it is tolerable. I have not had any side affects on this drug but when I took others I had terrible side affects. I take Pexeva 30mg 1/2 am. and 1/2 pm. along with Trazadone at night.

Very helpful for my anxiety & depression. However now I think I'm having some bad side effects. Tingling down my right arm into hand, nausea,sweats,feelin hot & then cooled,tired,sick to stomach,increased migraines,pressure in my head,& forgetful. Now that I am trying to come off of it symptoms seem even worse & plus now I feel disorientated on top of other issues prior to stopping pill,hoping to get past this & feel better soon. Thanks to those who shared I can relate to many of the symptoms described.Went to ER with tingling down the arm after blood work,catscan,chest xray,& EKG docs found nothin & told me to continue meds. Scarey!Boy do I feel like just a number!Only other med I take daily is accutane so one or both is tearin me up & somethins got to give!

I have always had anxiety and several situations caused it too get worse. I was introduced to pexeva and it has done miracles for me. I started off on an extremely low dose and worked up to 15mg once a day. I have gained weight, which I needed to because I have always been under weight. Also all the symptoms I experienced with my anxiety are gone. I love it and will take it for the rest of my life to not go back to how I was before. Thank you pexeva for changing my whole life!

1/2 pill - I felt too sleepy all afternoon and took naps until bed time. 1/4 pill is perfect - no worrying, no depression or hopeless feelings. Twice I forgot to take the pill and was very sad and mad at everyone.

My doctor put me on 20mg once daily along with buspar twice daily to counter act the side effects of the pexeva. seems to really work. I feel so much better

Controlled mood and anxiety perfectly. Made me so tired I wanted to do nothing but sleep, so what's the point of improved mood?

i have been on it for over a year. it has always helped me be more calm inside. it started to ware off, the dr. up the dose by a small amount and i feel energenic, and remembering things better. i do have a slight numbness in my left index fingers though and i couldn't find any thing about that in side effects.

This drug is being used in a study for "hot flashes." I am considering taking it for that reason. My "hot flashes" and "night sweats" have continued for over 10 years. No sleep is the worst symptom. Any one taking for that reason?

This medication didn't help my anxiety. I couldn't sleep, didn't have a regular bowel movement for 6 weeks, it would make me sweat, and I don't normally sweat. On a score of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, I would rate Pexeva -0. And my doctor wanted to keep me on it for another month = without sleep and no bowel movement, I don't think so.

I have been taking Pexeva every day for two years. My doctor likes to increase the dose of a drug to maximum dose if its working well. I've been taking 60mg every morning for the majority of my two years. Only recently have I noticed myself getting used to Pexeva. I experiences all the side effects but only two side effects still bother me: loss of hunger and nightly teeth grinding. I weigh 105 pounds and have to make sure I eat regularly, or I will forget. I grind my teeth everynight and it disturbs people sleeping in the next room. Wearing a night guard is all I can do to stop the damage I'm causing myself. Other than that, Pexeva put stability back in my life. It allowed me to live my life, free of depression, anxiety and obsessive tendencies. I wasnt pointlessly angry anymore or stuck running circles in my mind. I still have bad days, thats going to happen regardless of a drug; however, a bad day stays in THAT day and doesnt plague me the entire week.

getting off cymbalta, 60 mg....and transitioning to pexeva, start with 10 week one, then 20, and mayb e 40....though dont know if I will go to 40 if 20 is effective.only taking for a few days now. feeling good...but not sure its related....will report back on here weekl.y