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Generic Name: Phentermine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Adipex-P

Adipex-P Drug and Medication User Reviews

Ive been on Adipex 7 days now and lost 9lbs 5 days in cant wait to see where im at in a month.

i am 20, 5’6.. weighed 228 02-15-22 (my heaviest). i’ve been having a lot of health issues with no lab results to show the problem. (my period stopped for 5mo, got checked & no pcos) my doctor asked if i wanted to try to lose weight to see if it’ll help. (i have gained 55lbs in 2 years). so i told her i wanted to get back to where i was (155). she recommended adipex. i started taking them march 15. it is now april 6, & am 204lbs.. my goal is to lose 30 this month (i’m 24 now), 15 in may, 15 in june. i forget to eat most days (just call it fasting ig) i workout every weekday in the mornings, i don’t eat breakfast, & eat SMALL portions for lunch & dinner. i take the pill at 6:30am. you’re not hungry at all so u might only eat once a day. DRINK ONKY WATER. i have only drank water for 3 months now & i can’t even stand the taste of soda now. only side effects i’ve had is headaches, back pain, & dry mouth. haven’t had a problem with sleeping. just make sure u take it in the mornings & i recommend taking only half for the first week or you’ll feel so high ??

I’ve taken Adipex a few years ago and lost gradually with diet and intense exercise. It definitely raised my heart rate so my Dr monitored me once a month for a whole year because I had high blood pressure but under control. The Adipex definitely helped but I had to put in the work! .Side effects were tolerable but drug was costly. After 1yr of hard work exercising, 1/2 the amount of eating, and persistent weight loss, my total weight loss was 97 lbs! It was a life changer and was worth it. However, once I’ve stopped taking them because I reached my goal at 130 lbs the weight slowly crept back up. Sadly as I got a little older and health challenges came, it was hard to keep off. I’d like to try again but with high blood pressure it’s a risk. Take my advice, if you’re going to try it, make sure you monitor your blood pressure regularly no matter what it is! It’s not worth risking your heart

I have been on generic Phentermine for a week now. Seems fast to write a review, but I’ll tell you why I’m already sharing. I have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain and inflammation in my spine and hips, making it nearly impossible to lose weight as exercise is quite painful including stretching, and inflammation fights weight loss. I have tried every diet and any other person would be losing weight at a healthy pace but I was not. Doc put me on this with hopes it would kickstart my weight loss and also help with side effects of having chronic pain. I can’t give it five stars yet because I haven’t been on it long. I also have high BP due to my condition, but it is managed with diet and medicine. I was initially concerned with anxiety and tachycardia side effects, so we agreed that I would start on half a 37.5mg pill until I was comfortable. So far I do have increased heart rate, especially when I do not eat or eat balanced. Staying away from caffeine or high sugar foods and monitoring my heart with my Apple Watch I have felt comfortable with my numbers. I have no trouble sleeping though I take the pill around 1030 everyday (though I also do not react to sedatives, there is a chance I do not react to stimulants either). I haven’t noticed dry mouth but I am a person that always has a beverage anyway. No anxiety or jitteriness. That said, I have already dry lost 10 lbs. i started at 5’11” 338.6 and this morning I am 328.6. I haven’t seen my weight below 330 no matter how hard I tried in a very long time. I do not have random cravings anymore. I feel full faster, and sometimes I have to have loved ones remind me to eat or if my heart rate is too high I grab a snack so my body has something to burn off and that seems to steady it back down. I’m hoping to keep these results going and will probably stay on half a pill until I start to slow down/plateau and start on a whole pill. Have a follow up with the doc in a month to go over a long(er) term plan if we’re both happy with where I’m at by then. If you’re like me and seem to be stuck I say at least give this a try. Don’t let the POTENTIAL of side effects scare you away from what could be potentially life changing. Good luck!!

I was recommended the Adipex Genericum and it helped me so much. I couldn´t lose weight after I graduated. I started taking it five months ago, took a break in december, because of the holiday and everything. For my surprise even though I haven´t been active lately I managed not to gain the weight, that I lost during the three month period when I was taking it. It helped me lose 25 pounds and now I´m finally happy with my appearrance. I´m looking forward to start again in march.. the only thing I found difficult was that I had sometimes lost track about the time, so I took it later during the day, but it still worked for me fine.

This medication did wonders for me. I started off at 238 and Im currently 185. I lost my first 20lbs in three weeks. I would not recommend taking after 8am. This medication will keep you awake and you may experience tachycardia and dry mouth. I like it and am currently on my second round. I am looking to get to 170. I hope this helps anyone thinking of getting it.

I started this medication to lose weight because my extra weight was causing knee and foot pain. I started at 176lbs and after 2 1/2 months I am at 156. I have lost 20lbs with this medication along with daily exercise and nutrition. I have no thyroid and had not been able to lose weight before. The down side of this medication has been dry mouth, constipation, insomnia at first, and feeling like I have had too much caffeine.

Please do not take this if you want to gain all your weight back when you get off of it! I took it for 3 months lost about 10 pounds been off of it for 3 months and have gained 20 … I also had mood swings the whole time being on it . I was so happy to get on it and see if it would work and it didn’t I would not recommend it!

I am a post menopausal 54 year old. I am not obese, but over the past 4 years had put on about 15 lbs in stomach and breast. The breast weight was becoming uncomfortable. I am active and eat healthy with regular exercise and just could not get any weight off. At 5'4" and 138 lbs my doctor was not crazy about the idea of me taking adipex, but did give me a 3 month dose. I took it and I experienced some side effects of dry mouth, my heart beat was elevated, and I did have trouble sleeping at night. I did change my exercise routine from jogging a mile or so 3-4 days a week to vigorously walking 3.5 miles 3-4 days a week. It did decrease my appetite and I would make sure to eat very healthy foods since I was not eating as much as I used to. I also cut out pretty much all sweets. I kept a calendar tracking my weight daily and would weigh first thing every morning when I get up. Most of the weight loss happened in the first month as I went down 10 lbs. For month 2 I went down another 3.5 lbs. I am not going to take the 3rd months dose at this time and see if I can maintain this weight with continuing to exercise and eat well as I understand that it is not healthy for your heart. I do feel it gave my body a jumpstart that it needed though.

I started this meditation about a month ago and I weighed 348lbs I went to the doctors 2 days ago and weighed in at 327.in the beginning I didn't have some side effects but the more I took the pill it went away. My goal is to get to 220 more would be nice . I work 8 hrs a day and a restaurant manager im always moving . I eat what I want like before I was on it but not as must

This medicine worked very well for what it was supposed to do. However, I had quite a few side effects. It really messed with my digestive system rather than only suppressing hunger. Every time I had more than a banana or a few peanut butter crackers, I would have horrible stomach cramps, use the bathroom too much or not be able to at all, and I was very nauseous, especially towards the end of the day. I had to stay on Zofran or another nausea medicine to make it through the day. I also experienced insomnia. Works great for what it is supposed to do, but the side effects make it not worth it. Hopefully will get on another one to help me lose weight. Also, I hope others don’t have the side effects because they suck.

Took this years ago went from 193 pounds at 5'2 to 119 within several months, also was on a 1200 cal diet , never could lose weight so tried this, i did very short & steady workouts like 5 min working my way up to 15 at most 2 to 3 days a week & ate alot of baked chicken & water or unsweet tea w lemon i kept weight off for 8 years i would half the meds & take pill every 2 or 3 days for 30 days & it worked!.

I had my youngest child in june of 2017 and before I had gotten pregnant, I lost 50lbs by myself after having my birth control (nexplanon) taken out. When I got the implant in my arm (January 2015) I weighed 190, in December of 2015 I went to the dr and weighed 298!!! Heaviest I had ever been! I had the implant taken out in January 2016, and between January and September when I got pregnant I got down to 240ish. After I had my child I was down to 237 and I couldnt get it off, so my dr put me on Adipex in October of 2017, between Oct 2017 to March 2018, I had lost another 50 lbs. Then I lost my grandma, who was my best friend, and went into a bad depression, stopped my medicine, started drinking more regularly, and from March 2018 to current, I had gained 100 lbs back :(. Now that I have gotten my life together, I have accepted the loss, stopped drinking, and knew I couldnt keep living like this! So I called my dr 8/19 and asked to be put back on Adipex, she didnt hesitate and put me right back on it! I started the medicine again 8/21/20 weighing in at 279, and yesterday 8/31/20 I weighed myself and I have lost 10.5 lbs. (but I really feel like its more because aunt flo decided to make a visit on sunday so the bloating can cause weight fluctuations) but I highly suggest this medication if you struggle to lose weight, have PCOS (I do, & it makes weight loss hard) or need to see fast results to get you motivated! But dont expect to take this medication and continue your current life style because it will not work! Only side effects I have had are dry mouth for the first 3 days, once that passes I am fine! & I dont want to say the energy burst slows down after a week or so, but the first week you cant stay still, you want to keep moving and getting things done, but for me after a week my (have to move cant sit still) subsides but I still have energy to do things I WANT to do :) Ps. single care app has great deals on the medication!!! 9.77 at walmart :)

Started using Adipex in April 2019, by June I had lost 46lbs. For me my biggest problem was overeating. Adipex stopped that completely. Suppressed my appetite which helped me so much. Before starting Adipex I was 281 I'm now 203. Been on a break since September so I'm excited to see how much I will lose this time. :-)

Adipex is one of the most popular drugs prescribed for weight loss, and people regularly buy the drug. Youâ??ll find many online sources that claim to sell the drug or drugs of a similar kind. It is very effective for weight loss.

This pill decreases my appetite, but where I live it is way too hot this summer to walk or do alot of exercise. I have managed a loss of 10 lbs in 10 weeks. I drink 80 oz of water per day and maintain a strict diet. I guess my age plays into it alot. I'm also taking Lipo BC which is supposed to burn fat. This doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions?

I love this medication, it has helped so much. I have digestive issues which cause it to be incredibly slow and sometimes stagnant, thus making my metabolism slow/stagnant. This helped my digestive tract move and raised my metabolism. I do experience dry mouth, that's my biggest complaint. But the first month on, I lost 5 lbs a week and then it slowed to 3lbs. I started at 215. Make sure you take it at the same time everyday. Make sure you drink a LOT of water. I have barely exercised on this, I've had 2 surgeries back to back so I haven't been able to get up and move around. But it still works. My dr is now keeping me on it, past the 3 month mark because it helps so much with my low blood pressure. This is one of the most helpful medications I've been on and I'm so grateful!

I was 18, am 4'11, and started at 186 lbs when I tried it for 3 months. I dropped down to 156 lbs, and did not have much "side effects" other than thirst and heart rate feeling pretty fast at times. Sadly, as a busy college student, I gained 20 lbs in the matter of a year.. so am now starting Adipex again and trying to keep healthy habits. I've lost 3 pounds in the matter of one day, and am excited to see how the next three months go!

I started seeing a weight management physician seven years ago because I wanted to lose about 20 pounds that I had gained during past pregnancies. Several of my coworkers (overweight) were getting great results taking it. I was given a prescription, even though I was told my BMI was actually too low. I immediately understood why it was so great, you just don't feel like eating and can actually "forget" to eat. I lost several pounds the first couple weeks. I had the headaches, dry mouth and jitteriness at first, but that went away after about a week. It does give you a lot of energy and I can definitely tell the difference when I do not take it. My physician continues to prescribe this "off label", even though I have already reached my goal weight. I just have to go every three months to follow up, weigh in, and I'm given a prescription. I do try to take a break from it every so often. I worry that if I stop taking it for good though, that I will just gain the weight back, as others have said.

This is my second time using the drug in a 2-3 months treatment. I find it super effective. I lost 28 pounds in the first months and I am on track to loose another 20 pounds in the second month. This brings me from a slight obese BMI to the low end overweight. The hardest thing remains that I ensure I use the time to get used to healthy habit changes, such as better eating habits and workout plans. Otherwise, it is easy to regain your weight.