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Generic Name: Pilocarpine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Salagen

Salagen Drug and Medication User Reviews

Because of the rush of saliva and overwhelming amount even with only 5 mg tablet that I find that taking only a half a tablet at a time. That really helps rather than having to constantly swallow.It is difficult to sleep with that much saliva. It also seems to help my eyes. Since I have sjogren's syndrome, I am dry all over. Now I know why I have night sweats! I didn't realize that it was the Pilocarpine.

I was prescribed this to see if it would help my dry eyes. I started off taking 2.5 one a day for a few weeks and slowly increased to 2.5 twice a day and the 5 and 2.5 each day until I now take 5 twice a day. I find this works very well for me. If I find myself really dry I will take another 5 for a day and then go back to my normal. I have not had any side effects as long as I stay at the 10.

Salagen worked well for me in the beginning. It released water into my body within only a few minutes of taking the 5 mg. dosage. I started off with 3 a day and now take 5 a day starting with taking two pills first thing in the morning so that I can work out without discomfort.

Really does produce saliva for dry mouth. Just had dental work and saliva helps mouth sores heal quicker.

I began taking this about 7 days ago for dry mouth from persistent thrush. prescribed 5mg 3 x daily. Have been taking 2 x daily to see how med would affect me. About 3 days ago I began to feel very agitated. I can't stop crying, everything gets on my nerves, I don't want to talk to anybody or be talked to, my heart beats fast. Not tolerating this at all. I will not be taking any more of this and will be calling my doctor 1st thing Monday morning.

The NAME brand works very well...I find that generic pilocarpine is NOT helpful in producting saliva

Issues with excessive saliva, sweating, chills and weight gain once dose was increased to 2 tablets (7.5) 3 times a day in 2013. Once the dose was cut to one tablet(7.5)three times a day sweating is tolerable, but have been unable to lose the extra weight. Has anyone experience weight gain with this medicine?

I take it 3 times a day and after 2 1/2 weeks I have noticed no change whatsoever.

had side effects, cramps in legs, the runs,faster heart beat.

I have Sjogren's, Lupus & asthma. My Dr gave me Salagen to try to see if it would help my severely dry mouth & eyes. He told me to start with 1/2 tablet & warned me about side effects of possible sweating, diarrhea, headache, etc. About 3 hours after taking this 1/2 tablet I started not feeling 'ok', but thought give it time. An hour after that, my son asked me to help him with his homework - I couldn't. I HURT to think & my heart was beginning to hurt too ! My fiancee called, & I couldn't figure out how I was - I could only tell him "My my heart hurts, I don't know what to do." I know this sounds 'stupid' but I could not 'think' my brain hurt when I tried to formulate any thought - or try to determine what to do about my heart hurting - call 911, call a friend ? Will they think I'm stupid ? It took 2 days until it started to get out of my system. *Someone please tell me if they've ever heard - or had a bad reaction to Salagen themselves.

worked fine until last night. took 1 as prescribed and about an hour later I was sweating profusly, severe headache, my stomach felt like it was in knots. i hadn't eaten very much so was vomiting up bile. horrible experience. not sure if it was an interaction with any of my other drugs, my dr. says it shouldn't have been. i also take methadone for my RA. i believe i took flexeril yesterday also. bad experience now afraid to take it again.

still dry mouth

I dont see any change in me

Tôi r?t mu?n mua lo?i thu?c này nhung không bi?t ? dâu bán. Tôi ? Vietnam.

i have found that this drug does help dry mouth, but seems to wear off to quickly after to much saliva at once. also it causes me to do crazy things when i try to go to sleep. like i will catch myself holding my breath and i also have involuntary muscle movements of my legs and arms.

I've only been on Pilocarpine for 3 weeks. I haven't noticed that much of a difference. However, lab results show it takes at least 8 weeks for the drug to be effective. But the results show it does work. I haven't had any side effects. So I guess I will be patient for another 5 weeks.

I have sjogrens and have found this medicine to be a lifesaver. Without it I can barely swallow or talk, the only disadvantage is as it wears off. If I take it 4 x's a day as perscribed I do fairly well, although I often wake up so dry I am unable to swallow, then I must take my next dose.

While it has worked for me, the sweating and chills especially at night when trying to sleep are very off-putting and I'm not sure if I'll stick with it very much longer. My eyese no longer feel like there is "something" in them and my mouth is definitely not as dry as before but the side effects are too invasive for my liking.