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Generic Name: Pioglitazone Hcl and Metformin Hcl

Brand Name: Actoplus MET, Actoplus MET XR

Actoplus MET Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had been taking this drug for more than 5 years. Last year Januvia was added, because the Actosplus Met was insufficient to adequately lower my blood sugar. For the entire time, I have been unable to lose weight, although my daily calorie consumption is about 1000. I've had extreme fatigue, aches and pains, urinary urgency, carb cravings, and diarrhea. 2 weeks ago I reported to my doctor that my FBG was over 250. He replaced the Januvia with Farxiga. He also sent me to get a cardiac CT scan due to my family history. Since the dye used in the test, combined with metformin can cause lactic acidosis, I couldn't take my Actosplus Met for 2 days. By the second day, I felt great. My FBG was under 170 using just the Farxiga. My aches and pains went away, and the weight just started dropping off. 15 days later, I have lost 11 lbs, my FBG is under 150, I am no longer retaining fluid, and I feel 10 times better. This is only my experience, but there is no way I am ever taking this drug again. I can't believe I've spent 5 years wondering why I couldn't lose weight, no matter how little I ate. A diabetes drug with these side effects should never have been approved by the FDA. Its existence is some kind of cosmic joke on diabetics. I don't know if the drug manufacturer is negligent or inept. A diabetes drug that causes weight gain and aches and pains bad enough to prevent exercise would certainly ensure people have to keep taking it. I have hope that without this drug that I can keep losing weight through diet and exercise and that my numbers will continue to improve. I believe that CT scan may have saved my life, although not in the way it was intended. Your experience may be completely different than mine, but if you are suffering from these side effects, see your doctor. If he or she dismisses your concerns, find another doctor. It's your life, after all.

This medication increased my appetite, gave me diarrhea and made me feel horrible!

Horrible! Gained 45 lbs, had trouble with pain with liver, did not control my A1c. Felt miserable constantly, digestive problems with diarrhea all the time. Went off of the med and lost weight and felt 100% better, doctor insisted I go back on it, now I feel horrible again.

Haven't had any problems with this med so far

I toke Actosplus met a few years. The side effects were Leg broke, Swelling of the lower leg or ankles,Weight gain (from 140 to 157 lbs), frequently Urinary tract infection and trouble breath. I stopped taking it after my leg broke

following doctors recomendation only

Did an adequate job of controlling my blood sugar, but started having other symtoms almost immediately. Weight gain, swollen feet and fatigue. Felt much better when I wasn't taking it, lost weight and good energy, but my numbers were high out of control.

This was a terrible drug and I regret allowing my Dr. to switch me from Metformin (which worked extremely well for me)to ActoplusMet 15/500. 1.)It did NOT control my blood sugar nearly as well as Metformin and my A1c number crept up gradually over the 4 years I was on it, from 5.6 to 6.9. 2.) I gained over 35 pounds in spite of consistent exercise and a pretty darn good dietary regimen. 3.) I began to be suspicious of the early signs of congestive heart failure and possible coronary artery disease which was confirmed by a recent stress EKG and subsequent angiogram. These problems all took place in spite of good cholesterol numbers in the 135 - 145 range and LDL numbers below 70. I insisted my doctor take me off Actoplus and went back to plain Metformin about 7 months ago and since then have dropped almost 25 pounds. I'm also seeing huge improvements in my blood glucose readings. I am absolutely convinced that I got off Actoplus in the nick of time to avoid needing full-blown open heart surgery (at least for now) and am attempting to deal with the CAD with aggressive heart medications, continued exercise and diet ... we'll see over the next year whether or not this works. Unfotunately there's no way to prove one way or the other that Actoplus is the culprit with resect to the heart issues, but I'm a student of my own body and I'm thoroughly convinced it's the primary cause. The added fact that it did a terrible job controlling my blood sugar, which was the sole reason for taking it in the first place makes it a failed experiment as far as I'm concerned. It may work for others but it was a disaster for me.

I have been taking 850/15 for about 31/2 months now. It has brought my sugar down, my hemoglobin is now normal at 5.6. I have been walking a couple of miles everyday but for the last 2 3 weeks my joints, especially my hips are hurting a lot. That's effecting my mobility, I can't walk like I used to. I did get stiff before this med but my joints didn't hurt like they hurt now.I need to loose the weight so I can get of this med but I can't exercise. I also get jittery at times.

Has controled symtoms and A1c levels are good. i have encountered an upset stomach and diarrhea at times. I have been using this medication for over 1 year.

I am a senior -77 yrs old- and actoplus plus met 15/850 is the best medicine i have found to control my blood sugar. I am in the gap in my insurane and it cost me 218.00 at walmart and I can't afford it. Is there any way you could help me? I take a lot of medicines and I am having a hard time paying for it. I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.

Im a newly diagnosed diabetic and started taking Actoplus for 1 month now. This has brought my levels down. Lowest reading 77, highest reading 202. Taking 15/500 2X daily. I do exercise on treadmil at least 30 min a day and eat less than 50 carbs a meal and less than 20 carb a snack, never exceeding 200 carbs a day. This has worked tremendously and I feel 100 times better. I also take CoQ10, Red yeast rice & Omega3's for my cholesterol as well as vitamin B's. Had to make a life style change to save it! Hoping my next A1C reading will take me off these.

I have been taking this medicine 3 times a day for only a week and a half and it is doing really well for my blood sugar numbers, BUT I am so nausuated and tonight I started throwing up. Does anyone else have this problem?

i was on steriods and developed sugar my doctor put me on actoplus my sugar is normal now for 4 month and i am off steriods why should i still have to take this

This medication has been easy for me to use.

My sugar was very I thought I had it ended up in emergency room for something else and had them check my sugar it was very high within 2 weeks my sugar was way down.

Have severe diaharrea, my sugar level is fine!