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Generic Name: Piroxicam

Brand Name: Feldene

Feldene Drug and Medication User Reviews

Excellent drug as it allows me to be ambulatory without significant pain. I have noted that if I fail to take the drug for a few days, the result is feeling as though I've been hit by a train. I'm forced to be bedridden.

I think everyone who takes this drug will find it to be effective, but they need to know that all drugs of this type (nsaids) will eat away at your stomach lining. Therefore, you should request from your doctor a companion drug (cytotec) to protect your stomach lining and you will have a much safer experience. I have taken this combination for many years and have no serious repercussions.

I haven't had a single side effect mentioned by the other users. After reading the reviews, it almost seems strange? Perhaps it has to do with the overall health of the patient? I'm taking it for ankle and hip pain. I need surgery on the ankle, but I'm waiting a few months. It seems that Feldene is helping to reduce the pain each day - making it tolerable so I can excercise and walk. I just worry when I go off of it....been taking it for about 9 mos and love it.

This has been my anti-inflammatory whenever I get sciatica/pyriformis syndrome, joint pain, and inflammatory process since 1987. It provides quick relief, with few doses, and minimal side effects.

it seemed to help the joint pain but caused a rash so I had to discontinue use.

In 1991 took Feldene for then unknown disease of Fibromylagia... Wound up with a perforated ulcer on top of an artery.... After many treatments including ice lavage... A stomach resection/antrectomy including a 5 units transfusion ... I was in the hospital for a month and took about 1 year to recover.... I still have severe side effects with sugars and fats.... I say don't take it .... It is outright dangerous

I call this medication my "miracle drug". It removes all the pain and stiffness from arthritis. It is perfect for me.

ihave been on piroxicam for several years and went off when i started to get blood marks from bumping my arms, i am back on it because i could hardly move so i stated taking at night and i don;t seem to have the problem.

I had contracted Fifths disease which is a little known childs affliction. My son had a slight rash on his stomach. It just so happened the doctor said "when Adults get it, it causes major join pain" WaaLa.. I had it and my doctor had no idea what the problem was. I finally tried Proxican, and it worked! I took it for 15 years, no side effects. but effectiveness is gone now. I stopped and I am looking for an alternate. Maybe Lyraca. I am working to get off Vicoden. very additive and hate memory loss from it.

I got hives and had to go to the hospital for a shot of steriods.

after jaw surg my Dr. gave me this med, I am having problems with swelling do not know if this a problem with the med. or not.

I recently started this med for my Plantar Fasciitis and it has been highly effective for my heel pain. I don't have any of the side effects but I do take it with a full glass of water and with food. It has allowed me to hope to run again!!!

This is the most dangerous drug I have ever taken. I had horrific side effects. A terrible rash that felt like I had hundreds of needles sticking into my skin & it itched horribly. I became very sun sensitive & anywhere my skin was exposed to the sun, even for a few minutes I either got a horrific rash or a sunburn. A horrible experience. Take this drug off the market! I had to have emergency treatment with steroids for a week to overcome the rash!

Being as I have stage 3 liver disease I was really surprised when the doctor prescribed this medication for painful tongue due to thrush in my mouth. The thrush was caused by overloading me with steroids - so they given me a non steroidal for inflammation and pain. I am so done trying to get away from all these meds that say DO NOT TAKE IS YOU HAVE LIVER DISEASE.

it gets rid of my knee pain.

only takes pain away temporarily and slight blurry vision, only on it under a week though. Told to take with biggest meal which for me is supper. Probably would be better to take in am with breakfast.

The first dose caused major stomach pain. Dr prescribed an acid reducer but, pain persisted. Stomach has never been the same. Now suffer from major stomach pain, frequently needing treatment for acid reflux like symptoms

Wonderful that the pain is lessened, sometimes gone. Can bother the stomach, then I take it every other day for a week. Have had extreme itching though, barely tolerable.

this med helpd me to function on a daily basis