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Generic Name: Pramipexole

Brand Name: Mirapex

Mirapex Drug and Medication User Reviews

I'm writing this to warn bipolar people that this drug can, and does, induce mania, even at dosages as low as .5 mg. I took it for 10+ years and finally figured out it was causing mostly small, sneaky manic episodes at night after taking it. And it was effecting me the next day as well preventing me from ever being really stable in my moods. The day after I switched to ropinirole, I felt this amazing peace inside that I had not felt it many, many years. It was a truly amazing feeling and I still feel that way now 2 months later. Looking back now I can see how it was messing with my moods in so many ways. So if you're bipolar please be very cautious with this drug. I'm starting to see some talk about it inducing mania on the web now and I'm 100% certain there will be much more information about this over time. Please be careful with this.

NOTICE...HELP! I just found out today the manufacturer (Boehringer) has stopped making Mirapex, according to my Pharmacy! After suffering incredible pain and sleepless nights for years, I found a Dr. at a sleep clinic who prescribed Mirapex approx ten years ago. It is a miracle drug for my RLS. The generic never worked for me. Mirapex is the most important prescription I take for a better quality of life. I have no idea what Iâ??m going to do!

My mother took mirapex for several years for restless legs. It worked wonders for this. Suddenly several months ago she began getting nauseated every day. Then she began daily vomiting. It got so bad at one point she ended up in ER and was hospitalized for over a week as they tried to figure out the issue. They never did after multiple tests. She cane home and was better but still nauseated every day and wasn’t able to eat much at all. Finally we decided to take her off each of her medications for a week at a time bc we were desperate to help her. She tried stopping a couple meds one at a time but they did not help the nausea. Then she tried mirapex and after one day she began to feel better. This was the one medicine she did not want to come off bc it helped so much. But it was worth it for her bc now she feels like she can live again. I posted this because even after years of taking a medicine you can still have a problem and I hope this helps someone else.

I developed RLS about 6 months ago. After 4 sleepless nights in a row- I was desperate. I tried home remedies, hot baths, different sleeping positions, walking my neighbor hood in the middle of the night- nothing worked. I even tried meditation and crazy YouTube suggestions/ I called my dr and he immediately put me on this medication- I was so scared to take it- but after sleeping within an hour after my first dose, I now have no fears- just gratitude that itâ??s affordable, effective and, in my case, career saving- anyone on here reading knows the horror of multiple sleepless nights, pacing, crying and and frustration. If thatâ??s you- I urge you to give this a try- I slept 8 solid hrs my second dose. Caution!!! It makes me drowsy. As hell and it hits out of nowhere so be in for the evening when you take it ð?¤?

I suffer from RLS and since I started taking this medication I’m able to sleep without having the urge to move my legs. Only downfall is that u need to take it 2-3 hours before bed and sometimes I forget and it takes a while to kick in

I have only been on it for just over a week. It has really stopped the RLS, but not sure I will keep taking it. I am gaining weight like mad. Swell in the legs and feet. Sick on the stomach at times but not to the point of throwing up. Headaches at nightl

I have had severe RLS for about 20 years. I was originally prescribed Klonopin , but made me extremely drowsy in the mornings. My doctor then prescribed Mirapex to be taken about 2-3 hours before bed and I was finally able to sleep with no drowsiness in the morning. When Requip came ut, my doctor asked if I wanted to try it and I agreed. After four days of RLS keeping me up except for catnaps, my doctor put me back on Mirapex and again I was able to sleep at night. This about 15 years ago and I am still on it. The only drawback is that catnaps during the day are out as the dose I take only seems to last about 12 hours.

This work pretty good for my severe RLS. Does anybody get a ringing in their ears or tingling of the tongue. It feels a lot like when the antithesis the dentist gives you starts to wear off? This might just be from a head or neck injury I suffer from, just curious.

I have been taking Mirapex for several years now for RLS, works great for me. My question is: Has anyone taking this medication experienced hair loss?

First I was prescribed 0.125, then, 0.250. I believe that it helped me whole lot. Would like to advance to 1 mg if possible.

My 90 year old Mom was prescribed this medication. Beware that if the dosage is too high, it may cause psychotic behavior or hallucinations. My poor Mom was struggling to make sentences and seeing things that weren't really there. And to add insult to injury, even through the fog she knew something was wrong and she wasn't making sense. She became so agitated and upset to the point of tears. The overdosing occured twice in the hospital because the pharmacy couldn't get their act together. Bad experience all around.

My mom's doctor prescribed this for restless legs. She felt good however in a few days she began having mental confusion and seeing things. Called her doctor and immediately took her off the medication. They need to do more studies on the side effects. Rather scary.

Side effects include confusion, nausea, memory loss, inability to get to sleep and stay asleep, muscle spasms, headaches

I have been taking Mirapex for about 5-6 yrs now and it works very well for my RLS. I have been having breakthrough issues lately but I take half a pill around lunchtime if that happens.

I have never had a side affect from taking Mirapex. I've been taking it for many years for Restless Leg Syndrome. If I did not have this medicine I don't know how I would ever sleep.

I have a terrible time getting the tablets out of the packaging. Why cant it come in a bottle.That is why I only gave it 2 stars for ease of use

Mirapex has nearly eliminated my RLS but after nearly 3 weeks on it, I am having a bad side effect of insomnia. I have no problems falling asleep say around 11 pm but I wake at 2 or 3 am and I cannot fall asleep again. This has left me with the feeling of exhaustion during the day. I was waiting to see if my body got accustomed to Mirapex but so far the insomnia persists. The most sleep I have had in the last few weeks is 4.5 hours. I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor to deal with the side effects.

I was tried on several medications until I was given this medication and it worked! I have recommended this med to several people and it worked for them as well. I have been on it for over 10 years now. I still have break through symptoms especially when I am very tired.

I suffered from restless leg syndrome. Would wake up with sore legs and feet and thought it was just arthritis. After a sleep study I found out why I was sore and Mirapex put an end to the soreness and I sleep like a baby.

BEWARE - If you have any impulsive urges, compulsive gambling, stop taking this immediately. I took this medication for about 5-6 years and had never been a gambler, even lived in Vegas and hardly played. With this medication, I lost my marriage, my business and perhaps a million bucks. It works for RLS, but just be aware of this rare but devastating side effect.