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Generic Name: Pregabalin

Brand Name: Lyrica

Lyrica Drug and Medication User Reviews

Dx MS young age, after a car accident during COVID developed strange pain/swelling we still are in the process of figuring out but I do think lyrica has helped. I take 150mg+ plus baclofen, topamax, alpha drugs, modafinil. I have severe chronic fatigue which I've had basically my entire life but until the car accident it was manageable. At first lyrica gave me horrible swelling on top of what I had but now I do not notice. It does not affect my fatigue, I take 150mg in the morning in fact. It has made my mood better and I assume that has to do with less pain. I imagine if my energy levels were better I'd be a happy, normal, human being. I've been on so many drugs over the years I can stop and start anything without withdrawal. And I have no dependence on any drugs including opiates even after long term prescriptions. I know others who personally had mixed reviews about this medication but I like it better than topamax. I have virtually no side effects in comparison.

I found that this medication gives me approx 4 -5 hours of varied levels of pain relief. 2 hours of good pain relief 2 hours into the 4-5 hours. My anxiety is reduced. Reduced craving of smoking. The pins and needles remained the same. It's been 5 days and I have not noticed any bad side affects. I do plan on going to the doctor to up my dosage as I can still feel the sharp pains in my arm. Overall, it works and helping me with a number of issues.

Back and leg muscle spasm due to bulging disc, this product didn’t touch the pain

Causes suicidal thoughts! I've been on this for 10 years, I have gone from 75mg to 600mg a day. I can confirm that the drug causes suicidal thoughts and depression. I literally spend two hours a day thinking of ways I can end my life. I am aware that it's the drug so I am aware not to act on it, No previous history of depression or mental illness. It's definitely the medication. Be very careful. The drug works wonders for nerve pain. It also causes impotence & no more sex drive, gone. This is a genuine review and I warn all parents especially to inform your kids about the possibility of this symptom, the suicidal thoughts are intrusive and feel totally justified in my mind, but I can tell that it's just the medication, others may not realize this.

Been using this for years works fair for what is wrong with my bad back and neuropathy

If it wasn’t for this medication I wouldn’t be able to walk due to severe neuropathy from diabetes and several foot surgeries. I take 200mg 3 times a day.

After stroke neuropathy pain. Was on another med and had become immune to it. I've been able to get relief of the pain. I'm on a lot of meds, I have had to be prescribed something for anxiety but I have had issues with depression and anxiety most of my life anyways. Lyrica has been so helpful but seems like I get used to the dose fairly quick. Most of the listed side effects are similar to most of the meds I also take.

The first dose was a miracle drug. Days following I feel it doesn't work. I kept taking and hoping, however, I didn't see a difference. Started ALA. Hoping this will help.


I have fractured L1 to L3 40 years ago a lifetime of pain and heroin addiction. I now take 300 mg of Pregabalin once each morning with 2 15 mg OxyContin and 1 1 mg alprozolam . I find together they stop the pain at last I have legal medicine. I wish I could of had these decades ago my life could of been better. Yes weight gain clumsy walking but I can get over these limitations. Hardly any pain most days.

Very bad memory, blurry...apetatite increased uncontrolled. Low concentration

This is my second day on lyrica. I was prescribed 75 at night for first 5 days then I am to increase to a second dose per day after five days. Yesterday the first day I woke physically feeling amazing, slightly groggy. The pain relief instant. My anxiety so so improved I don't remember feeling this normal in 20 years plus. I was actually able to stay up until 11 pm! This unheard of from me since I am not a night owl, I'm a early morning person. Amazing for me since I would come home from work and go directly to bed due to pain and tiredness. This second day I feel great! No foggiest like yesterday and I slept well. Still woke at my early am time but feel really good. I will keep eye on myself for all the bad side effects that can be associated. I know this is only my second day and I have to increase the dose but maybe I won't have to. Praying I don't get any bad effects cause I am over the moon with how I feel now. Will update as I progress.

I have a serious car accident a month ago. Some damage to my spine top to bottom and several other joints, no broken bones thanks to excellent airbags in my now written-off car. I was struck at speed from 90 degrees. The other party was 100% at fault, not me. I've been on Lyrica for two to three weeks. It seems to me that it initially reduced my accident pain by 20% BUT as time has passed, I strongly suspect is has ended up making me far worse due to the extent of the side effects, especially the reduced urination and swelling in my legs, chest cavity and entire body wide joints. If Im right this extends into all my back joints and has now meant more pain that the accident alone. They list the side effects like you would be terribly unlucky if you got one or two. Well that seems a like a gross underestimation to me. I have multiple of the listed side effects including the so-called rare ones. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I doubt it! These are the low consequence issues I am experiencing straight from the side effects list BUT keep reading cos it gets far worse.... Dry Mouth General Difficulty Concentrating - occasional Problems Thinking Clearly Occassional Dizziness especially if I turn my head quickly Low Energy Joint Pain, Backache Minor Memory Loss - I temporarily forgot how to sign my name !!! Muscle Twitching - in my back Increased Hunger - not massive but I notice it because I don't normally have hunger pains Headache - constant dull headache for weeks Generalized Weakness While not INTENSE Abdominal Pain, the swelling in my chest is crushing my organs into the bottom of my rib cage - extremely uncomfortable. Double Vision - occassionally Ringing In The Ears - slightly louder than normal as I already have Tinitus A Change In Vision - absolutely - listed above

I was talking fast to anyone who’d listen and aware I was doing this (even worse) but the most awful thing I was wetting my bed! Get off it as soon as possible. This was happening on a low and high dose.

Cannot find this as a side effect. But cannot sleep. I mean awake all night. Sometimes racing thoughts, sometimes not. Terrible headaches, very low oral dose. Why can I not sleep…at all? Helps some with neuropathy, probably would help better at higher dose. But HAs, blurred vision and no sleep is at low dose has me concerned. Failed all other treatments. Very sensitive to medications for some reason.

Hello. I was taking lyrica (not prescribe) when i was 17. I was having 5 pills a day 300mg so all up 1500mg a day as well as 3 xans. Please if you can stay away from these pills please do so. I cant remember 10months of my whole life. I am now 20 and i struggle to have normal painkillers because of the effect and tolerance it built

The side effects do not outlay the possibility for relief. My side effects were major weight gain. Hallucinations and incontinence. I felt absolutely no pain but gained so much Wright I looked 7 months pregnant and was speaking to ghosts.

This frog should not be used by anyone! It is over-prescribed to women between 45-55 often as a purported treatment for the all-too-often diagnosed fibromyalgia, a non-existent disease given to women often in menopause, but likely who are suffering from something that goes undiagnosed. Lyrica caused several brain issues with me including tardive dyskinesia. I am fine now other than some bruxism, but I urge women to avoid this drug.

Fair results.

Lyrica is hell in a pill. Tapering off it is difficult beyond words. Please , Do Not take this pill. Do not take it even if a well meaning doctor who prescribes it. Sure , many people say it's a great pill for them. Try coming off it and get back to me. CBD oil is an absolute lifesaver for severe pain. If you are able, try that. But only if it doesn't interact with other medications. I plan to taper slowly off Lyrica and use only CBD. Twice i have gone to hospital with stroke like symptoms, violent jerking, inablility to move , heart on fire. Both times i was tapering off Lyrica. Emergency doctors would not listen. The paramedic and pharmacist knew about Lyrica side effects than ER docs. Now that i have tapered down slowly to 100 mg finally my strength is returning, my vertigo has improved. My memory is busted up. I had a great memory once. I am not going to forget what Lyrica has done to me though. And i am not going to forgive either. This is the Opiod Crisis 2.0. Taken it for 2 years, at only 150mg. It stops working and the side effects are extreme. Memory loss, twitching, weakness, loss of balance, low mood. For anyone sensitive to pills, this is your worst nightmare. I only wish i was being overly dramatic .