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Generic Name: propranolol

Brand Name: Inderal oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have MVP. My Doctor prescribed this medicine and I haven’t taken it yet. He said I should take 1-2 pill only “IF” the palpitations and chest pain occur. But on the “Uses” page I have read - I SHOULD NOT take it when it occurs. I don’t know what to do? I may have to try to take it before bed. Pls advise anyone

the indoor one that told me to side with old is gold one to increase weight in anthem of afgan attached to kicking me out of canada pursuit so they can tag me everywhere you're damaged

This medicine has changed my life. I suffered 1-2 migraines a week. They were severe enough to be sick to my stomach and stuck in a dark room for 24 hours. After taking Inderal my migraines have gone to one a month or even longer. Life changer

I have been taking since 1999. I took many different migraine medications. Inderal has worked very well for me. I would get a migraine almost every week that put me in a dark room in agony.I estimate I have had hundreds if not a thousand migraines. It is hard to believe a person could survive that many. Terrible life. In the past twenty years I have had them but nothing uncontrollable and much easier to live with.

Was on Topomax for 15 years and stopped working. Aevraged 2 mingraines a week. I started Inderal and I have been migraine free for 6 months.

After teaching for 20 yrs, I developed anxiety in front of the class. Sweating, heart racing, dizziness, etc. Dr. started me on Inderal 20mg 10 yrs ago, and my life has been turned around. The very first week my hyper-sweating and fear seemed to melt away. Now I have no fear of social situations. I use the generic (propranolol) twice a day, and believe me, I never forget. The great thing is that I do not feel 'medicated,' just able to cope with stress in a reasonable and normal manner. This med represents my real life being handed back to me. I hope to use it forever. If you have relentless anxiety, then this may help you too.

An excellent med, one capsule every morning, 160mg, and it works on my high-normal BP very well. Also it has a sedating effect that is most pleasant and unexpected. My family doctor said nothing about this, he waited to see if I noticed the calming effect. He said he has taken it himself just for the mild sedation. The benzo types of anti-anxiety meds are caveman clubs compared to Inderal. Plus my dosage I'm told is lower than most take.

I have been taking this medication for about 20 years now Inderal LA 80 mg. Once a day. Just recently it has not been as effective. My doctor says your body can build a tolerance to it. That may be my problem. Overall it helps with my symptoms due to have a MVP.

it had helped my shaking of hands and anxiety and chest pain which i hate and the side effects are sleepiness and arm and wrist joint pains......but overall a good drug

Have only just begun this drug but was on Primidone for 3 years for tremors. Doctor told me to take Inderal(really taking Generic)with the Primidone and I'm very pleased so far. No tremors. I'll have to be vigilant about weight gain and will hopefully conquer this at the gym.

This is the only drug that has controlled my migranes, for nearly 20 years now.

I have been on Inderal LA since 1970. It has been very effective for preventing headaches. Don't find any side effects with use. Slight weight gain at first, but that goes away. Now no problem.

I have had panic attacks for over 30 years. After starting Inderal the panic diminished significantly during the first month and 30 years later continues to block all panic. The slow release type works the best for me. The only side-effect is that occasionally it makes me feel tired. It also drops the maximum heart rate which can interfere with sports.

I used to have migraines 2-3 times a week and with only 40mg of Indera, it is down to 2 month and not as severe when occurring. Same side effects as others, fatigue and weight gain but worth it!

despite this treatment is being efective, I experienced severe hair loss. Before I always felt my heart beating; now I'm much more relaxed.

not feeling much better

I just started this medication 2 months ago. I was on Cymbalta for anxiety and panic attacks for over 3 years. Then I started having high blood pressure over time period which the doctor didnt seem to be concerned with until I took a stress test and couldnt even finish the fast walk part without my blood pressure going thru the roof. 220/110+. I could feel my heart beating in my throat and thought I was going to vomit all over. So now I am off Cymbalta after terrible withdrawals (use Omega 3-makes it alot easier) and I am trying this for my anxiety. I cant really tell what the outcome is yet. My parents have been on it for many years and I thought why not.

Helped Migraines. Many side effects on 80mg.,dizzy,lethargic,loss of balance, strange dreams, insomia. Cut dose to 40mg. Helped side effects,still helped headaches. 10 lb weight gain already,big stomach,tight clothes. I do not want that. Stay on it Inderal ???? debatable. Tried many med's over the years. Relpax works the best by far,for headaches, no side effects.

slows me down, doesn't let me sleep, may have given me diabetes, may have made me fat due to increased appetite, probably raised my cholestral. possibly makes me depressed for all of the above.

Have been taking 30mg for the past 50 years and in the past fews years have had not only cold hand and feet and ankle swelling, but recently increasing bruising