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Generic Name: Pseudoephedrine

Brand Name: Sudafed

Sudafed Drug and Medication User Reviews

In the past Sudafed use to work well but something has changed since now it does nothing for me. In the past it worked well but now for some reason it is worthless. I use to have to ask for it at the pharmacy and it is now easier since I no longer have to do this. If only it worked like it did in the past.

I took the recommended dose of the liquid form of sudafed. After the second dose my heart was pounding and I felt like I had indigestion ended up going to my g.p because I was sure I was having a heart attack. Wont bebe taking this again nor will I ever give it to my children. Very frightening experience.

I have been taking Sudafed for years. I have bad Sinutis, live near the ocean, have a deviated septum, but usually will not get it if I keep a warm hat on my head, and wash my hair at night, and do no go out, giving 8 hours sleeping for my head pores to close. AC systems on high in the summer, i.e. Grocery stores will give it to me. I carry a warm cap in the store in my purse. I take my had everywhere. Sudafed is the only thing that works. I wait to take it in the morning at 8 AM. I take 3 at once. I hate the feeling but if I take less it does not work. By 8 PM I am feeling normal again and able to sleep by 10:30 PM. My blood pressure goes up during the day. I take BP med anyways so I take the normal dose, and it needed another 1/2 dose. I am 63. For me going from hot where head pores are open to a cold breeze, or high A/C will really start it. Also, sometimes the barometric pressure when the ocean side town gets heavy fog layer--- June gloom they use to call it by now it comes in July and August due to climate change. My hat is my saver from sinus attack most of the time. I don't like Sudafed although it is the only thing that works once I get it, so my hat is a small inconvenience to remember to always have with me. I get severe migraines too once it starts, and gets worse. In that case, I take Imitrex but don't take it the same day as the Sudafed.

From my experience, Walmart generic nasal decongestant works better. The last time I had a cold, I took twelve hour Walmart brand pills and you never would've known I was sick. I ran out after that cold, and now I have another cold and I've been on Sudafed for five days, and I've been extremely miserable and constantly blowing my nose.

I took this medication for a sinus infection at the urging of my doctor. It completely unblocked my nasal passages and I had no post nasal drip or runny nose. Unfortunately, I took it in the evening and it kept me awake all night and I was bit shaky. However, the alternative Phenylephrine does not work at all. I will take it only during the day from now on.

I picked up the PE stuff. Its not the little red pills my mom used to give me when I was younger. I noticed my heart racing about an hour after I took it, and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I have a high BPM to begin with (usually about 80) but my BPM raced to 103. I'm 26. This is not the medication for me.

Went to the doc for tinnitus. She said I had fluid in my ears. Take Sudafed. Been taking for 5 days. Can't sleep, feel anxious and tired. Feel like I'm losing my mind. The tinnitus is actually worse. Time to stop.

I was given this drug to keep my blood pressure even? Can this be a off-label use of this drug??

After taking the medication I immediately fell asleep for 9 hours only getting up because I had to go to class. Throughout the day my drowsiness got worse and my stomach was cramping and upset. I finally left and went home and promptly fell asleep for 3 more hours.

Sudafed is the only medication I have taken amongst most on the market that stops my runny nose and allows me to continue with my life unimpeded. The medicine works from the first dosage. I started taking Sudafed when overseas in the Army in the '80s. It continues to be the sole effective medication that tames the effects of the cold virus I get. It eliminates the nasal drip that, unchecked, leads to a painful, wracking chest cold. With Sudafed, the drip disappears and so does the coughing.

Easy to acquire & inexpensive as well. Most Physicians have no hesitation in recommending OTC "purchase" for "use" at the prescription level. For many a pregnant woman, this is her only relief!

Don't get me wrong, this medication is a blessing for my severe sinus congestion. I'm talking about ears ringing and eyes hurting! Noting else will work, Unfortunately it also raises my BP, I'm only 24...


This is the only medication that stops my sinus headaches from turning into migraines and nausea. Works only if taken when the pain starts.

I have profound deafness from fluid in both ears. I have been taking this for 9 days and have had no relief whatsoever.

This product works well I have tried several types of decongestant and was not satisfied with the result. I mostly use maxium strength non drowsy formula, cause I don't want to feel sleepy in the day time.

I am pregnant so Sudafed is what the doctor had on the list of ok to take. I should have known something was up when I got carded and they told me it was used to make meth. I went to bed at 9:30 and got up at 7 to take the kids to school. I haven't slept a wink. I tossed and turned and was amped up all night walking around the house. I WILL NOT take another pill. Now i am sick and exhausted!

I have used all types of allergy medicines and always come back to sudafed. I do not like to take meds on a regular basis, but when my head starts to hurt and I become congested, I immediately grab sudafed. And only the one behind the counter Now my boys take it too. during the day and the smallest dose possible. Doc okayed it.

After taking two doses (one dose two pills, and another dose two pills - four hours later) I developed numbness in my top teeth. I went to my doctor the next day and still had numbness in my teeth. Since August (that is when I took the sudafed) my sense of smell and my sense of taste has been severly dulled. I do have a broad sense of smell (I can smell Vicks and bleach and other very strong oders) but my fine sense of smell is gone. Also my fine sense of taste is gone also. Have there ever been any reports of this happening? I do intend to go back to my doctor to see if there is anything I can do or any treatments to help this condition.

I get frequent sinus infections due to a deviated septum. I use Sudafed to help clear my nose and ears.