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Generic Name: Rasagiline

Brand Name: Azilect

Azilect Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have only been taking this medication for 2 weeks for brain injury. As previously was on Selegine, however that drug no long is available so my specialist suggested I use Rasagiline. Have had some moments of lightheadedness and dry mouth, otherwise everything has been alright so far.

My neurologist prescribed Azilect as a way of cutting back on the increasing daily number of Sinemet tablets I was taking (8), Within a week, I started experiencing occasional heartburn incidents, which I was able to manage with antacids. Within a month of starting on the Azilect, I had to go to the emergency room for severe chest pains and was admitted for a presumed heart attack. I was subjected to multiple scans and tests, including an angiogram; they all revealed no damage to my heart. The cardiologist on my case reviewed my PD pharmaceutical regimen and assessed that I had suffered the low incident side-effect of Azilect, so I was told to stop taking it immediately. That was almost 8 years ago and I have had no repeat incidents such as that since.

Used with amantadine following DBS (June 2014). No noticeable side effects. Expensive.

I started taking Azilect four years ago. My doctor calls me a great responder to the drug. After being quite miserable from symptoms, I do not look like I have the disease at all--motor symptoms are minimal. Azilect has worked amazingly well for me. I also take Propranolol which completely takes away the tremor in my hand. I struggle with sleep, and Trazodone helps with that.

I have PD (early stages) and asked if i wanted to stop Levodopa and try Azilect. i stopped taking my Levodopa, wated 2 days on nothing and started taking Azilect. After 2 weeks on Azilect my PD symptons are worse, I have less control, experiencing low grain headache (never had headaches before) and elevated blood pressure. I am going to to take for 2 more days 2 validate side effects and then discontinue.

I've had Parkinson's Disease for 11 years and I have taken Azilect since I was first diagnosed with Parkinson's. I feel it has slowed the progress of my Parkinson's and helped me continue to do the things I enjoy. I have seen several people who have Parkinson's and did not take Azilect. They have progressed faster than I have. I really feel it has helped slowed the progression of Parkinson's for me.

I just want to let people know that going through a Canadian pharmacy, I get my medication for $1.15 per pill, shipped directly from a drug company in India. so far side effects have been minimal.

I started taking sinemet (25/100mg) in Aug 2014 and found it helped greatly with my PD symptoms. In Feb 2015 the neurologist added azilect (1mg). I really could not see much difference in the PD symptoms. I was not overly careful with my diet and did not sense any problems until May 2015 when I started having occasional throbbing headache, flushing of the face and neck, pounding heart, and unexplained sweating. Lying down helped get rid of the symptoms. As time progressed the symptoms became more severe: in Aug 2015 I started taking my blood pressure (BP) when I felt bad. Daily and sometimes twice a day the BP was over 250/110. Then, at other times I would barely be able to stand up or walk: the other extreme in BP showed up (74/34). These extreme swings became more frequent. I went to the ER twice with the high BP and passed out on the bathroom floor one morning at 3 a.m. A trip to our internist resulted in quick appointments with the cardiologist and neurologist. Both made changes to my medications. The cardiologist stopped Xarelto and started baby aspirin. The neurologist stopped Azilect. That was two weeks ago. The blood pressure extremes are gone and I feel much better now. The PD symptoms are about the same as before the azilect! Note: I had read up on Azilect using the Azilect internet site. They do not say much about watching what you eat if you take their product, but I believe I may have had a reaction to certain foods high in tyramines.

When I took the first pill, I had a back ache and a headache. When I took the 2nd pill, I had a headache,back and a fever. i did not take anymore. the next that happened was a severe case of hives. prescribing Dr. said that was not from the medication. when i went to my pcp,i was told never to take this again because i had a severe allergic reaction. never again. I feel I may have died had I taken the 3rd pill. The prescribing Dr. told me to go back on it after 4 or 5 days. Not a chance.

Very expensive and dont know what it is suppose to be helping.

Hard to tell. Parkinson's is still getting worst

Besides Sinemet and RopiniroleI I took Azilect since about 3 years. My PD symptoms have not worsened but have not improved either. However, the side effect warnings have become increasingly alarming! Some of them I experienced personally such as sore or stiff neck, light-headeness, tingling, one sided weakness, itching. For my taste there is far to much uncertainty about this drug, I stopped taking it.

I was diagnosed with early onset PD 13 yrs ago. Have been using Azilect for the last 5 or so. Just went off the drug due to high cost - $13.50/pill. I take 4 different strengths of Carbo/levo, Amantadine, Comtan and Clonazapan; and had DBS surgery a year ago. I've been off Amantadine for 2 weeks and notice a profound worsening of symptoms. So for those who complain about having to give up a food or not take an OTC cold remedy...that's a small price to pay for such relief from symptoms. There is no generic equivalent available for Azilect and at over $400/mo. it's too expensive to continue taking - I would not only have to stop buying cheese and OTC cold medicines, I'd have to stop buying most other food as well. If anyone has any suggestions for an alternative, I'd love to hear them.

EARLY DIAGNOSED 1YR,1 MG AZILECT, GET INFORMED..talk with your dr. slight tremor on L hand stable.IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT SURGERY PRECAUTION, feeling well,take tylenol pm for sleep.. WORKS!!just printed list of foods not to eat while take meds. still work 3 days wk, loving hus & fam.. GOD IS GOOD.. GET INVOLVED VOLUNTEER IF CAN.. HUGS TO YOU!!

I was diagnosed a little over 2 1/2 years ago. I was placed on azilect about 1 1/2 years ago. I have not noticed a decrease in tremors, but it has not got a lot worse. I belong to a fitness center and exercise 3 days a week. I believe that is helping more than anything else. I also play golf a t least once a week.

sometime after taking this medication along with my morning blood pressure medication I feel a tightness under my shoulder blades radiading around and above my diaphram. I also drink an 8 oz. class of creatine.

I have been treated with this drug for approx nine months. My only symptom is hand tremor but it has not worsened. I have had no adverse side effects.

Three weeks on 1/2 mg of Azilect, and now more than a month on 1 full mg, not much change in symptoms of rigidity on right side and balance problems, but had several recent nights awakening with very severe anxiety and physical "jumpiness". Very unpleasant and unsure if this is related to Azilect....also unsure as to what foods should not consume...

I have been dealing with "A-typical" symptoms off and on for 5 years now. About 2.5 years ago, I was told that a sleep study showed early onset of PD and I was given Mirapex (along with a miriad of other drugs). That didn't help at all. A little over 1.5 yrs ago, my Neurologist tried Keppra- an anti seizure medicine (just because we tried everything else.) Keppa was a miracle drug for me until about 5 months ago when I started to show more "classic", increasing signs of PD. I now see a movement specialist, who although not convinced that what I have is Parkinson's, decided to try me on Azilect. I have only been on it for about 2 months, but it has worked wonders; no more right hand tremors, very little stiffness in legs, no freezing of leg muscles, my cognitive issues and severe depression have improved significantly, and although I still get headaches and have some balance issues, they are mild compared to what they were before. I have been experiencing some additional side effects, like itchy scalp, major hot flashes (not attributed to perimenopause) and dermititus. Compared to the way I felt before, I can deal with these symptoms. Although I have yet to be "officially" diagnosed, the Azilect has worked wonders for me. I feel like I'm getting my life back. Good luck to all!