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Generic Name: Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Pentavalent

Brand Name: RotaTeq

RotaTeq Drug and Medication User Reviews

All the parents of healthy children who get this don't post their positive experiences enough. I don't know any children who got rotavirus after getting the vaccines. Though it is common in daycare centers.

My son received RotaTeq at his 2 mo, 4 mo, and 6 mo well child visits. He did spit out a large amount of his first dose. However, we just had a huge bout of gastroenteritis go through the house, and my baby is the only one who didn't get it! I'm not sure if the vaccine is the cause of this, but not having to worry about another vomiting child becoming dehydrated is very comforting! I wish I could get this vaccine too!

8 week old baby is sick with a fever and temp of 104 for a week . as soon as tylenol wears off fever spikes. baby is going to be admitted to bostons children hospital as we speak. doctors say probably not the rota vaccine but would not recommend getting next dose.

My daughter recieved this at her 2 month well visit and ever since then has suffered from SEVERE acid reflux like symptoms. She is now 5 months old and still cries at the sight of a bottle. We've tried 3 different medications for reflux and none have worked. I do believe in the importance of vaccinations but DO NOT GET THIS VACCINE FOR YOUR CHILD!!!! Rotovirus isn't even a lifethreatening illness. I would rather have my daughter suffer from a couple days of rotavirus than months of painful eating!

My 2mo old son was administed the vaccine and has not had a bowl movement in 11 days. He also has had increased acid reflux. My daughter (2 years) didn't receive the vaccine so I didn't have any bad expectations. I am still trying to get him to have a BM and pray that intusseption isn't the end result

My son got this vaccine at his 2 mo. check up and I truly feel it gave him a bad reaction. He seemed to have stomach problems and cried for hours after. He also seemed to have the acid reflux problem as well. If I could go back I would NOT give it to him again. I am a believer in immunizations, but I don't believe in this one. My daughter goes next month for her 2 mo. check up, and I can tell you she will not be getting the RotaTeq vaccine.

I just last week was introduced to this drug when I took my 2mo old in for her shots. I have 2 older children who never go this. I thought is was a good idea until the following Sunday night she developed bright red blood streaks in her poopy diaper. Of course I freaked and Monday morning it was the same but not as much so I took her in and they then told me that is a rare side-effect of the vaccine. NEVER TOLD ME THAT BEFORE THE VACCINATION. The Dr. had to look it up in order to find that out!! They don't even know that!!! Don't know yet wether it works or not. My friend had a baby 2mo before me and I'm sure her daughter had the vaccine and she contracted rotovirus. Also, hard to feed a breast-feeding baby this oral medication. She spit most of it out. They do say, however, that it is formulated to expect kids to spit some out. Just want you to be aware of the side effects I wasn't and what to expect when giving it. Even after all of this, I would still probably give it to my kids. If it can help, a little is better than none. My daughter is fine and the bloody stools dissapeared after the 2 diapers. Just ask your Dr. before you do it!!

I really think that this vaccine is rediculous and i think it may be causing acid refulx in infants too.