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Generic Name: Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate and Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous

Brand Name: OsmoPrep

OsmoPrep Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have nothing but praise for Osmo Prep oral. I dreaded my 1st 2 colonoscopies,(because of that awful tasting liquid prep, but I will dread them no more. My 3rd one yesterday was a breeze from start to finish. I took my 1st 20 pills at 8:30 PM the previous night, and by 10 PM I was on the toilet. By 11 PM I was in bed asleep. I felt the urge to go again at 3:30 AM, so, while I was sitting there anyway I took my last 12 pills with the required water. By 5:45 AM I was asleep again until 7:30. By then, about all I had inside me was cloudy fluid, so I knew I was all set. My procedure was at 10:30 AM, and the doctor said that I was cleaned out perfectly. I also had no polyps at all which was a huge plus but had nothing to do with the Osmo Prep. He said "See you in 10 years"; I'll be 81, so we'll see, but you can bet I will use Osmo Prep if it's still available. The only change I would make is that I would start earlier because I could get a longer night's sleep. I give an A PLUS to OSMO PREP !!!

Highly recommend this over liquid preps. Took the 20 pills starting at 4pm. By 7 I was making frequent trips to the bathroom. Took the other 12 starting at 8pm. Continued trips to the bathroom about every 10 minutes until about 11. Woke up around 4 for short bathroom trip then again around 7:30. No cramping or bloating, just a rumbling feeling. Have had no problems with any after effects. Took tablets with water, didn't really notice the saltiness at first but about halfway through noticed it only when swallowing them. Have had 2 colonoscopies with liquid prep and this was so much better.

The only way to go when getting a colonoscopy or endoscopy! Ease of use by far superior to any of the gagging liquid preps. I used Osmoprep eight years ago and only had to pay $32 but this year $210! They won't even put the cost towards my deductible. In any case I drank chicken broth, Ginger Ale and ate banana popcicles and all things went as planned. Can't wait until there is a GENERIC for Osmoprep!

This is just my experience and not advice. After much apprehension I was really surprised to have an overall good experience with no side effects. Liquid diet Sunday, Clear diet Monday. Monday at 5:30 started the 20 pills. Took with apple juice and chased with recommended amount of water, then a glass of Gatorade. Taste was no issue, nor was swallowing whole pills. By 7:10 I was visiting the bathroom. Very gentle experience with no cramping or discomfort for the next few hours on and off. Took second dose at 1:30am. Still had some minor visits to the bathroom by 9:00am just before leaving for my appointment and one at the hospital. Had procedure at 11:30 and was told by Surgeon that the prep did a great job! He did find two polyps which he took care of so I am really happy I went. Would do this again in a heartbeat but next time might start the second dose at midnight.

This is my second time using Osmoprep. I love it and it is easy to use. I drank more than the required amount of fluids and had not problems. I had no cramping either. I think this is the best bowel prep. I can't stomach the other bowel preps like go lytely.

Osmoprep is so much easier than the drink. I do have to cut the pills in half, as they are very large. It worked great, without cramping me, for emptying my bowel, it's easy to use, and I'm very satisfied with the results. I wouldn't use anything else.

I never had an issue swallowing a lot of pills so taking the dosage was no problem. This prep was the best money I ever spent on a drug--I could NOT stomach the poisonous tasting meds the doctors prescribe. I had to fight my doctor to prescribe it,and I am glad I did I will never go back to the other combinations.

This prep was so much easier than the Gatorade/miralax prep- which I unsuccessfully tried twice and both times I threw it up before it started working. The pills were a little hard to swallow but I cut them in half and it was a little better. Overall, prep was no where near as bad as I imagined it would be. Definitely will choose the pill option next time, which hopefully won't be for a while!

I did a few colonoscopies using the liquid and each time it got harder to drink that stuff until I finally got to the point where I just threw it up, luckily I got enough cleaning for that procedure. Then they came out with the pills! That has been all I will use now. The prep is the worst part of the test. I have learned to set up the bathroom for comfort for the whole day. If you get sore on the bottom a nice warm bath helps a lot. Sometimes I stay in the tub unless need to empty. Also if the prep caused you to be real sore use zinc oxide or Desitin. My doc is now telling other patients to use it. First time I thought might be a problem but it was not. So plan on staying in the bathroom and get alll your comforts set before starting and it will not be that bad.

Each time I took a dose I washed it down with 8-10 ounces of water. God Bless these pills; head and shoulders above the liquid salt wash!

Couldn't stomach the liquid. The pills were no problem! So thankful this is an option now!

I have a colonoscopy every 24 months, and have been taking Osmoprep because I just can't swallow that liquid stuff. I wash it down with white grape juice. Never had a problem with it.

The results were of poor quality and I had to reschedule my procedure.

After taking the second round of pills, I started vomiting. I was directed to wait a couple of hours and resume the remainder of the pills. I was unable to finish the last 6 pills due to nausea. I had to use a couple of Fleets to finish cleaning out. Following the colonoscopy, I still experienced nause, server diarreah, and vomiting. Something that I've never experienced in the past. Now I'm two weeks after the colonoscopy and I'm still having cramps and diarrhea. So not worth it!!

I have had a very good experience with this drug. There were a lot of rather large pills, but they weren't that hard to swallow. I had no side-effects at all. I drank A LOT of fluids during my prep day and I think that helped - 2 liters water, 2 liter ginger ale, 64 oz apple juice, coffee and tea. Will definitely use this product again.

I took this drug after my doctor said he used it with great success. I have to say I will never use it again. The first problem is drinking all the liquid required. I made it thru the first 4 hours of liquid every 30 minutes. Then I started taking 4 pills every 15 minutes. Got the last of them down and within minutes I was vomiting. Then for the next hour everytime I even took a sip of liquid I would vomit. That lasted for about an hour. Later in the evening I got a very bad headache. It did what it was suppose to do but the side effects are not worth it.

3rd colonoscopy - best experience ever. Pills worked perfectly - no side effects except for slight headache. Stopped eating solids after lite lunch on Monday. Chicken broth Monday night, hot tea Tuesday morning, popsicle mid-morning, chicken broth lunch and dinner. Lots and lots of liquids. Started with 4 pills at 5PM Tuesday with 8 oz. apple juice, every 15 minutes the same until 20th pill at 6PM. Started working very effectively at 6PM. Kept drinking lots of fluids. Never felt nauseous or bloated. Slight cramping at around 8:30 and again an hour later - no big deal. Went to sleep around 11:30 and only got up once during the night. Started pills again with apple juice at 7:45 AM- same regimen and finished at 8:15. Started working immediately. Completely clear by 11AM. Nothing more by mouth after 11 - procedure at 3:30PM today. No more urges to use the bathroom by 12:30 - had to be there for 2PM. My doctor was very skeptical about the effectiveness of the pills but I was determined to show him that they really do work. I am a 63 year old female with polyps on 2 previous procedures and a father who had stage 3 colo-rectal cancer. 3 more polyps were found today. This procedure is not an option for me - it is a life-saving procedure and I am thrilled that the pills work so well. One very important hint - the use of wipes with aloe and Desitin cream is extremely helpful.

So far so good. Just started the prep. My instructions were to take the first doses at 3, and the final doses at 6. they said I could start earlier so I started at 2....I am hoping to be done and able to sleep fairly well. The comments here have been so helpful, thanks.

I was quite stressed with having to go through this process but after taking the pills its not so bad. Took the first 20, I broke them in half so it was easier to swallow. When I got #17 I was already going to the bathroom! lol No biggies though.No nausea or vomiting throughout the whole process and I have a sensitive stomach as I have GERD. I started the process at 2p. I went to the bathroom several times, no cramping AT ALL. Your belly gurgles and you know its time to head to the bathroom. Started last 12 pills at 10p was going pretty clear by then. I went to bed at 1am, got up 3 times to go...my appt was for 7:30a. Last time I went was 7am. No issues. No headaches...no cramps...no discomfort. No kidney problems. I will take the pills again if I need to get a colonoscopy again.