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Generic Name: Sofosbuvir Tablets

Brand Name: Sovaldi

Sovaldi Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was first treated with Rib & Peg Interferon in 2005 and 2010, both treatment failures and I was a non-responder. In June 2016 I was given another opportunity and Sofosbuvir was added; therefore a triple whammy for 12 weeks! This time, it worked and I have maintained an SVR to date. However, a few short months after my treatment ended, I started to feel really unwell with multiple symptoms. Lumps and bumps appearing in my soft tissue all over my body (lipoma type lumps, hard lumps, big and small, headaches, pain throughout the whole of my body, changes to my bones, problems with my salivary glands, facial changes and swellings that looked like I had Sjogren's Syndrome, generalized swellings, terrible pain in my feet, fatty lumps that really hurt, purpura on my knees, inability to walk around my home, cognitive impairments and numerous other nasties!!! My GP was clueless and I had to ask him for certain blood tests to rule in or rule out other diagnosis. Nothing concrete showed up on any of my blood tests. He refused me an MRI due to "cost" so I was just left with the terrible pain and changes to my body, sometimes on a day to day basis??!! I managed to find a study on line with rats in 2019 and the impact of Sofosbuvir and that was a stark wake up call, because what was found answered so many of my unanswered questions, although I hate to think that I am an actual rat :-) I have since spoken to my Consultant who indicated that there has been many symptoms that appear to be associated with Sofosbuvir, but I am waiting to see him again and will go from there. I am so pleased that it actually worked, but it has ruined my life, so it is all a double-edged sword. These antivirals were rushed through and I hope they help more people to live a quality of life than those of us that are left suffering.....extremely!! Good luck to you all, and pray to Saint Jobe (the saint of lost causes I believe?)

The previous post from the guy still having side effects will scare the beegeebee out of anyone! I'm on Sovaldi and Daklinza. I have 4 days remaining of a 12 week treatment. I'm had side effects such as irritability, upset stomach, and forgetting things but if this IS the CURE then it's worth it!! My last 2 labs detected no viral load and normal liver enzymes. I'd probably had this monster (HCV) for 30 years but only found out in 2010 and glad I waited on the new meds. I have high hopes and strong beliefs that my battle is won. I am being treated by a top notch Hepatologist and he says only a few patients relapse. I'd like to hear from some genotype 3's regarding post treatment experiences. I know I still have several remaining blood labs to do.

I have been on Sovaldi and Ribavirin (Ibavyr) for 5 weeks now. The liver enzymes were 99.9 percent normal after 2nd week. The blood test came back normal after a month. I had insomnia and stress in the first month. I found that some exercise on weekend and after dinner helps. I started taking Korean red ginseng since one week ago and it has relaxed me to sleep better. The problem that I can't seem to get rid of is decreased libido. I can't seem to keep an erection. Now I can't tell if its age related (turned 41), affects of hep c causing level 1 fibrosis or cirosis (not sure which one), anxiety due to the meds or a combination of all the factors.

Cured but I have several side effects still. I finished my 12 week treatment over a year ago. I have severe bone and joint pain throughout my body. I have a rash and itchy skin, my thyroid is messed up and I now take meds for that, depressed, hopeless, and much more. I have severe fatigue and nap a few hours daily. I have difficulty concentrating( wife helping me write this) loss of interest in things I enjoy and explosive mood swings. We don't know where to turn. My wife even contacted the FDA. I'm unable to work and we've lost everything. In researching my wife found others with same side effects after treatment. Doctors won't help

Have been fighting a patient aquired Hep C genotype 1 virus since 1998. Have been thru the gammet of tx from Interferon, ribovirin, Teleprevir, and most recently Solvadi. Developed cutaneous and pulmonary Sarcoidosis due to interferon. At weel 5-7 w/Solvadi had severe Allergic reaction. Symptpms: extreme persistant diarrhea, coughing w/very sore throat, and uncontrollable severe itching producing blister-like sores in the shoulders, mouth ulcers. No fever or red throat. Throat "blanched" whitish w/small shiny papules. (Granuloimas Esophagus? ) Still having itching, sore throat, diarrhea 10 days after stopping tx. Anyone else out there w/ same problems?

Adding this drug to my treatment did in four weeks what it took a year to to do when I went through treatment eight years ago and the virus was back in six months. Normal side effects, fatigue, itching, aches.

ribaviran sovaldi. in 12 weeks no trace of the hep c. viral load came back negative. side effects headaches slight.

I've had HCV since 1973. This is my 5th go round on therapy since 1999. I'm a four time non-responder, can't even get on a clinical trial!I cleared the virus in 6 weeks, but will continue for a full 6 months. All I can say is keep supporting HCV research, it's working!!

Hep C Geno type 2. On week 11 of 12. Taking with ribavirin. At six week lab virus was undetected. Insomnia is my worst side effect. Rashes, itching and irritability and tiredness. A miracle drug in my book.

I learned I had Hepatitis C when I enrolled in the VA health care system. I have been through 4 different drug combos to get rid of it since 2006. Pegylated interferon with ribavrin, recombinant interferon and ribavirin, bocepravir with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. With all these, my hep c returned before the end of the treatment period. I am now taking sofosbuvir, pegylated interferon, and ribavirin. After 4 weeks the virus was undetectable, after 8 weeks still undetectable. I now have three days left of my 12 week regimen and I think I am finally going to beat this sob. As far as I am concerned, sofosbuvir is a miracle drug. I am fortunate that the VA picked up the cost of my treatment. Yes, it's expensive....but I base my judgement on the fact that it worked. After going through hell four times, I think I have finally won the war.

again in combo with olysio this drug has dropped my vl to 12. this is more than I expected. very pricey but help from Gilead worked with helping me. vl after 10 weeks.

It's a great medication, but the side effects are sometimes horrible. FATIGUE, INSOMNIA, Now for me I felt Overwhelmed at times.

this is a drug I have been waiting for to come on the FDA approved list. this medicine so far has made my life a lot nicer. I am in in stage 3 so we are very happy with this treatment

I started treatment on March 4th of 2014. I do experience fatigue with general tiredness. I sleep more than before and get a few headaches with this med's. March 31 I will be getting my labs done, praying this virus will be gone!!!

Minor headache, nausea, itching, first two weeks intermittently. After two weeks fatigue but nothing not manageable. 10th day labs showed lfts normal for first time in over 30 yrs. No detected First vl 7th week! Taking 24 weeks with ribavirin only as Dr determined not eligible for peg interferon. Currently 9th week.