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Generic Name: Thyroid Tablets

Brand Name: Nature-Throid

Nature-Throid Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took this drug for three years with great results, but it became very hard to find. When it became easio to get, it didn't seem to work as well. TSH and T4 are both too low. I feel like a zombie now. Something changed and I can no longer recommend.

I started taking the medication immediately after I was diagnosed with Hashimoto and after a month and a half my hormones were balanced out and all symptoms GONE! I hope I continue the same way

I take both Levothyroxine and Naturethroid (it's one word) to replicate the natural amounts of T4 and T3 that my body made before my thyroidectomy. Since I have been optimized beyond the poor reference range suggestion, I feel much more even. I have other autoimmune diseases, it's important that I maintain a good thyroid level. It helps that I have a doctor who really understands hormones well. Endocrinologists don't see amenable to the fact that we all have different needs and a small variation in our thyroid levels makes a big difference in how we feel.

Works great! Needed a new drug after 15 years on levoxyl, which was no longer effective for me. Been on Nature-Throid for 2 months now and Iâ??ve appreciated the ease of ingestion. No side effects except a 2 pound weight gain.

Could not get a low enough dose with Levothyroxine without skipping a day and taking 1/2 another day. I am over 70, and find 16.25 the perfect daily dose of Nature Throid. I feel wonderful!

levothyroxine and liothyronine caused me extreme pain within half hour of taking. switching to nature-throid did not cause any pain and my well being has improved tremendously

This medication is a dream come true. My only complaint is the heat intolerance that I have now. As well as waking at night, not sweating, however, extremely hot. Definitely not hot flashes as I have already been thru that.

I have been using Nature Throid for 3 years. I switched from Synthroid, no longer wanted to put synthetics in my body, and it improved most of my symptoms, but I am still losing hair and have hung on to the 40 extra pounds. Overall I recommend it.

I am pleased with this medication (Nature-Throid) because it has given me more energy and less brain fog. While I am still tired upon waking, I no longer need a nap in my car at lunchtime just to get me through the day. I am still cold (except for these darn hot flahses!). After two months on this med, I decided to take it at night before bed. This gave me an improvement over the morning dosage. Negatives would be an initial hair loss and my skin breaking out as if I were a teenager again.

I read through some of the comments on here and I would like to agree with majority of them. I have been taking this for about 5 months and it has helped in ways I didn't think it could. I feel great. Since I started on it I have lost over 30lbs when I thought there was nothing I could do to lose this weight and now I am. I know this might be a little much for some but I'm now getting regular menstrual cycles which is great because now it gives me hope on having children when I thought it was going to be next to impossible. My hair is no longer dry and itchy and just a long list of other changes its made in my life. I'm so glad I was prescribed this. It's like my little miracle pill.

After trying many forms of thyroid medication, i was finally able to feel good and loose weight.

it has really helped my symptoms and I am feeling back to normal again.

I have only been on Nature Thyroid 48.75 for 2 days only, How long does it take to effect my levels, I had another blood test did this morning, I did not take a pill this morning before I had another series of blood work done for a second opinion to see if I really am hypothyroid.will it effect the results?

I have Hoshimoto's Thyroditis. I tried Synthroid with no changes, finally found a doctor who would listen and prescribed Armour, which I took for about 3 years but when I became pregnant the effectiveness wore off. So he switched me to Nature and I couldn't be happier. I take a large dose of 4.5 tabs a day of the 62.5mg strength but I finally feel like a "regular person" after almost 10 years of suffering.

My doctor just switched me over to this. I am having a miserable time adjusting. My hair is falling out, I have gained almost 10 pounds, and have NO energy. Am looking for help fixing my problem. Change of diet or anything that can be suggested. My old medication quit working so needed to change.

Switched from Armour Thyroid to Nature-Throid because NT was 1/2 the price. I had high hopes, however after 6 months my TSH went way out of range (27) and I had severe sweating and general malaise. Went back on Armour and am fine now. Having a very hard time finding a doctor to prescribe my Armour though as my PCP refuses to prescribe going forward.

very effective for me i was taking armor thyroid doctor switched me to natures throid like it

My underactive thyroid went undiagnosed for years. I was taking 7 pills (1/4 grains) a day, but now, four years later, only need 4 pills a day. I have read that synthetic pills can actually make hypothyroidism worse.

I didn't realize how really bad I felt on synthroid until the doctor prescribed Nature-Throid. What a world of difference! I have energy for the first time in years. I've been taking it for 1 1/2 years. One pill a day - 2 GR. Thanks to my endo for realizing synthetic doesn't always work!