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Generic Name: Tramadol Hcl

Brand Name: Ultram

Ultram Drug and Medication User Reviews


I have had 2 lower back surgery's and have had cervical fusion 3 levels of my neck from a car accident and a spinal cord injury all went well I took many different medicine all in the Vicodin category my last surgery for my lower back was 2004 when i recovered I did not need any pain medicine and have not taken any until about 3 weeks ago i started having pain i my lower back and down my leg and in my ankle it became sever so i needed to get help the dr prescribed Tramadol 50 mg ever 12 hrs I took it for 8 days and i did nothing but sleep I would sleep all day and all night i would fall asleep eating going to the bathroom while talking in the shower i could not stay awake for 5 min it was very dangerous for me but i did not have pain i stopped taking it yesterday I finally woke up this afternoon and the pain is not as bad I see the dr tomorrow then i will take it from there.lots of luck from the rest of you i think it was just me.

I was prescribed Ultram for pain after a horrific kitchen mishap resulted in half the skin being torn from the thumb of my dominant hand. The drug afforded me absolutely no relief from the blinding pain, but did keep me awake and vomiting for the day and I half I lasted before throwing it in the trash. In my city, emergency room doctors will not prescribe narcotics for pain under any circumstance, lest they be accused of enabling addiction. As a result, clean-living people who NEED temporary pain relief are prescribed utterly useless drugs like Ultram/Tramadol. Nearly two years later, my finger is still healing and when the pain flares up as it occasionally does, I take Aleve. It's criminal to sell a drug that is overwhelmingly useless in the majority of cases in which it's prescribed. If a doctor gives you Ultram/Tramadol, pick up a bottle of whiskey on the way home. Odds are the liquor will serve you better than the drug.

I take Ultram for back pain. It does have some side effects such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. I have been on it for one week now and the side effects have dissipated. My pain is manageable when taken with Advil.

I took this medication under the name of Tramadol HCL 50mg, once by IV in the hospital, after having a hysterectomy. It gave me a flushed red face and neck, did not take away the pain and made me so dizzy and nauseous, I could not eat. I took it again for pain in tablet form a year later, prior to going to bed, thinking I wouldn't experience the symptoms. Unfortunately, my system did not digest the pill, while sleeping; I went to work and was dizzy and nauseous for about 2 1/2 hours. This pill is an opiod, and I would not recommend it to anyone. It did not work for me for pain.

I am one of the fortunate ones. Ultram works really well for controlling my chronic back pain and I'm told it is a non-narcotic. I have taken Norco for 5 plus years but now Doctors are under a lot of pressure not to prescribe adequate amounts of narcotic pain relievers to ease suffering. I still take Norco also but have been able to cut my daily intake (of Norco) in HALF since I also take Ultram. I should specify that a year ago I was given Ultram for a severe ear infection with unbearable pain. Ultram did absolutely nothing for my severe ear pain. But for my chronic back pain, Ultram has been a life saver!

Enabled me to come off oxycodone. Didn't t completely relieve pain but 100 mg helps a lot. Does keep me awake at night unlike the condones.

I have been on this med for over 16 years. IT has been a God send for me in dealing with my pain. I have been prescribed other meds but this was the answer. I have taken some other more heavy duty meds but felt they were too much for what i needed.

This medication is best taken early in the pain cycle and I do have good relief. I can take it during the day without drowsiness.

I have had 5 surgeries on back and neck also have fibromyalga,when I take at night to sleep Im awake most of the night and my legs jerk all the time,will be talking to doctor about something different

I have terrible pain throughout my entire body. Ultram helps a little, I have to take Advil with it. I do not want stronger medication, as I had it before and became addicted to it. Pain can wreck your entire life, I am proof of it.

What a garbage medication! It's a complete waste of everything! The 'research' that went into it, it's manufacture, the money it costs to buy it... Everything! If I had known what I had been prescribed, I would have told them to keep it and I'll just take Ibuprofen, as I would have gotten the same, non-existent relief without the added cost. This same drug was prescribed to me some years ago for sciatica pain, and it was garbage for that, as well... Maybe it works for Sleep-Walking Zombie people, but it doesn't do a thing for a real-live person like me...

I have been on ultram/tramadol on and off since 2007, it doesn't take away all the pain, it merely cuts it a bit so I can function and not focus on the pain all the time. I take it more so because it helps with my depression and anxiety somewhat. I really don't want to take anything stronger though due to the fact that I have kids that I need to function for them. Also as of October 1st 2014 it changed from a low grade opiate to a Narc. Which is kind of ridiculous. I would suggest Tramadol to anyone that has consistent pain, that need something to get by.

I have used Ultram on and off for some years. I've also taken strong opiates however they caused dependency. Ultram makes me dizzy and causes horrible ringing in my ears. Wondered if I'm the only one with these side effects.

I was prescribed this for back pain. I had shingles and was left with nerve damage. It helps. It does not take my pain away completley but it helps. It is additive. I try and not take more than 3 a day. I do have a stimulator inplanted in by back also for pain. I do not like taking the med however it does help. I can function with my daily activities to an extent.

Ultram is one of the weakest pain relievers that actually requires a prescription. It is a joke. Over the counter Ibuprofen works MUCH better. Don't waste your money. If you have real pain and this is all your doctor gives you then you should find a new doctor that will take your pain seriously.

I have peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I don't think this drug is particularly effective, however it's all I have. I take it when the pain becomes bad enough that I can't concentrate on anything else.

I was wondering if the ultram caused constipation once I stopped it abruptly. My kidney function was decreasing and the doctor told me to stop it at once.

This medication has not helped very much at all. I have chronic pain; fibromyalgia, arthritis, and recently injured rotator cuff. My Dr. has given me Ultram tohelp with the shoulder pain. I understand pain medication is not the answer for fibro or arthritis. Other remedies, such as exercise help much more. Trying to concentrate on the shoulder the Ultram has not helped much at all. I am waiting for my Dr. to schedule surgery on my shoulder. I waited two months to go to the Dr. about my shoulder and the pain was unbearable.

I have been taking Ultram for about 10 years and have been very satisfied with the results. Not all of the pain is gone but at least I can function now.