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Generic Name: Triamterene

Brand Name: Dyrenium

Dyrenium Drug and Medication User Reviews

Mother went to a hospital with an acute bout of diverticulitis.Eight days later she came out of hospital. She was incredibly weak and taking three diuretics a day and two blood pressure meds. One month later, she hit ER with SEVERE cramping through body, a potassium level of 5.7 and spent daily trips to hospital and PCP for aggressive Tx, labs,and diligent scrutinizing of metabolic panels. BTW: med was contraindicated due to stage 3B kidney failure; PCP missed hospital report that stated that she was taking three diuretic pills a day (one was furosimide)and it took a month and Mom showing me the indentations that didn't leave her fingertips and a hospital visit or two - more actually - and at least three Doctors from the clinic to begin turning this around. Being on this medication dropped her GFR to 23(rather than ~36ish it had been previously running). These numbers are according to the Comprehensive Metabolic Panels used to evaluate and monitor her condition.Her BUN shot to a whopping 48(healthy range being 8-21mg/dL); creatinine climbed dramatically to 2.11 (rather than the recommended 0.44-1.03 mg/dL);and Potassium to 5.7, at which point it is quite notably dangerous to both heart and kidneys.If I had not Mom to the ER for the dehydration and pain (for which the ER Doc was at first annoyed with us being in the "emergency room" for cramps and directed her to "drink tonic water"), I really think I would not have her with me today.

Started drug to remove fluid from ear instead ended up with a diagnosis 6 months later of renal failure. Creatnine, BUN and Aldosterone levels went through the roof and doctor was going to put me on dialysi. Research showed me it was more likely the meds and got off. Within two weeks, renal levels are getting back to normal.

Took one pill had started having leg, calf, foot and hand cramps after 12 hours.

have had leg cramps, raw-feeling stomach and indigestion since using this medicine one week.

side affects...dizzy...rapid heart...light headed...it redused fluid...stoped taking to many s. affects 4 me..

horrible leg/calve and foot cramps

the side effects brought me to the emergency room and no one dedected that it was a side effect of this medication!