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Generic Name: Triazolam

Brand Name: Halcion

Halcion Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed 2 pills for a dental procedure, I needed fillings. I have an issue with anxiety and panic attacks, that sometimes stem from not being in control. With that being said, I dont like taking medication. After much debating with my brain, I took one of the pills, an hour before my appointment as instructed. I straight away had panic while waiting for the pill to kick in, at no fault of the medication. I would say this went on for about 30 minutes. I remember that my heart rate did eventually start to slow down, Im unsure if this was the medication or just me getting over it. I could tell that the pill was starting to work because if I moved my head or eyes around, I felt a little off balance, but if I looked straight ahead and walked, I was fine. I got to the dentist and sat down in the chair. I felt ok. I was awake and aware of everything going on. I did have a conversation with the dental assistant about something I heard on a podcast that my sober self would consider inappropriate to be discussing, but yeah. I had my fillings filled. I felt like I was there for less time than than I actually was. And afterwards, my husband and I walked to the car, I got in, and we went home. I took a 4 hour nap, approximately, and I woke up feeling great. Looking back, I dont remember seeing anyone's faces at the dentist. And even though I was aware and awake and know everything that happened, its still a bit fuzzy. But I have to say, being an anxiety riddled person, especially about not being in control, this medicine worked well. What anxiety and panic I had wore off. And I was able to follow through with my dental appointment. And today I feel relieved that I have a solution in the future for dental work versus having panic attacks and anxiety.

I have had sleep issues for over 40 years. Started self treating at young age with melatonin AS I aged the issue just got worse. Did and failed a sleep study. Was up all night. Came back for repeat sleep study after taking Ambien. Was able to sleep. Problem with ambien was well known and documented side effects. Almost cost me my marriage. Tried the other class of drugs and the only thing that has worked consistently with no side effects is Halcion and the generic Triazolam. It has given me a better quality of life.

I developed stress-related insomnia in college and this is the only drug that would work for me. I tried everything else - ambien, lunestra, and they left me drowsy but not asleep. Halcion is fantastic - I get to sleep and have no hangover effects in the morning. The only problem is that doctor's don't like to prescribe it.

I was introduced to Halcion/Triazolam in the early 90s. Have been using it off and on for almost 30 years. The issue with this medication is availability. it has gone on back order for more than a year at a time. Several times over the years. Now I understand it has been taken off the market entirely! My life just went to hell in a handbasket! I've tried every concoction known to man, but Halcion was the only one that worked for me!If anyone knows where there might still be some in stock, would be grateful to be informed.

This works BEST for me. I am a 45 year old woman of medium build who suffers from occasional insomnia due to hormones and typical daily stressors. I take half and it knocks me right out and keeps me asleep and I feel energized the next day. Never groggy or depressed like some sleep aids.

My Goddaughter used this med. That night she tried to commit suicide!!!!!! DO NOT USE THIS MED! I used it once after a surgery and had the most bizarre dreams of my life. STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG!!!!!!!

I took this before a dental appointment since I have severe dental phobia. I took it about 1 hour before my appt. I remember the ride to the office and going in, but then things are fuzzy. It really helped with my anxiety, because I do not remember much about the appt. I think it really worked and I will take it again. I acted normal and was able to function, but I just don't remember what I did. It seemed like it really took effect during 1-3 hours after I took it. I basically slept for about an hour after I got home, so the feeling lasted for about 5 hours for me. I will continue to use this when I need dental work done.

I have been using halcion since 1999 for severe sleep problems.My dose varies between .25mg and .5mg . I have try various other RX meds non as effective. Help to get you to sleep and sleep approximately 4 hours .Can cause some prolonged tiredness and sleepiness.

I have had chronic insomnia for about 10 years and have found Halcion 0.5mg h.s. at bedtime to be the most effective drug for my insomnia. It is, in my opinion, a "second-line" option, and I think all other medications should fail you before this is given, The most formidable problem is actually getting a doctor who is willing to prescribe this drug. You need to have a long standing relationship with your doctor/psychiatrist before (in my opinion...and mu opinion only) that they will prescribe this for you

i have a severe form of insomnia called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome,and .5mgs (2 pills) of Halcion puts me to sleep quickly and doesn't give me a hangover effect. I've tried ambien, restoril, doral, serax, klonopin, etc and all were either useless or left me drooling on myself the next day- Halcion is really potent medicine, but it's helped me live close to a normal life for 10 years

This is the only sleep medication that is effective for me. When I start having long spells of insomnia or restless nights I wind up getting stress related cluster headaches. After between 1 and 3 nights of taking Halcion I'm well rested and the headaches are gone and I can stop taking it until the next episode.

Oral surgeon prescribed 2 tablets to be taken in his office 45 minutes prior to procedure due to my anxiety about surgery and denial of insurance company for general anesthesia. I remember nothing from shortly after taking the pills at noon until the following morning. My trusted friend said we went out to lunch after surgery and I ate pancakes,paid my bill, and was completely normal appearing. We went to Walmart where I filled an RX for pain meds,paid for my stuff and no one would have guessed anything was off. I didnt stumble, slur my words or behave at all inappropriate. Yet the following morning when I woke up, I had no recollection of any of those activities. I would highly recommend this. The scary part is it would be so dangerous in the wrong hands, but my dentist was extremely responsible in having me have someone drive me, "babysit me" and not take the meds until I was in the dental chair. In fact they wouldnt even allow me to sit in the lobby with my friend as I waited for the pills to take effect. I find it amazing that my surgery went so well and am so grateful to have had this drug available to me.

I have in all my life had trouble going to sleep. Since I was a kid. When about 30 years of age I tried diffrent insomina tabletts. Some work and I felt terrible the day after. Some didn´t work at all. Then I got Halsion or Trazolam and my Words I have slept like log. Beuatifullt and no hang overs in the morning at all. I am a women and now I am 70 years of age and I have had this tablett since I was 30. I take 0.25 mg and I have never had to take any more. This is the best tablett of them all.

My dentist routinely sells surgeries with hidden parts- and uses triazolam to hide the scary, risky parts of the process. I remembered a surgery- and commented on how very different it was from the sales pitch- I was immediately dismissed as a patient. It seems that the amnesia was NOT an optional part of his practice- but part of him covering himself. He doesn't work on people with memory of it - he uses triazolam.

I have used Triazolam for 15 years. I split the tablet, take half before going to bed and half in the middle of the night when I wake up again. Never an after effect in the a.m. I do wonder about the long term effects of taking it, but can't seem to find any info on that. At this point I also wonder whether it's very effective for me, but I have tried lots of other sleeping pills and nothing works, so this has been the best for me.

Due to chronic insomnia I have been on sleep medicine since I was five years old. I have taken virtually every sleep medicine and halcion has by far been the best for me. About thirty minutes after taking I get a nice fuzzy warm feeling and can easily drift off to sleep.

I get terrible headaches from this medication. It made me drowsy, but the headache is also in my eyeballs. I had to take it before a dental procedure. I am not taking it ever again, and I plan to mark my "history", as not being able to take halcian. Klonopin works better for me, and no headache.

This drug was given to me almost as a last resort. It is my understanding that it is meant for short term use in hospital patients. I found it much more gentle then Xanax, however after 6 months it stopped working. Now that the Xanax has once again run it'd course I am, with my doctor's permission, switching back to the halcion. I have found that this worked for me in the past.

This is the third night I have used the drug. I wake up after an hour or so and cannot get back to sleep. My insomnia is worse. I also have a bad headache but am wary of taking anything for it in case there is a drug interaction. Can't wait for the night to be over.