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Generic Name: Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole

Brand Name: Bactrim

Bactrim Drug and Medication User Reviews

I (18F) took this for acne, and I was prescribed to take one DS (800/160) twice a day. I was nervous to take both since I saw the reviews and didn't know if I had an allergy to sulfa so I only took one tablet at night. I saw some improvement but not much for 2 weeks, and since I didn't have a reaction I took two yesterday, and turns out I'm allergic since I have swollen lymph nodes, rashes, flushed/swollen face, aching limbs, the worst sleeping experience, and almost fainting. I asked my doctor and my mom (an RN), and apparently sulfa allergies are common. One plus though is I noticed more acne improvement if you ignore everything being red and I can barely turn my neck from my swollen lymph nodes. I've also been using Winlevi and Arazlo for my acne (to not much success).

I’ve been on this for two days. Making me speed with heart palpitations. Insomnia

I took 1 pill immediately after picking up from pharmacy and within 10 min I began to itch like crazy while driving home and I broke out into welts all over where I was scratching and hives on my face, neck and arms! This was terrible and I had to take an antihistamine as soon as I got home and I also had to call the answering service for my doctor to return my call and thankfully she did pretty quickly and sent in another antibiotic. Good luck with this medication!

Ended up with a UTI for the first time, after being properly looked at I was to be put on this for 10 days. Due to being bad with pills I had a liquid dosage version which meant 40mL in total being taken each day (20 in morning & 20 at night). Upon first taking it I did notice some nausea, but I could handle that. However, after some more time of me taking it the nausea grew more severe. I developed headaches, light sensitivity, random bruising, lymph node swelling, and absolutely worst of all on day 8 of my treatment I woke up having an allergic reaction. My arms and legs were covered in hives and only spreading. My face was red as if I had chemical burn alongside the outside of my ears. After going to urgent care they informed me it was an allergic reaction and I was given a steroid shot and put on antihistamines for the itching/hives. They as well told me 7 days would’ve been enough, so why 10 initially recommended? Even though my UTI has cleared up the effects I’m dealing with have seriously turned me away from this drug. DO NOT TAKE THIS.

I only took this medicine for 3 days and ended up in the hospital for irregular heartbeat hallucinations and body pains. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. This drug should definitely be illegal.PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!!!!

Within 2-3 Days I saw a Massive improvement in my condition. I also did NOT have a single side effect. Great Antibiotic

I had horrible acne on my legs/butt for more than 15 years (32 now) my derm put me on bactrim (1 tab/day) and this is a miracle. I had no more pimple since i started bactrim. i tried every single treatment for acne, a looot of cream/lotion .. it cost me so much money. Do not read to much commentary, try it and it will change your life. Trust this

Came back from cancun mexico and a bug landed on my leg at some point. Thought it was a mosquito bite went we got back to the usa. It started to take over my leg and was peeling my skin away. It was staph/MRSA. This worked great took for 10 days and it cleared up. Felt hot and nauseous but it was worth it.

I cannot possibly express how much I am telling you to RUN...not walk...AWAY from this horrid HORRID antibiotic. Side effects included MASSIVE VERTIGO SPELL, HEALTH PALPITATIONS, RANDOM DIZZY SPELLS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, ANXIETY. And let me add...I ONLY TOOK 1 FULL PILL twice, and for 3 days after that, 3 HALF-PILLS twice a day. For a total of JUST 5 FULL PILLS. Thank GOODNESS I did not take the recommended 14 pills. My heart was beating so fast and hard, and so irregularly that I had to have my doctor come to my house not once, but TWICE. I was terrified, as I am a very healthy person with ZERO health issues. I broke my finger and urgent care prescribed this garbage. I am SO sorry that I took this. After about 3 months, my heart is FINALLY getting back to normal. Stay AWAY from this horrific drug.

I slammed by finger in a door and crushed the nail and got a hairline fracture in my finger tip. As a "precaution" I was told I needed an antibiotic by Urgent Care. I am allergic to penecillin...and have not taken an antibiotic in about 35 years. I was given a script for Bactrim. I am so sorry I took it. It not only gave me horrific vertigo, it also gave me anxiety, and now, horrific racing heart rate that is continuing after I stopped taking it. I was supposed to take it for 7 days...I had to take a 2 full pills and then cut them in half....the vertigo was not fun. I only was able to take this in total for 4 days. I am so sorry I took it....my heart has been racing ever since, and my skin feels like it is on fire when I am in the sun..and STILL does and I have been off of it for over a week. This stuff is poison

I’m really not sure how this “medicine” is still on the market. Had a UTI, ate around 8 pm then took only one pill around 845-9 pm. In the next hour and a half, I started feeling nauseous and had lower back pain with cramps. I then started having hot flashes and chills, to the point where my teeth were chattering. I was in such discomfort and I couldn’t fall asleep till 4:00 am. I am a healthy 28 year old woman with no pre-existing issues and this is the worst reaction I’ve ever had. I called my gyno’s office first thing and the on duty doctor couldn’t believe what I was saying. I told her to look up reviews on this site as well as others. Thankfully I was given Macrobid, which I’ve used in the past, and will be fine. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.

Took this for prostatitis at 2x a day, by day 5 my eyes became red and painful, I started seeing floaters in my field of vision. Never again

Side effects I experienced after one dose: fever to 102, chills, nausea. After forcing myself to take the second dose because I didnâ??t realize I was having a reaction to the drug, I threw up 3 times, despite only having eaten rice, applesauce, banana all day. Two days later, I still feel tired, headache, nausea, even though I only took 2 pills.

I got MRSA above my lip and it was moving up my face toward my eyes. Primary doc sent me to hospital and I ended up there 5 days getting IV vancomycin (sp?). They sent me home on generic Bactrim as a precaution and I made sure to finish the course. MRSA is caused by people using antibiotics unnecessarily! If your doc or clinic gives you antibiotics for every cold or flu you have, change doctors. They are prescribing antibiotics just to shut you up, even though their overuse IS what has created antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA and streptococcus (flesh-eating disease).

I took it for a UTI, I developed a reaction on my feet first and thought it was bed bugs as I had moved into a dorm. Then my eyes swelled up and I had hives all over. Eventually my eyes swelled so much I couldn't open one eye that's when I realized it wasn't bed bugs and just have been the medicine. I stopped it for a day and the hives died down. Thought it was safe to take again, the hives and facial swelling came back worse.

I was prescribed Bactum for a UTI. (Later found out I didn’t even have) I took one pill at 8AM and by 10:00am my whole body was itching unbearably. My eyes turned bloodshot red and my vision became extremely blurred!! I was terrified!!!! I could not see and I’m itching!!! I had to go to urgent care, get a steroid shot and I have another steroid pill to take. I’ve been taking Benadryl to help with the itching. So mad I feel like fighting.

I broke out with a rash just after day 10 - it was sudden and scared the heck out of me! I had a million red spots covered from head to toe (neck, stomach, back and legs were the worst) I went into the clinic and told me to stop taking it right away. So apparently I am one of those 3% with a Sulfa allergy. The funny thing is the nurse told me she also has an allergy to it. I then told a coworker about it and she also had an allergy. With my followup appointment I asked about the small percentage of patients affected-- she told me it is rising and is much higher than it used to be (related it to the kind of rise we're seeing in gluten allergies) No reason! So if you get a rash - stop taking it! Day 1 rash recover- slightly better, fewer red spots on ankles and feet. Day 2 - much improved, fewer on shoulders/neck and lower legs were cleared. Day 3 - Thighs are starting to clear as well as back/stomach. My temperature never went up during this process and thankful I stopped it in time!

I took sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim for 1.5 days and stopped when the pain in my hips and lower back started. Then later fever and chills, weakness, jaw stiffness, minor headache and neck ache, then overnight, severe diarreha and nerve jolts shooting up from my hips. The next morning my thighs ached, like it was moving down from my hips, minor head and neckache, ribs felt sore. I still had hip pain and inflmmation and lower backache. I cried a little, feeling like this drug was killing me, not knowing what the heck was happening to my body, my organs. All this after only 3 pills in a super healthy, 57 year old female body. It has been 2 weeks since I stopped this awful med and still have hip pain but no inflammation. It stops when resting and and worsens if I exercise. These and other's symptoms are not the allergic reactions or side effects listed for this med., they are far more severe. I also read today that organ can start 1 to 2 weeks after starting this drug (webmd,com). Why is this drug on the market???!!!!

After taking bactrim for a uti i have had nothen but problems. First sore throat . then got a rash only on my arms that did not itch. Then i started feeling nausious. Chest heavyness like slight hard to breath . then the anxity attacts and feeling hot . headachs worrying fear somthing was wrong made things even worse. Went to er 4 times couldent find anything by bloodtest. Foggyness. I thaught i was dying and would google everything wich made things worse. Im still having real bad anxity and the rash is still on my arms. Not feeling myself at all. Its been like 4 weeks and i still dont feel right. Ill never take bactrim again ever. All these syptoms started right after i basicly finished the med. Now i guess i have to deal with these symptoms because the er prob thinks im nuts. Ive never felt this way ever until i took this med . and i hope these symtoms will go away soon because this is horrible.