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Generic Name: Vardenafil HCl

Brand Name: Levitra

Levitra Drug and Medication User Reviews

Interestingly, I find 5 mg works better for me than 10 mg. My erections are just as good but the climax feels stronger! Strange..

For me it works great with minimal side effects. Flushing and a little nose stuffiness. Nothing else. I take 10 mg

I am 71 years old; started taking this 10 years ago; good full erection every time I take it - love that; use 10 mg; minor flushing of face and also minor indigestion; take at least 45 minutes after eating; takes effect after 30 - 45 minutes; I can get hard again after around 5 - 6 hrs and up to 12 hrs after taking; don't usually ejaculate a second time.

Late 60s reducing ability to have firm erection and no intention of giving up sex life just yet! 20mg Levitra takes about an hour to be effective. Strong, big erection which lasts and for the first time in years I am able to 'perform' 3-4 times in a night which makes me very popular with women. And in my case, able to do it again in the morning, about 12 hours after taking the med. So well satisfied.

I was failing to maintain my erection so on medical advice take Levitra 20mg.You need to take it about 1 hour before needed, and as it says on the packet, you need 'stimulation.' Once it is working, my erection is as big and firm as in my youth and the girth has increased. Other advantages are that I last longer and can repeat as many times as I/my partner can manage over the next day or so. So very much recommended: very little side effects mild headache etc but part of that is very much more active sex.

Did nothing at all for me.

I can get but cannot keep my erection. I am in a very long standing and good relationship so the condition came as a surprise. I have taken Levitra 10 a number of times but the result has not changed at all. I have taken two tablets at a time and still not experienced any results. I am in my early 50s and have never experienced ED before. With no change while using Levitra I am really worried. I can think of know possible reason for experiencing ED. Not sure if there is something else I can try.

I used Viagara for about a month. I used the 100mg and it worked one out of four sexual encounters. Tried Levitra about a month ago, works way better than Viagara for me. I take the 20mg about 2 hours before sex. Amazing results! Had extremely hard erection and intense orgasms! Two hours later ready to go again and had extreme erection with great sensitivity and orgasm. Next morning...the pill was still working, had sex three times with orgasm in a 10 hour period! Very mild side effects compared to Viagara with some flushing, slight headache, dry mouth and stuffiness. I have used this Levitra 20mg for three separate occasions now and had great results thus far!! I think cutting the pill in half will be next as my partner is tired after the first or second round and with the 20mg you are good to go for about 12 hours!

I took a 20mg Levitra an hour before activity. But it only gave me 60%erection. I am 65. Any suggestion?

I had anal cancer 3 year ago and am now cured, but the radiation treatment left me with impotence. I tried Viagra and also cialis, but had dreadful eye pains and photophobia, so my doctor asked me to try Levitra. The difference has been amazing, no eye problems and I can even have sex with the lights on without problems. I started with 5 mg and after 20 mins I was very flushed in my face and neck, also my heart was beating fast, but no chest pains. I had proceeded with foreplay 30 mins after taking the drug, and got a good erection through the the activity, I had a terrific orgasm. Afterwards the flushing and palpitations went away, but I noticed difficulty with urination for a few hours after. I usually go the bathroom lots after drinking water tea or coffee, but this time, I drank water and tea but didn't feel the need to void. When I did go it took a while to start, but was not painful. Interestingly I never read this problem in the side effects, so I wondered if any one else has experienced this side effect. I am an otherwise very fit and healthy 69 year old.

I had no issue getting an erection. My problem was keeping it hard. Levitra changed that. I take it about 45 mins before sex and right on queue I'm ready to go. My partner and I have had the most wild sex using this. She's incredibly grateful. I have the 20mg and just cut it into 3-4 pieces and it works fine for a solid 2 hours of sex. Pun intended. Over $300 for 8 pills is crazy but cutting into 3 or 4 pieces helps a lot. Warning: the only time it hasn't worked was after I made a hog myself at the Chinese buffet. Works best on an empty/not full stomach. Also, I take ibuprofen at the same time and have no headache, only a very mild stuffy nose.

After trying samples of various ED drugs, I found this to work the best. Since it's expensive, I cut 20 mg pills in half and it works just fine. Everyone is different, and my problem may not have been as severe as others, so you need to find the right minimum dosage that works for you!

I routinely suffer from ED due to psychological reasons (being nervous that I won't be able to get an erection or stay hard). Started taking .25 pill (5 mg) levitra about 30-45 mins before sex and IT WORKS! I now get fantastic erections and have even stayed hard enough for anal sex! I am also now able to get it up a second and even third time during a 60-min period. Love it! I should mention, however, that it doesn't help if you're feeling other emotions during sex. For example, I was pissed off at my partner during one encounter, and even though I could penetrate her vaginally, I was not hard enough to do so anally.

It works OK, and I feel no side-effects.

It helps me to become excited, but I don't get an erection. But I doenjoy making love to my wife.

Biggest complaint is that it is expensive. Over $20 a tablet. I cut them in two which cuts cost but still effective.

I have been taking Levitra (10mg) for over 4 years and am very satisfied. I am 75 years old and my wife and i have sex an average of 2 times a week, sometimes 4 or 5 times. I have no side effects from the medicine and would recommend it to anyone who needs help in getting an erection. It is quite expensive, but not too much for the pleasure it brings in being able to make love (have sex) to my wife whenever we want to. I buy the 20 mg tablets and cut them in half and that cuts the price per use in half as well. My wife is quite a bit younger than I so this really works well for us.

Doctor gave me a sample pack of 5 pills. The first pill knocked me out within 30 minutes and I slept all night. I took the second pill two nights later and was sound asleep in 30 minutes. When I awoke the next morning, my ankles felt like they were on fire due to severe swelling. I flushed the rest of the pills.

Unable to sustain an full erection and having an orgasm is more difficult since I started using Levitra.

Always works well. Sometimes a headache.