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Generic Name: Vemurafenib

Brand Name: Zelboraf

Zelboraf Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am taking zelboraf from 18 months ago. I has have brain tumor with BRAF mutation. The tumor disappeared after 9 months from the start of treatement. But i want to know when i can stop to take zelboraf and if i stop zelboraf is the tumor will be appear?

I have had cancer removed from my throat and have to crush this Zelboraf which is not recommended it has worked as soon as four weeks. I only take two every twelve hours and have had some itchy rashes which I stop taking the drug for two or three days. I have one tumor go from 13 to 8 in size in this short time. I am losing some hair, but the drug does work. I was on Keytruda for three years until it stopped working.

after 2 months on this drug she ended up bed ridden for 2 months with 3rd degree burns over 80% of her body still recovering

I felt like a new person after just 2 days on this medication! I am still feeling that way after 5 weeks. After a few weeks, my skin began to change as we expected. I already had "bumpy" issues with my skin. It was just cosmetic and herditary. Now I have to moisturize twice a day to reduct the "Itching" of the skin. My hair has changed texture and is a little thinner. Other than that, I have had no side effects so far. I cannot complain as I am feeling so much better. Before I started taking it, I was becoming very ill from the cancer. I had nausea, pain, fever, etc... I have never been on radiation or chemo. This is the first medication I've had for my metastatic melanoma. I feel so blessed to have this extra time with my family, and I am blessed to feel so much better.