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Generic Name: Warfarin Sodium Tablets

Brand Name: Jantoven

Jantoven Drug and Medication User Reviews

Seems difficult to maintain INR in acceptable range.

It has caused constipation even though it's not on the list of side effects. Eating habits have changed as well with intolerance to grains as well as not eating as much salad due to taking this medication.

I have had dizzinesss, weight gain, increase in blood flow from periods.

jantoven is taken to prevent the possibility of stroke from AFIB. The only side effect for me is bruising on my arms from leaking capillaries. My INR readings are stable even though I drink alcohol and take cranberry extract. I don't understand the connection with cranberry which I've been taking along with many other supplements for years.

this medication has rat poison in it

Loud pounding in my ears.Like blood is going though my vains and I can hear it. I have a new brand I am taking now.Been on it 2 days

I do not like all the breakouts I have been having. I do not like being on this medication and would definitely like to get off, but also do not want to have a stroke.

blood in uine why is this a side or could be cause?

I have taken coumadin or warfin in the past and both worked fine but jantoven makes my blood too thin

it seems that jantoven is stroger than warfarin. I tend to disply a high inr and my concern is that I also displsy hemotomas. My fear is a potential cranial bleed which could result in coma or death. doctor doesn't relate inr #s to me in a timely manner.

blood test 3.6 today last month 2.5 my dr. told me do not take pill today and halv tomoroow


I have only been on Jantoven for 10 days---have been constantly nauseated since starting it---I mentioned the nausea to my cardiologist and he didn't seem concerned

I have been on this for four years and had no problems. It is the first blood thinner that has not given me problems. I can not take coumidian because it can not be regularated.