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Generic Name: alemtuzumab

Brand Name: Campath intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This drug has been a life savor for me. All other treatments failed . I'm on my second 12 week treatment in 10 months. The first 3 weeks were the hardest. I had all the side effects. After that they all went away . My blood work its almost perfect.

I am in a drug trial for this medication, for Multiple Sclerosis. Ms wise...Only one relapse in 6 yrs. Downside...after 3rd round of this drug, horrible joint pain. Joint pain, started after first round in 2008, last round round in Sept 2013, joint pain, kicked into high gear. This drug stays with you, for years, after dosing.

I received Campath twice after having a kidney transplant. The drug lowered my immune function and worked, but had some lasting effects on my bone marrow, and these effects have lasted for six years, overall a good drug though

I took this in an Multiple Sclerosis study. Very effective for MS. No relapses in 3 years. Disappointed it has caused some dental issues and some hearing loss. I'll take the partial hearing loss over a relapse any day.

My friends MS is in total remission!

great drug, the right step against multiple sclerosis. my ms was very active before i took this, was having a relapse every few weeks but god has given me a 2nd chance at life and its been 2 years and have not had 1 relapse..

I love this drug. I used Campath in an experimental study for Multiple Sclerosis. I haven't had a relapse in 4 years since taking this drug. I would go on it tomorrow if I could. I give Campath 2 thumbs up :)