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Generic Name: amitriptyline-chlordiazepoxide

Brand Name: Limbitrol DS oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have used this since 1982 and it has definitely helped me. My doctor at the time said that it was the best thing she'd ever done puttin me on this medication.

I felt fine the first week. Then the second week my depression got so bad for no reason, I was having nightmares and horrible thoughts. I stopped the medication and stated a organic diet and exercise routine. I also started hemp oil , now 1 year later I love my life and never felt better. I even went rock climbing with my friends.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I was given this prescription to help me get a good nights sleep. I have Rheumatiod Arthritis so getting comfortable at night to get to sleep was very hard for me let alone staying to sleep!!! I had tried Ambien which put me to sleep but did not keep me asleep! This medication does both and as soon as I shut my eyes I'm asleep until I wake up!!! Appr. 7 hours....

I woke up one morning and thought I was having a heartattack it was panic attacks and ater living with it for 6months a doctor gave me limbitrol and it worked within the first week I was able to take of myself and my child.Before the medication I couldnt even live by myself.No side effects and it was a wonder drug.And helped me to get my life back.I have never heard of another doctor prescribe it and I dont understand why.I know about 4 people that has battled panic attacks and I know that it takes over your life.I was never depressed.I was a 20yr old full of life when it struck me.My final word about the medicine is it is wonderful and I was use it again if needed.