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Generic Name: amoxicil-clarithromy-lansopraz

Brand Name: Prevpac oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

On day 4 of the treatment, so far so good! Have the occasional nausea and metallic taste in mouth, but positive thinking! Side effects are normal and it's controllable. Over halfway, 3 days left! Also my stomach is always growling... not sure if that's down to an increased appetite due to the meds. If it is, then I am happy because I've lost a lot of weight due to h.pylori.

Within two hours of the first dose (and after eating a giant bagel) I was in excruciating pain. A wave of nausea came over me when I was at work and I slowly moved to the closest couch in my office and was curled up in a ball crying, unable to move. One of my co-workers found me and called the pharmacy, their only advice was to drink some water. Great. I couldn't go home immediately because I didn't want to embarass myself throwing up at work, on the way/or in a cab, so I rested in someones office until the worst was over. I took the next dose at night and woke up sweating with a terrible battery acid taste in my mouth that lasted the entire two weeks of the medication. It felt like long troll nails were scratching the inside of my stomach. I took the day off and I found a Zofran my mom had given me. She pressured me to take it even though I was scared but it instantly took off the edge. I don't know how I made it through the rest of the treatment: INTENSE nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, confusion, bad taste in mouth, extreme exhaustion, insomnia, mouth sores, red eye, just living in a general fog. I reached out to my doctor who was also no help. Through research I found that probiotics helped keep everything under control. If I test pos again I'm going to try DGL, Mastic Gum, and Manuka honey instead of going through this exruciating treatment again.a

beware and be ready to feel like your dying. pounding heart, muscle weakness, horrible taste and stomach pains. Symptoms kicked in on day 4 and I stopped taking. waiting to feel like myself again before taking this stupid cocktail that seems to not be too effective.

I was so scared to take this due to the alarming reviews. I finally tool the plunge (took me close to two years to summon my courage). I am extremely med sensitive and have to take baby doses of all meds. Obviously, this is not doable with this treatment for H. Pylori. My GI dr said to take pepto bismo during the treatment - 2 hours away from taking the prevpac. Aside from some bad taste in the mouth (which is nothing to whine about) and fatigue the first two days, I had no discomfort, nausea, pain, side effects, etc... It was a breeze... I tested negative for H. Pylori 6 weeks after finishing this course of meds. I wish I had taken it when I was first prescribed it. Nothing to be scared of. Go for it.

I been taking this Prevpac for about 8 days now and i must say its not what people are saying. i was very scared to take this the first day but i did it. Day 1-2-3 was the worst days OMG but it did help Day 4-5-6-7 just a nasty metal taste in your mouth Day 8 Women Problems lol make sure you drink allot of water and Cranberry juice. I must say ever since i been taking this meds. i feel allot better and i feel like its working im able to eat and be full and relax all night with out any pain. the only thing i might feel is back pain sometimes and Bad diarrhea yes be prepared to eun to the bathroom but other than that its fine. 14 days seem long but its not just do it and walk around with some candy lol.

For the first two days, i was feeling nauseating.. but after that it was gone.. But then onwards, with my meals, i feel an urgent need to go to loo.. black diarrhea after lunch and dinner everyday. Heart rate is high during bed time with anxiety levels higher. Not sure, if i should continue eating this med.. :(

I was prescribed this medication about 5 years ago and I had refused to take it up until a few months ago after reading the horrible reviews and statistics/likelihood of the infection coming back didn't convince me either. I finally decided to take Prevpac a few months ago because I was hoping it would take care of the "burning" feeling i was recurrently experincing. While I was on Prevpac, the burning had subsided, and despite what I had read in many of the reviews, aside from a few stomach aches, the medication was tolerable. I even managed to maintain my normal workout - running 7 miles a day, while on it. However, it wasn't until after I finished the medication that I began to deeply regret ever taking it in the first place. First, let me just say I've eaten yogur and tried every probiotic possible and I will, unfortunately, say that I don't think I'll ever be able to get my stomach back to normal. It's been 3 months since I was on the medication and I still cannot take a normal bowel movement and feel bloated and gassy 24/7. Perhaps the worst part of it all is that I still tested positive for H pylori 8 weeks after the treatment. My gastro wanted to put me on Pylera which is even more pills take more often daily to which I said No way in hell! More than 60% of the world has this bacteria and live with it just fine. My advice: unless you really feel like them symptoms you're having are intolerable and you're 100% sure that it's related to H Pylori, spare yourself of this misery. Chances are you'll only be benefitting the pharmaceutical industry and doing yourself and your body a great disfavor.

I am on day 2 and with other reviews, the terrible metallic taste in your mouth is nausiating. Feel tired and hard to sleep at night. Don't understand the side effects.I have taken 4 500mg of amoxicillin prior to going to the dentist and have taken clarithromycin for an infection after a root canal, with no problems. Will start eating pribiotic yogart to see if it stems nausia.I hope this is worth it.

This regimen was easy to take, and I had no side effects while on it. Took it with food, and had NO problems following a very strict adherence to a schedule. After 14 days, I had numbness and tingling in my mouth and tongue, but they went away. Unfortunately, my breath test came back positive. I was stunned. I had H.Pylori in 1999, and was treated with Prevpak at that time, but no retesting was done back then. Found a specialist in H.Pylori, and has me on Pylera now. I am on 2nd day, and having side effects already. I am praying this works.

I am currently on my 4th day (out of 14 days) of the Prevpac pills that include a total of 4 pills (1 Prevacid,1 Biaxin and 2 Amoxicillin). These pills have to be the worst experience I have ever had. The first day I took the AM and 12 hours later the PM, I did not have any symptoms. However, beginning day two through today I have had every side effect contributed to this treatment - nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, body ache from neck down to my legs, congestion, loss of energy and loss of appetite, disgust towards food, and restless sleep. I am not sure how effective this treatment is since I am only on day 4 but I am hoping these side effects are worth it and will cure the H. Pylori. I must say that the H Pylori symptoms were not as traumatic as the side effects of this treatment has been. I hope I can get through the 14 days, and I hope the medical world can come up with something better than this to treat H. Pylori.

The Prepac is ridiculously expensive, with a retail price of $600. I had my doctor write a prescription for the two antibiotics, bought the antacid over the counter, and paid $120, without insurance. My side effects have been the typical metallic taste in my mouth, headaches and sweating.

The prev pac will be very expensive about $700, my doctor gave me a good idea of buying all three medicines seperately which cost me a total of 150/- for non-insured that is a great deal - pantaprazole and amoxyllin is available as generic, Clarythromycin is 70/-


My tongue became reddened with painful burning gradually over five days.

Difficult to rate since I haven't had the follow up to see if H Pylori was negative with follow up test. Ironically, I had no symptoms except for occasional heartburn. (who doesn't) The first five days were the worst with nausea, and metal taste. I'm on day 10 and can't wait! My saving grace was that the pharmacist said I could take the antibiotics with food as long as I too the Prevacid on and empty stomach. Certainly helped! A routine endoscopy (since I was having a colonoscopy I gave the "go ahead" for the endoscopy) where the H Pylori was found. I wonder if false positives are possible since I don't have any of the stomach symptoms others described.

I tested positive for h pylori after symptoms of pain and burning. In retrospect, I may have been infected for years (after reading other people symptoms). I'm on the 3rd day and feel completely exhausted. Worse than I felt prior to diagnosis. I am not queasy- but have had the runs in the morning. So far so good during the day. I bought VSL#3 probiotics and started taking them today. Everything you read on line about these drugs is terrifying so a couple of my symptoms may be pscyhosomatic. I want to comment on the people who have been on multiple courses of these meds- according to research, you cannot take a blood test 2 weeks after treatment to determine if you are still infected as the antigens will still show up in your blood. You should wait 1-2 months and submit a fecal sample. That is the only true way to get a true result. You may be taking meds for no reason. Also, the strange side effects- seizures, tongue and mouth sores. According to the info given with the meds, you should contact your dr immediately if you have any of those symptoms.

I was nauseous for about 3 months and my doctor diagnosed me with a minor h pylori infection in my stomach. About after the second day of taking the Prevpac, I started to experience minor absence seizures. In these absence seizures I experienced a kind of zoning out and "waking up" again. My friends and family said I seemed completely conscious, but I would not remember certain short periods of time. I would have these absence seizures about 4 times a day, within about 2 to 4 hours of taking the medication (morning and night). Knowing that I had not ever experienced this until after I started the Prevpac, I went to my doctor and she said that it was most likely not the Prevpac that was causing this. She referred me to a neurologist, and the neurologist said to IMMEDIATLY stop the medication, even though there was a 1 in 200 chance that it was causing it. The day after I stopped the medication, the seizures started to decrease in time and in quantity a day. Right now I am not experiencing anymore absence seizures.

I thank all the reviewers for their particular insight. Prepared accordingly but no nausea, no diahrea, rashes, headaches unexpected reaction. Have been exposed to antibiotics before and similar side effects. Kudos for drinking with milk or liquid yogurt. Plenty of water during the day. Light meals and plenty of fruity yogurt. Yeast based and bacterial probiotics three hours after the pill package is a great help. A brisk stroll before sleeping was also helpful. A sedantary approach induced the bowl activity. I am confident the result of eliminating the nasty intruder will help with the cronic heartburn.

I posted the review here on 5/22/12 when I was on 6th day of taking Prevpac. After completion of the 14 day therapy of this drug, the better taste was gone. But, starting from the last 2 days of on this drug to this day, I have been feeling nausea, weak, lower back pain and stomack disconfort. I was a very healthy & active person, and I was not on any prescription drug before I started taking Prevpac. I regret having taken this drug solely based on the Urea Breath test. How reliable are the breath tests?

I told my doctor about my dry mouth during an annual routine physical. He gave me a blood test for H. Pylori. The result was inconclusive. Then he gave me a breath test which was +. He perscibed me the Prevpac. But I do not have any of the symptms of stomach ulcer caused by H. Pylori. Since most people with H. Pylori have no symptms and I don't want to have the high risk of getting cancer. So, I decided to take it. I am on the sixth day of Prevpac. I have experienced bitter taste since taking the Prevpac. I don't know if it works for me or not since I didn't have any of the symptoms of this ulcer before I started Prevpac. My dry mouth seems worse after taking Prevpac.