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Generic Name: antipyrine-benzocaine

Brand Name: Auralgan otic (ear)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Fabulous stuff! Mom used on me when I was small and I used on my daughter when she was small. Avoided so many ear infections!

Used to have chronic middle ear, always relied on Auralgan and if really bad, Actifed and Antivert. This combination helped but the room spinning and nausea takes awhile to go away, so give the bed your attention for a short few days.

My mother use this on my as a child and I used on my daughter who was prone to having bad earache ....truly reliable ... would use it again and again when and If I had grand babies ....this stuff has been around forever ..I highly recommend it , I use to warm it in a glass of warm water before using it.

Dr. prescribed for my son when he was 2 and had an earache every week. Helped his pain very much. penicillin twice and hasn't had earache since. He's 41 now. I have always had very bad ear infections and Auralgan helped me too! I can't get my Dr. to prescribe it. Only AB Otic which doesn't help. They tell me it's the same thing but I'm not that stupid. Not the same at all! Need some relief!!

I have used these drops Twice and still no wax or pus or anything has came out of my ear ...

was wet and cold. why doesnt it come warm. my ear still hurt

A true "lifesaver"!! Nothing like having your little one wake up in the middle of the night, screaming with ear pain. A few drops provide pain relief for several hours.

i am 63, my mother used it on me dozens of times, i used it on my 3 sons and why dont docs use it now. It numbs it quickly ahhh, the pain is gone

Auralgan works well but is unbelievably expensive, $298 for about 15ml of benzocain. There s a similar generic, A/B Otic for about $30.

The cost of over $280. at CVS was prohibitive for a senior citizen.

i have 7 children 2 of which have had major ear problems (infections, tubes) i have used this medicine numerous times for them and it works VERY VERY WELL!! definetly recommend this medicine to anyone with ear pain.....i also have the doctor give me some of this every time just so i never run out at home!!

Remember, there is the "NEW" formulation for Auralgan which is $200 or so, and the "Old" formulation is now the Antipyrine & Benzocaine Otic Solution ($12). If your Dr writes for Auralgan, the same med written for for years thinking you are getting the generic, it is no longer the same thing!! Make sure your Dr. knows you want the A/B Otic or Antipyrine/Benzocaine otic. The New formulation has those two plus two additional ingredients (acetic acid & an astringent). There are no studies saying it is better. Stick with the old stuff. Hope this helps. (Drs. are not always aware of this & don't know you are getting a $200 bill.)

great med, it is costly, all, but wal mart has it on their $4 medication list, get it filled at wal mart

I used this as far back as the early 70's do not remember it being expensive.. the simple ingredients don't seem to warrent a $200.price tag. What's up with that??

I used this for my children from back in the 70's My pediatrician told me never to be without it as children inevitably will get a bad ear ache in the middle of the night and it will get them through til you can get to the Dr for an antibiotic. Cannot tell you how many times it saved mine and my kids from a painful sleepless night .I even used it on my dfog once and it worked!! I swear !!

I used this medication. It cost me $55. Somebody mentioned in their review an old generic formula. Can you please post here that formula? I used it once for every three hours. Great releif.......

I had an bad ear infection secondary to a sinus infection. This relieved my ear pain immediately! Little difficult to put drops in by myself, but its doable. Price is high - my copay was $80, but to me it was worth it for the relief it gave!

This was given to my son for his first earache/infection along with amoxycillin. However, it was too expensive at the pharmacy costing $200. It was given to him at the doctor's office and took effect immediately.

My doctor prescribed this medication for pain in my ear. I was surprised how well it worked. No side effects. It is difficult to instill in ear by yourself. I recommend having someone do it for you. Also, my doctor told me to keep the medication in the fridge. The medication works better if it is cooler. Hope this was helpful.

Important Information! This medication, which has been available in generic form for a very reasonable cost for years, has recently been reformulated so no generic is yet available. At the pharmacy I went to, it cost over $200. I called a pharmacist I knew to gather info. She called my doctor and requested to use the older formula; my doctor readily agreed. The pharmacist noted that most doctors are unaware of this change. The first pharmacist gave me no info except a generic was not available.