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Generic Name: asenapine maleate

Brand Name: Saphris sublingual

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

DID NOT WORK. Complete nightmare. Literally made me have hallucinations when I did not before.

I had bipolar (hypomania diagnosed 20 yrs ago.) No medication required. Mood swings predictable and managed by stress management and self awareness..Happy in spring followed by a crash by January. Working as busy health professional with great family and personal relationships till. 8 yrs ago With overwhelming stressors I became manic and decided to take myself for 10 days time out.Holiday by myself Stopped when I saw a psychiatry sign. Thought i could ask about any new medication options. Should have gone to the pharmacy.instead !!!!!... He panicked and called cops and ambo and in 5 minutes. I was abducted and forced to stay in a psych ward for 10 days instead of desparately needed rest. Given Saphris. was on it for 7 years. numb and dumb. And initially more suicidal than ever before, Later I see suicidal throughts was a known side effect. No one told me. The psychiatrist didnt notice. Years later I read it was not known what could happen after 3 months of use!! No one suggested counselling for the trauma of an involuntary commitment when you already feel out of control. I gave up trust in my self awareness and self perceptions. And was too embarassed to return to work.I ended My Career along with my social life and any pursuit of joy or goals. Because of this 10 day period I underwent. Cant say what role saphris played. I think it might be an adjustment disorder ??. But I certainly had no motivtion to even pick up a CD in 7 years let alone look in the mirror.. And didnt really care. Felt totally incapable of dealing with anything. My husband did Everything. & years later major stressors mounted and I spewed anger till I had trauma treatment. Massive incapacity and worthlessness.

I tried this medication only one day and it caused my blood pressure to be so low, I had a seizure. I’m not writing this to say the medicine is bad, I know it has worked well for people I know. Just please be aware of any physical health issues beforehand and know the signs of overdose. I could feel the medication already working an hour after I took it, but after 6 hours, I had this reaction. Please let your doctors know if you have any of the health problems listed in this medication page.

Iâ??ve been on Saphris for 8 years!! I gained 50lbs and havenâ??t had sex or thought of it in 8 years. My body doesnâ??t smell right. I got bad hemroids from meds. Iâ??m dead inside in so many wAys. I can sit and stare into space for hours. Iâ??ve wasted 8 years being dead. I thought this was ok...thinking meds were working but they were slowing me down where I lost all my dreams for the future.

I am excited to find this website I was paying almost $2 a pill from canada. Now 30 10mg tabs saphris only $6! Awesome.

I only took one dose and soon after had akathisia and difficult breathing and talking.

My doctor put me on this to help me sleep. He said this is like seroquel on high. He told me to take this with Benadryl. I was really confused by this, but I did it anyways. First night was great fell asleep in 15 minutes. I didn’t like my whole mouth going numb though. I woke up the next morning feeling great. I didn’t feel tired or drugged out for the first time in a long time. I didn’t take a nap all day either. The next night I tried taking it without the Benadryl, and things didn’t go well. I didn’t get sleepy at all and I waited an hour. Then I went ahead and took the Benadryl and went to bed. The next day I still felt good. A on going problem I started having was my hands and feet would start to go numb out of nowhere. It would like 15 to 30 minutes. Then on the 3rd and final day I woke up with the driest mouth ever! I thought I will just drink some water, and I will be good. That was not what happened. I chugged water all day long at work. Nothing helped. It felt like a desert in my mouth. I am no longer taking it. I can’t deal with all that. My doctor gave me something else to help me sleep I pick it up tomorrow. I am glad to hear that it has worked for a lot of you.

Saphris was working great for me, but noticed it was eating away at my gums. I was so upset, because I called it my wonder med.

Back when I was 13 i was given this med and set off to school with my parents thinking I'll be fine. I got to school and was giggling with my then foster sister and all of a sudden i wasn't able to move. I had my then foster sister call my mother because the office lady didnt like me and wouldnt let us use her phone anyways my then foster sister set me in the office where i felt like i was drifting off... My mom showed up saw me first glance and rushed me to the emergency room. My heart stopped my mom was worried i was going to die. I was admitted to the hospital. I guess I had a allergic reaction and they told me if I had a stronger dosage i wouldn't have made it... Its sad that one pill can take a life. Anyways i know other people who have been on it and said they didn't like it. So 1000% wouldn't recommend.

I am experiencing many side effects like TD I am having problems with speaking, swallowing and chewing I think that I will take a different drug

I find it difficult to open and have felt a little itchy since starting if. Otherwise, my sleep has improved incredibly: from 16 hrs/ day to 8-9 hrs/ night and my thinking is clearer. Overall, once you get the package open, it is an incredible med.

I think I would be in the mental ward if not for this medication.

I'm rapid cycling BP 1

Five years of 10mg

It worked well for my bipolar and it was effective for sleep but one of the side effects for me was tardive dyskinesia.

This medication has been a miracle. I take it before I go to bed, roll over and sleep a full 8 hours. If I have to get up to urinate I do not feel drugged and when I wake in the morning I am refreshed with no sedation feelings whatsoever. No delusions and no manic or depressive symptoms. I do take two antidepressants for the depression and they too work like a charm. For sleep alone this med is fantastic! I feel so normal thanks to this medication! I can live again!

Finally a drug that works for my BP-II. Taking 10mg. Once I take it, I've got 45 minutes before I'm out for the night. The tongue 'numbing' effect I get is annoying

Omg, what a life changer. The taste is not that bad, can't believe all the complaints. I have only been using one month but felt myself, alive, alert, happy, at day six. If this continues for me it will be my miracle drug after about 10 mishaps on other meds. Sleep is easy, dreams are amazing, not drowsy upon awakening.

Just started about five days ago. Taking 5 in morning and 10 at night. I have not had the numbness and to me it doesn't taste that bad. Makes me a little tired but still function fine. I was on limictal and had all of the side effects including the rash. Ended up in psyh. Ward for hallucinations. I was on a very low dose too.(25mg daily) this is not meant for bipolar and should be watched for these if used. If rash appears go directly to ER. This is deadly.