special offer

Generic Name: auranofin

Brand Name: Ridaura

Ridaura Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have Lupus and Chrohns disease,no other anti infammatory has helped until i tried Riduara, My rheumatologist got a PA because it cost 1400.00 and now my copay is 40.00, it has even halped my fatigue along with my breathing, i may even start back at the gym in a few weeks!!!

This drug plus an nsaid has worked for me. Unforunately, has caused lung irritation with my copd. I would reccommend taking.

i take this drug for ashma it is helped 100% now i must stp because i am in the donut hole and it cost 375.00 for one month they have a grnerit but will not release it

i take it for asma and it has helped 100%

After trying several different medicatiohns, Ridaura has given me acceptable relief from my RA symptoms. It is easy to take and I am pleased with the results.