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Generic Name: azacitidine

Brand Name: Vidaza injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Diagnosed in 2/17 with MDS. On Vidaza for over two years! Over 240 injections in the stomach...24 injections for nausea in the hand and over 100 blood tests with no ill effects! Caught twice with my platelets down and needed a transfusion! Everyone is different...feeling fine at 75!

I tried this medication while it was going through the clinical trials. There was 31 of us on the trial. My bone marrow function went from 50% to 20% with one cycle. I was removed from the trial and send start to having a stem cell transplant. I thought I was going to die taking this medication. I have had 2 stem cell tranplants to date and I have been in remission for 7 yrs now.

diagnosed with amml 2015 - Jan 2016 given 5-8month life expectancy - complete my 10th cycle today! 3 month s ago placed on a 5 week cycle - have 190mg per day over 7 days. During injections experience nausea, dry reaching, headaches - some constipation due to nausea medication - some control with prunes & coloxyl & senna . 2-3 days after injections finish improvement in general well being headache rarer, nausea less - to the point where 1 week after injections have returned to some sort of normality - even allowing a 12 day fly/drive/van tour of central Australia in November 2016. Then the grind starts again!!!!!! Have to remember the good days to get through the bad ones!

I had low blood counts: WBC and ANC; RBC and hemoglobin, and platelets. Mild nausea after first dose of first cycle. I have only had one cycle and the drug is not producing results yet.

only slight nausea

This drug caused me to develop eosophilic pneumonia which, after only two treatments of Vidaza, almost killed me. It took a huge team of doctors (pulmonologists, cardiologoists and the whole hematologists) to bring me back to some semblance of normalcy. They took me off all MDS meds for three years. I've been okay for three years but now because blood levels have dropped due to a virus, they are wanting me to try another drug. Naturally I am very wary.

have AML, DR PUT ME ON VIDAZA HAVE BEEN TAKING IT ONCE EVERY 5 WEEKS SINCE DEC 13. Haven't needed blood or plateles since March 13. Have constipation issues and joint pain the week following chem and then I feel fine. Blood work looks great, but I will probably be on this drug for life, but if it keeps me alive I can live with that

I was transfusion free for 2 & 1/2 years on this drug. Wish it worked longer for me. Mild constipation was my only issue.

On cycle 3. Some constipation-mild. Dx: MDS. Hives and skin rash has been a constant problem since dx 3/12.

on 28 day cycle of infusions with vidaza. 7 days of infusions then 21 days without infusions. 1/2 way thru my 6th cycle. last blood test showed vast inprovement.feeling better. side effects: constapation and muscle pain frist two weeks then feeling good (normal) last 2 weeks of cycle

I have MDS this treatment has took me from 2 pints of blood every week to nothing . I have 3 shots a day for 7 days. My blood count is 13.8 from 7.5. Platlets from 20000 to 228000. Have been taking for 10 months. 1 week on 3 weeks off. I had a reaction but they are using steroids and benaydril no more problems.

i have severe constipation and severe mussel and joint pain but only after 7 sessions the side effect in not worth for fitting transfusion

I am on my 4th cycle, haven't had a blood or platelet tranfusion in 2 months, used to have every week, sometimes twice.white blood cells decreased somewhat, but my doctor is very pleased with the overall results. my worst side effect is soreness at injection site, redness and blistering, and constipation.

I'am on my 14th cycle,5 days consecutive hip injections (200 mg.) daily,then 4 weeks no injections.Side effects can be tolerated.I was diagnosed with MDS in 1998,low red blood cell counts is my main problem at present.I have had approximately 50 units of red packed cells.I have been transfusion independent for 12 mths.on Vidazza.

After 6 injections itching in various areas occurs most offenfsive is of the eye lids. Puss pockets appear in various areas of my body.

no effect

I just had 7 injections of Vidaza and I had no side-effect at all.. in fact a burst of energy for hours. And fine after!

Having cramps, frequently, and gaining weight. Is this from the Vidaza?

the patient has had extreme fatigue, weakness and constipation.