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Generic Name: azelastine

Brand Name: Optivar ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have used everything OTC and patanol..this is the best. Yes there is a mild stinging when first dropped in the eye and a mild distaste that comes and goes..but if you are or were suffering like I was it is soooo worth the mild side effects.

I have severe dry eyes due to medicarion. SOmetimes so dry I scratch my corneas. I use RefrshPM ophthamic ointment at night time and Refresh liquigel during the day. After one week of using Azalastime I developed this rost flu-like symtons and cough I have evr had. I already had my flu hot 2 months ago and my doctor said it was not the flu. The fever, cough and chills were casued by the eyedrops. Since stopping them the symptoms disappeared. I still use the Refresh dur to the dry eys symptoms, there is no medication, not even rstasis can cure that. I refuse to pay 80.00 a mont for Patanol when I tried my husband's and they did nothing to help the itching. It is something I have to live with until I can get off ht e pain medications after my spinal surgery. Who would have thought a drop for allergic conjunctivitis could cause such a horrible flu like symptom, not to mention the but=rning an d the bitter taste. Never had eyedrops like this is my life and I have had allergic conjuctivitis before. The FDA needs to pull this drop off the market, whe one is ill already and had a weakened immune system the flu-like sympptoms can be horrible. I was in the hospital for 2 days, all because of an eyedrop.

I have had severe allergies for years and am not able to use many medications because of side effects. This eye drop has dramatically helped me for the past 5 years. The reviews seem to under rate its potential value.

After trying every OTC eye drops for relieving my allergies (which aggravate my eyes relentlessly), I tried this and the severe itching and draining stopped. I did, however, develop the awful taste in the back of my throat.

It was a Physician Sample and would recommend it for sure!

I have very dry eyes along with allergies. I tries pataday and patanol and neither worked. When I start with this medication it worked like a charm. Yes it does leave a small taste in the back of the throat, but mine goes away. I also do not use this on a daily basis. I use it the most in the Spring and Fall. I also have to use refresh tears and Restesis on a daily basis, but those did not help the itchy and redness I get in my eyes. Optvar has.

By far the best eye relief yet!! I have had no side effects beside an initial sting, otherwise this works for me!

I have the absolute worst eye allergies and have tried pretty much every medication, all of which never seem to work. My doctor just switched me to Optivar instead of Patonal and I think I notice a slight difference. It burns a lot when you first put it in, but stops the pain. It also leaves a horrible taste in the back of your throat, which i have not been able to get rid of. But I will suck it up if that means my eyes will stop itching.

I found optivar to work well for my allergies. It helps my eyes feel better and most of all stops the red skin I get around and in the corner of my eyes.

Of the various prescription eye drops I tried for my eye allergies, Optivar was the one I liked least. I didn't seem to work any better than the others, and it left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. This, of course, reflects only my experience.

this worked fine for along with other drops tho. it did remove the pain i had from the burning in my eyes but left them feeling dry. so i applied an over the counter drop along with it after about ten minutes and that provided relief for hours

I did experience a headache and elevated blood pressure

it worked for me although a small bump underneath the lid at the top of my left eye appeared for a day or so. it felt like there was trash in my eyes.