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Generic Name: becaplermin

Brand Name: Regranex topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I haven't done any treatment because I can't buy Regranex here in Brazil.I'd like to know how I can buy on line, it doesn't matter the price. My doctor said me that this ointment would be very effective for the wound I have on my toe.Please, could you help me?

I have a scar, about 5" long on the inner side of my Ankle that frequently splits open. That coupled with Diabetes and having severe edema with this lower leg, has caused a lot of problems. After seeing Open Wound Care sepecialists (MD,s) for nearly 3 months and trying everything they could think of (Including weekly debridements without anestesia, they finally suggested Regranex. I got it (It is very expensive, but I am fortunate to have good insurance), 1 Oz $630. But, after using it, with a Gauze Pad, and the sticky Elastic Wrap to hold it in place, the open wound was closed in 4 days. I have since used it on 4 separate occasions with the same results. Yes there are some risks, but sometimes you just gotta do what you think is best. I did and it worked out for me. btw, I had a Basil Cell Carcinoma removed on the 6th of April, Related? I don't know or care.

foot ulcer would not heal even after vein bypass was done. In less than two weeks I could see the ulcer was healing. I am glad I paid $704, the insurance would not pay a cent.

I have had a non-healing venous stasis ulcer since Feb 2007. It gets down to a scab, then I go back to work, then it comes back again. I work for the State of NJ and my doctors have all said that I should not be wworking, period.I tried to retire on disability and after a state paid contractual doctor told them that I could work with this gaping hole in my leg, well, I have been in and out from work on several medical LOA's and still this quack doctor of theirs stands and swears by his ruling. I have had the same doctor since 2008 now and we are splitting hairs trying to try everything possible. I was applying Santyl for the past 2 years and now my doc has me trying Regranex. Monday Feb 21st 2011 waa my first treatment and I can tell you one thing that this drug does and that is burn the living hell out of my leg. I had the wound biopsied and though there was no cancer, there is MRSA, and this is my second test for mrsa. I have sores on my back and shoulders and now my skin is peeling off my back. I doubt that the Regranex caused this, but I am back on sulfa drugs for the MRSA.

i have a bedsore on my behind.... i got it when i was in the hospital recently having an overlapping sphincteroplasty and a rectocele repair... it is on my left inner butt cheek... the medication is helping this fairly large deep bedsore go away.....

My bf had a very stubborn diabetic ulcer on the bottom of his foot, of course, on a pressure point. The regranex was fabulous. We had struggled to heal this wound for almost a year. I would strongly recommend this product to anyone. It is expensive though, but for sure, for that last plateau of healing...it is the best I have ever used.