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Generic Name: beclomethasone diprop (AQ)

Brand Name: Beconase AQ nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This brand, is a cheap substitute that burns my throat and nose and mKes my asthma worse. It needs examining as I feel this is not safe for many people.

I have been taking Beconase AQ for around 20 years and never any side effects. I have tried several other options (Pills,Sprays) forced on me by insurance that would not approve it until other preferred drugs were tried. All the others were not effective or gave me bad side effects and also raised my blood pressure. At an old job the insurance never would approve it and I would pay the full price at the time because it was and still is the only thing that works 100% of the time with no side effects. I'm allergic to everything under the sun and year round take one spray each nostril at night for maintenance against animals, dust, perfumes, scented products, etc. Then spring and fall twice a day and sometimes on bad pollen days I will need to use the Max dose 2 sprays each nostril 2 times a day. This drug always has great success in keeping my nasal passages clear and stopping swollen, burning, and itchy eyes. Best product ever for me!!!!

I have used this nasal spray for over 25 years! I've tried other sprays over that period and always can't wait to go back to Beconase and am so happy for relief of chronic coughing, sinus drainage, and heavy chest. Not sure if long term (forever) is okay but I'm going to use it because it's all that works with NO side effects.

Used for post viral drip and has been remarkable in its effectiveness.

I suffer from migraines that are triggered by nasal allergies. This is the ONLY medication that works. If I use it every day for two months in the spring and every day for two months in the fall I am symptom free. No side effects whatsoever.

After 25 years of suffering and trying several oral over-the-counter drugs for my hay fever, a chemist recommended me to Beconase. I have never been so relieved. I am able to wake up in the morning knowing that I will not have to suffer from hay fever today or any other day. Marvelous drug, Beconase, with no side effect that I know of.

after two weeks of using the spray i had gaind 8 pounds mostly in stomach region also flatulent distension its three months since stopping and weight hasnt gone down yet never been this weight before

I have suffered from severe chronic allergic rhinitis since childhood. A caring, genius general care practicioner prescribed Beconase AQ for me in my early twenties. Beconase AQ was a miracle drug that changed my life. All allergy symptoms disappeared. The only side effect I ever suffered for 15 years was post-nasal drip immediately following an application. A few years ago my new doctor made me switch to Clarinex. Clarinex is terrible. It has awful side effects, particularly dizziness and drowsiness, and often does not cure the chronic allergic rhinitis. I will take a Clarinex, be dizzy and tired, and also still be sneezing and congested. I am desperate to dispose of Clarinex and get back to Beconase AQ. Beconase AQ was a wonder drug for 15 years and Clarinex is a an inconsistent pill with awful side effects that does not work for the last 3 years.

I had severe sinusitis for years...am allergic to everything in the state of Washington. With Beconase AQ, 2 sprays in each nostril a day, I am worry free!! Wonderful "drug."

My husband who has suffered all his life (54) from hay fever (We ALL suffer!), has used this drug for 2 seasons now and is over the top happy!!! He has virtually no symptoms from the allergy at all while taking this drug. He has to start taking it at least 2 weeks prior to symptoms appearing.