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Generic Name: benzonatate

Brand Name: Tessalon oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I almost died because of this prescription. Mostly Dr. error, but beside the point. This medication is paralytic and if taken with other meds that have a sedative side effect, DO NOT TAKE.

This medication does absolutely nothing for my cough. Also it has not made me drowsy like other people have posted.

This drug did nothing for me at all. I took a 200mg dosage and within an hour took a second. Didn't touch my cough at all. The breathing treatments they gave me at the hospital def. Worked better.

I had an acid reflux situation to the extent I had uncontrollable coughing. I went to a walk-in ER and the doctor discovered by X-ray that I had cracked four ribs from the coughing. He prescribed Tessalon 200 mg. Subsequent use has been very effective in ending the coughing.

Totally ineffective, was given this med in ER. Coughed all night, no sleep and I think this med gave me a headache on top of everything else.

Actually made me cough more.. I had to stop taking it.It did however make me sleepy which was a good thing... I was able to rest.... This Pill DID help my Mom when it was prescribed to her for which I am very grateful.

Unfortunately, this does nothing for me. OTC cough syrup is just as effective for daytime relief. Cough syrup with codeine is the only rx that gives me nighttime relief.

Dr gave me this medication to stop my cough from bronchitis and sinusitis. WORKS GREAT! Doesn't make me tired. I was finally able to sleep


this medication seems to make my cough worse. I do have copd

While on this prescription I have experienced no change or difference. However Tussionex (hydrocodone and chlorpheniramine) ® Pennkinetic® definitely does help and work.

After 3 days of the taking this at 200mg I continued to cough & even worse! Very disappointed!

3x/day for 3 days with upper respiratory problems. Not only did I continue coughing during the day, but at night the frequency and intensity increased frighteningly. Huge disappointment.

Coughed even harder. Used two days/nights, very ineffective. Called doctor for promethazine-codeine.

This medicine did not work at all for me. It made me cough violently and no sleep at all.

I took 200 mg 3 hours later no relief. I had high hopes but did not work for me. Unfortunately, the codeine cough syrup works the best so far.

They work GREAT!!! My first one stopped the cough!Seasonal sinus infection/post nasal drip, nagging, embarrassing, nonproductive cough spasms! Horrible! Nothing works but Tussionex, but that's too strong except at night! The new NP at my Dr's was about to prescribe codeine cough syrup (doesn't work). When I mentioned 'spasms', her face lit up and she asked if I'd ever tried Tessalon Perles. I had, probably 10 years ago, but thought they were off the market, forgot about them! Basically, they anesthetize cough reflex. Don't know why they aren't prescribed more. My husband remembers asking for them once, and his Dr. gave codeine instead! These are non-narcotic. Minimal side effects. Guess it depends on the type of cough, but this is a miracle drug for me!

I just came out of the hospital (4 Days) with some rather severe COPD issues. I was given this twice a day and it worked wonderful. I will use it again if needed.

This medication had an EXACT opposite effect than what it was prescribed for. It made me cough VIOLENTLY, so much so that I almost vomited a few times. Was supposed to suppress my cough so I could rest. I got NO SLEEP.