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Generic Name: bethanechol chloride

Brand Name: Urecholine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Bethenechol (generic) made by AMNEAL is the only Urecholine that works for me-since 11/2000.Buldging discs from L1-S1, lumbar spurring, discectomy L3-L5 1995. This med has AN and 573 on one side;totally effective! Take it 4x/day now.Older med for spinal column injury patients. Try different maker if you have problems. Not all alike.

It has me digest my food.

This med has given me my life back, I can urinate normally and I'm not running for the bathroom every 10 minutes. I can put up with some minor flushing and sweats.

The fact that this med can and does help with my stomach & bladder function is absolutely wonderful, though is was Rx'd for the stomach. One med for 2 issues, how great can that be.

I have been taking for about a week and have noticed fewer trips to the B/R and less of a problem traveling. I cannot tell if my bladder is empting better.

I don't go to the bathroom as fequently and when I do go it has decreased that feeling as if I still need to sit there longer. I know this drug has helped me.

I have to agree with the others this drug disintegrates very easily into a messy yellow powder. I have used this drug for five years and after increasing the dose from one per day to three, experienced most of the listed side effects. It is not worth the money to continue taking this drug for all the benefits I receive from it. The benefits are very limited and the side affects are not worth it.

I agree with the first reviewer, who complained about the flat yellow tablet which crumbles to powder very easily. I feel that it also makes my husband's urine very "milky" and thicker, as though it has a lot of sediment in it. I have NOT noticed improvement in amount of urine produced, either.

This drug has changed to a flat yellow pill that I've had nothing but problems with. It breaks easily and crumbles to powder, a very annoying problem. I only hope the maker of this medicine takes the time to correct this issue so others and myself can get the recomended dose of this messy drug!