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Generic Name: brimonidine

Brand Name: Alphagan P ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have open-angle glaucoma in both eyes--mainly right eye. Have been using Latanoprost, one drop in each eye once a day, and Alphagan P, 0.1%,in rt. eye twice a day. Since using Alphagan, I've been tired and sleepy much of the time. I have no quality of life, as I feel like sleeping most of the time. Have a bad taste in mouth when I wake up, sometimes have dry mouth. Also, my blood cholesterol has gone up a lot. I plan to ask my eye doctor if I can discontinue it or use something different.

Side affects are just intense- immediate sleep rapid heart beat,bad taste in mouth dry mouth-

It makes me so groggy I cannot work. Makes me so sedentary that I've put on 20 lbs. Negatively impacted my quality of life. I apply it lying down so as not to get it in my system. Still makes me groggy. My pressure is still high.

Its a bit spendy is my only complaint. Seems to work well. It was prescribed to counter the side effect of the Prednisone drops I needed to prevent rejection after my corneal transplant. Itching is a side effect of all my drops. To me itching is healing, however rubbing my eyes while sleeping has created some painful issues. It comes down to use it or go blind. Far as I know there is no generic.

Changing after six months due to changed vision (blurry).

Started w/ Timolol 3/2009. Switched to Dorzol/Timol2. Both did not work to lower my pressure. But the Dorzol/Timol2 put me in bed for ~3 months w/ extreme fatigue. After laser surgery on both eyes on 11/2011, I used Lotemax for 5 days. Now am using Alphagan P for 28 months 2 x's a day, and Zioptan for 24 months 1 x a day. Pressures are down from 21/21 to 16/17 - yea! Side effects: dry eye, mouth, dizzy / balance difficulty, muscle weakness, nearer poverty. (Manufacturer discounts available on their web sites.)

I thought Alphagan was fantastic after using Azopt. However after 2 months of use and pressure down I got very itchy, watery and uncomfortable eyes. Given Zaditen from chemist, they thought an allergy, no good then to optometrist gave me Thera tears still no relief. Then to eye specialist who said I was allergic to Alphagan. I was upset as this was lowering my pressure and easy to use. Back to trying other drops as I am allergic to quite a few.

I have trouble breathing, so tired all the time, can hardly walk 50 feet. Do not like it.

BP goes sky high when I use these drops .It has gone as high as 181/119.I am not taking it any more.When I go off of it for a couple days BP comes down so I know now it is the drops that is causing it.

At times my eyes burn. I use SYSTANE to relieve the burning

My Dr just started me on this drop to lower my pressure from 11 to a target of 7-9. Already on Cosopt & Zioptan (new), which is excellent, as it contains no preservatives that irritate my eye.

Started this when 1st diagnosed with open angle glaucoma. my eye pressure was 47. After using this it dropped to 30. BUT the loss of my vision was 75% (due to the drops!) I could no longer read- not even with a magnifying glass. I couldn't even watch tV because it looked like I was gazing through a smear of vaseline! I couldn't shop in any stores with bright lights because I could barely see to walk around due to the photophobia effect from this med. After 6 months of treatment vision worsened to where I couldn't make out faces of people standing 4 feet away, my eyes were bright solid red, itched like crazy and felt extremely dry. The prescribing Dr. said no prob- at least your pressure is down. My daughter hurt her eye & I went to her eye Dr with her- Her dr. thought I was the patient- he was so upset that my Dr would allow my eyes to be red like that- he saw me for free and performed laser surgey on me for FREE! 3 days after the laser surgery I could read again without even glasses! He took me off the Alphagan (which he said I was clearly allergic to, as many people are)My pressure dropped from 30 to 17 after laser surgery and being switched to dorzolomide drops. The benefits don't outweigh the negatives of this med for me.

Just began rx a few days. Have to consider laser for rx. If it works no more drops. Anyone have laser rx? Thanx in advance for sharing.

Need to relieve redness..what is recommended

I have had some issues like state dry mouth but also have some swelling of legs and wondered if this is indicated

Used for 1 1/2 yrs with 6 eye infections. Diagnosed in 2011 with Allergic Conjunctivitis due to Alphagan. Extremely toxic where 30% of pts. have this side effect.

this medication has done nothing for me but raise my blood pressure and increase my eye pressure.

Have been on Cosopt 3/day, Xalatan 1/day and Alphagan-P 3/day for at least ten years. have advanced glaucoma and it is holding it at bay fairly well. No problems with the Alphagan; makes me sleepy. Am supposed to use it three times a day, only use it two times because of the sleepiness.